LG - Sequencing, Double Layer, Twist... Heeeelp...

donyaaaadonyaaaa Alum Member
in Logic Games 46 karma
I am just not getting these down. Help!!


  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    Can you give us an example of this type of problem and how you would you go about solving it?
  • donyaaaadonyaaaa Alum Member
    46 karma
    I started drilling this week utilizing LG sections from PT 52, 53, and 54. I either get lost with my board set up or I get lost attempted to make inferences and split my boards. Something always goes awry.
  • allison.gill.sanfordallison.gill.sanford Alum Inactive Sage
    1128 karma
    @Shahbanou it might be helpful for you to get someone else's eyes on your work - can you pull some of these specific games and have someone (study buddy) watch your work?
  • AddistotleAddistotle Member
    328 karma
    Have you watched the logic games webinars? They are extremely helpful. Also, it's all about practice. If you're really stuck, you need to work through those 10 copies of a game! Time yourself with it, blind review it, watch JY do it, and if you're not going -0 and within the target time, do it again :) It will come with time!
  • leejayleeleejaylee Alum Member
    218 karma
    Do you have access to PT 1 - 38? Whether it be the old Cambridge packets or from somewhere else?
    When I started with LG, I started with the older PTs, and didn't time myself at all. I went for accuracy, how to set up games, look at ways that work for me.
    If you aren't timing and still having trouble, look at the basics of what JY goes through in the curriculum. I would say A LOT of the games can be done with JY's techniques with much success.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27896 karma
    So just because it's not stated, and because we should all be wary of missing assumptions...

    You've completed the curriculum right?
  • legal_namelegal_name Alum Member
    277 karma
    I can't imagine how many hours I've now spent watching JY's explanations, but I can definitely say they've payed off. You need to develop an instinct for the set-up. That comes mainly from solving many games and having the necessary experience in every game type. However, it's also learning to communicate rules effectively in a visual language (developing a code) similar to the way you approach your notations on RC. Most of it is covered in the basic logic translations discussed in curriculum but it helps to understand how a "not both" (A -> /B) rule can visually be represented as a box with those two items in it and a slash over it. Certain set-ups require that your representations of the rules are flexible. It's advantageous to use certain translations for certain games. Use JY's method: print ten clean copies for each game that you don't get perfect or understand. Watch the explanations at least twice.
  • donyaaaadonyaaaa Alum Member
    46 karma
    Hey guys, thanks for all your comments. Yes, I did go back to the curriculum and I started taking notes on some of the possible set up for LG.... it's helping a lot more to just take note of how some of these games can be set up in the first place. I think that is where my trouble started. When I would attempt to begin a game and not know how where to even start. I noticed most of you recommended printing clean copies and just doing some repetition, I will try that as well!!
  • donyaaaadonyaaaa Alum Member
    46 karma
    Also , where can I access webinars? thanks
  • dennisgerrarddennisgerrard Member
    1644 karma
    Accuracy come first. And do the Blind Review before watching explanations. I follow the LSAT blog schedule and increase my accuracy.

    Here's the link for webinar:https://7sage.com/webinar/
  • donyaaaadonyaaaa Alum Member
    46 karma
    thank you!
  • civnetncivnetn Free Trial Member
    148 karma
    Yeah, I hated these types of games too, so I know the feeling of frustration. I'll echo the printing clean copies practice. When I was planning for my prep, I bought all the LSAT tests, however I also found access to PDF copies of all the LSATS. I haven't even touched the books I bought. Instead, I bought an $80 black and white printer and 200 pages of paper. If I got a game wrong, I'd just print out 5-10 copies of the game and drill it over and over again.
  • donyaaaadonyaaaa Alum Member
    46 karma
    I just did exactly that tonight haha
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