PT60.S3.Q11 - a mass of "black water"

cacrv567cacrv567 Alum Member
edited July 2016 in Logical Reasoning 171 karma
I am having a hard time ruling out A. If black water comes into the bay ONLY once every two centuries, how can the conclusion be a comparative statement, saying that it did not reach the same intensity as last years?

I chose D under timed conditions, and because I couldn't really see how A related to the stimulus, but now that I have entertained the above thought, I'm having a hard time crossing off A.



  • daniel.noah.pearlbergdaniel.noah.pearlberg Free Trial Member
    70 karma
    Here's one way to look at it: If black water comes into the bay only once every two centuries, the conclusion could still be true- when black water last struck two centuries ago, it did not reach last year's intensity.
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    ^^ nailed it.

    Another way I quickly eliminated (A) is that the stimulus isn't making a relationship between the frequency of the event and the damage created - it's making a relationship between the intensity of the event and the damage. When I went through the answer choices, I crossed out anything that didn't have to do with either intensity or damage, which eliminates (A).
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