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aubaidabbasi25aubaidabbasi25 Free Trial Member
edited August 2016 in General 7 karma
Hi everyone. I am law graduate LLB. I want to ask few questions from you guys. Please share your view.

1. Do you think LSAT is requirement for admission in LLM?
2. What is the procedure for conversion of LLB into JD?
3. For international students what is the best choice, LLM human rights, LLM international Law or Corporate Law?
4. What is the criteria for phd?


  • Accounts PlayableAccounts Playable Live Sage
    3107 karma
    1.) To my understanding, an LLM requires a JD, so you'd have to either be out of law school or complete it as a part of a dual degree in law school.

    2.) To my understanding, an LLB is an undergraduate degree. To get a JD, you have to apply to law school and fulfill all the admission requirements associated with that (LSAT score, completion of undergrad, etc).

    3.) Depends what you want to do for your career. LLM human rights is probably very different from at tax LLM or a focus on corporate law in a JD program. I know quite a bit about tax LLMs, so I'll talk about those: tax LLMs are a dime a dozen, so unless it's Florida, Georgetown, or NYU, a tax LLM doesn't differentiate you from most CPAs. Again though, the value of an LLM depends on your career aspirations.

    4.) This varies law school to law school and on type of Phd. For example, Yale requires you have a JD to do their law Phd. But, if you want to do a Phd in math, finance, economics, or anything other than law, each department/university has it's own selection process.

    Hope this helps.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @aubaidabbasi25 I saw that you had messaged me about this question earlier. But @"Accounts Playable" nailed it.
  • AlejandroAlejandro Member Inactive ⭐
    2424 karma
    You don't need the LSAT for an LLM degree. Many LLM candidates are lawyers from outside the country, and they don't have to take the LSAT to apply.
  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    1278 karma
    ^^is true if you do it internationally, but if you want to do an LLM in the U.S. then you have to have a JD first.

    A friend of mine did her LLB and LLM in Egypt, and then she came here and did an LLM in the U.S.
  • LsatbreakingnewsLsatbreakingnews Alum Member
    edited August 2016 392 karma
    Bruh this is the wrong place most of aren't even in law school... Best thing is to do your research on your own.
  • Matthew524Matthew524 Member
    651 karma
    @Euthyphro you have committed a flaw in your reasoning. Just because we aren't in law school does not mean we do not have insight about the questions he asked.
  • LsatbreakingnewsLsatbreakingnews Alum Member
    edited August 2016 392 karma
    @Matthew524 said:
    @Euthyphro you have committed a flaw in your reasoning. Just because we aren't in law school does not mean we do not have insight about the questions he asked.
    lol and you made an unfounded assumption I never implied that we are completely uninsightful...The point of my post is that an LSAT forum is not the best place to research your LLM.
  • LSATislandLSATisland Free Trial Inactive Sage
    1878 karma
    @aubaidabbasi25 There are some forums only focused on LLMs that you might find helpful as well - e.g.,
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