someone can explain why the answer is D.
I understand why A, B and E are incorrect. I got down to C and D but chose C and I'll explain why.
D makes an absolute conclusion. It says, "It is therefore unavoidable that the level of vehicle safety will not be optimal." In other words, "Vehicle Safety WILL NOT (absolute) be optimal." Our stimulus however, makes no absolutely claim, instead using the word "overly optimistic (unlikely)"
I read through the Power-score forum and the admin was attempting to claim that D did not make an absolute claim. I just can't get behind this.
I realize that C ends with a conditional. But it's still a correct conditional that parallels what we see in the stimulus.
Feeling frustrated because this makes no sense!
The argument in the stimulus relies on modus tollens (P→Q, ~Q, therefore ~P) with one implicit premise:
P1: stabilize inflation → econ growth decrease
P2: econ growth decrease → full cooperation of world leaders
Implicit P3: ~full cooperation of world leaders
C: ~stabilize inflation
The argument in (C), however, is of the following form:
P1: optimal decision → examine all options
P2: examine all options → delay presentation
C: optimal decision → delay presentation
As you can see, there's no implicit premise in (C), and the argument doesn't rely on modus tollens at all. Rather, the argument in (C) is a hypothetical syllogism (P→Q, Q→R, therefore P→R), and this is a completely different argument form.
For completeness, here is the argument form for (D):
P1: safest vehicles possible → objective structural tests
P2: objective structural tests → huge cost overruns
Implicit P3: ~huge cost overruns
C: ~safest vehicles possible
A very quick way to see why (D) is a better answer than (C) is to note that (C) is an explicitly valid argument. However, without the implicit premise we've assumed for the stimulus and for (D), the arguments are explicitly invalid. Thus, (C) is not parallel to the stimulus.
The Stimulus in conditional language is this;
inflation rates stabilize-------> (Economic Growth decreases)-----> Cooperation of WL
The conclusion of the stimulus is inflation rates won't stabilize (negate first one)
Answer choice D is exactly the same
Produce safest vehicles possible---> conduct objective tests------>huge cost overturn
The conclusion is the negation of Produce safest vehicles possible.
As you can see the stimulus and answer choice D have a A--->B----->C relationship and both conclusions are negating the A
C) does differ from the stimulus in that its conclusion ends with a conditional statement, but I'd rather my conclusion be a summarization of the transitive nature between P1 and P2 (that you can't have optimal decision without a delay in presentation), rather than an absolute as is demonstrated in D) because C) does not provide an absolute conclusion (only that it is unlikely)
In other words, taking only what's explicitly stated, the argument in the stimulus is invalid. Taking only what's explicitly stated, the argument in (C) is valid. Thus, (C) cannot be parallel. This misprioritizes the importance of strength over form. The most important thing for parallel reasoning questions is that the correct answer has the same argument form. But a conditional statement has a completely different logical form than a non-conditional statement, regardless of how strongly stated the non-conditional statement is. That is to say, the conclusion of both the stimulus and (D) can be represented by a single sentence symbol in propositional logic, i.e. '~P'. However, the conclusion of (C) cannot be represented by a single sentence symbol, but must be represented with a conditional, i.e. 'P→Q'. The conclusion of (C) is formally different from the conclusion of the stimulus, and this trumps other considerations such as how strongly stated the conclusion is.