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Last minutes in LR Section

joseigsaldanajoseigsaldana Free Trial Member
edited August 2014 in General 28 karma
Hi guys!

During my practice tests I have noticed that when I have 6-7 minutes left (Around Q21) in the LR section I start to lose focus and having to reread the question stem for stressing over not finishing the questions on time, even though I know its possible for me to do so. Do you have any advice or specific technique you use?


  • chase62442chase62442 Alum Member
    79 karma
    Oh my god I have the same problem but in the LG section.
    What I've learned is that if possible, I should try to reach the end of the section with minutes to spare. This is obviously really hard, but you can skip hard questions to do this. That way you are sure not to miss any easy ones between 21 and 25, Josiegsaldana. Then, if you skip, like, 15, 18 and 22, you reach the end of the section with 3 minutes left and tackle two of those skipped questions.

    Or some variation of that. For me I get psyched out when the proctor calls five minutes left, so it's best if I'm on the last problem by then.
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