I am having hell of a hard time figuring this one out; I have 3 issues here:
If the press were not profit making the only alternative is subsidy and with it outside control
1)I was thinking: NOT profit making------> Subsidy and Outside control
but then I remembered "the only" is group 1 indicator and I changed my diagram to:
Subsidy and Outside control--------> NOT profit making
and of course this does not lead to the right answer choice...
2) what's up with that AND? which one is right?
Not Profit Making--------> Subsidy & outsideControl
NOT profit making--------> Subsidy--------> Outside control
and then link either with Subsidy -------->NOT honest Journalism
3) Am I making this harder that what it actually is? I keep diagraming LR questions...
No one will subsidize honest journalism
S --------> /H
The contrapositive follows that if it's honest, it's not subsidized.
So then it follows that if it's not subsidized, then it's profit making. Which allows you to arrive at the correct answer, if it's honest, then it's profit making.
Hope this helps.
Would "It is easy to get subsidies for propaganda" imply propaganda --> sub since if it was 'easy' then it was sufficient. The contrapositive would then be /sub --> /propaganda which is AC B. Can someone help me understand why this is wrong.