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Best Reading Comprehension Tips

If you had to name the top 5 things you always keep in mind while doing the RC section, what would they be? I am really having trouble breaking a -6 average on RC and was looking for some helpful hints that I may be overlooking.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    1) Read for structure, not details.
    2) The answers are all in the passage, you just have to find them.
    3) Reading faster won't necessarily help.
    4) Don't worry about dates and details you can easily go back and find if you need
    5) Anticipate things you think they will ask about...

    Those are just random things I personally keep in mind. -6 isn't bad at all, and I think if you just practice the memory method you will see results.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27891 karma
    Top 5, hmm.

    1. Pause at the end of each paragraph to recap. It takes courage, but just do it.
    2. Annotate for the details not the big picture. The big picture you've got to hold in your mind. The details are the things you'll need to look back for.
    3. Try not to return to the passage if you think you can answer it. Trust yourself on the first run through. Confirm on the second. If you don't get to a second, well then it's a good thing you had that extra time to be able to finish as much of the section as possible!
    4. This relates really closely to 1, but think of the passages like LG setups. Spend the time to get it right up front and you will be faster, more accurate, and more confident on the actual questions.
    5. Track perspective very closely. It's going to be on the test.
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