question re- undergraduate institutions / GPA

sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
edited August 2016 in General 1501 karma
This is one of those.. had I known back then.. stories. I spent 2 years at a "nationally" accredited college.. not regionally accredited, aka diploma mill or what have you.. I did earn an associate degree (paralegal studies). It was right out of high school, I actually had no idea at the time that my credits were not going to transfer to a 4 year university.. nor did I realize the harm I was doing to myself by going to this school (first generation college student, parents were proud, understandably, that I was actually pursuing college given my unattractive behavior during high school years). I did get a good job afterward and still work as a paralegal so I mean, it could've been worse, I think. Any way, still not giving up on the law school goal, I started over essentially, and 3 years later I am nearly done with a bachelor degree. I do know the LSAC requires the transcript from that school, so I am wondering will the credential assembly services be calculating in the grades from a school that is not regionally accredited? I did call the LSAC and the lady did not really understand my question, put me on hold then came back and said she thinks so but doesn't see why they wouldn't. ??? Anyone have an idea? I know that grad schools will not factor in that GPA. In using the 7sage UGPA calculator, the 2 year school actually boosts my GPA so I am kind of hoping they do count it.. but not sure??


  • Ron SwansonRon Swanson Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    edited August 2016 1650 karma
    Ehhh idk this is a tough question. From what I understand, your GPA that gets calculated is the one that goes towards your undergraduate degree. For example, if you did half your schooling at undergrad A, transferred and finished at undergrad B, your GPA would be a combination GPA of your grades from A and B.

    In this situation your associates degree didn't transfer and thus had no effect on the degree you're currently finishing which case it wouldn't count towards the GPA that LSAC calculates.

    Again..I'm really not sure here but that's based on my understanding of this process. Anyone else care to take a stab at this?
  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma
    That is my understanding too. But then they request all transcripts. So, I'm just not sure if they're going to factor in those grades or not. There does not seem to be any discussions about this anywhere (except here, now). It may be that I am the only aspiring law student to have ever wasted time (and $) at an unaccredited institution.
  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma
    "LSAC calculates a GPA for each year and a cumulative GPA for each undergraduate institution that issued a transcript for you" ( I don't see anything that declares it has to be an accredited institution. I think it's ambiguous of that minor detail..... Obviously the law school requirement is that the bachelor degree come from an accredited university.
  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma
    I've spent hours researching this.. I don't think anyone else has asked such a question.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"dytmom_3x" said:
    for each undergraduate institution that issued a transcript for you
    I think this means that you should submit the transcript from the first college you attended
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    I don't think they will. My reasoning is that every credit that goes towards your first bachelors degree is what counts. Since those first 2 years credits didn't count then I would guess they won't count. I might be wrong, but I can't find any info out there on this.
  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma
    I too am thinking this as well. Just, yeah cannot find anything on it myself.
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    Hmm, interesting, I'd double check with lsac and give them a call just to make sure.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    My reasoning is that every credit that goes towards your first bachelors degree is what counts. Since those first 2 years credits didn't count then I would guess they won't count.
    makes sense.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:

    makes sense.

    Right? The only thing is did the credits not count for that particular university. For example, I went to college for 1 year at another school before I transferred and the few credits that didn't end up transferring for whatever reason still ultimately counted. So now that I consider this, they may end up counting, but I wouldn't count on it.... Get it... lol
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    So now that I consider this, they may end up counting, but I wouldn't count on it.... Get it... lol
    LOL let's just stop before we confuse OP even more hahaha...I think the best bet is to contact the lovely people at LSAC.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:

    LOL let's just stop before we confuse OP even more hahaha...I think the best bet is to contact the lovely people at LSAC.

    Lmao. I agree! It seems all straightforward until you end up considering a question like this...
  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma
    I did. The lady I spoke to said she thinks so... lol. I kind of think so as well. They ask for all college work leading up to bachelor degree.. I don't see any where there is a distinction between accredited versus not accredited except for when considering the required bachelor degree. I think I only have one way of finding out. Will the LSAC determine my GPA only after I purchase the CAS? OR is there a GPA summary after all transcripts are received?
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    @"dytmom_3x" said:
    thinks so
  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma
    right? lol
  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7477 karma
    I'm guessing they're going to include the first set of grades in your UGPA, but I'm not sure—let us know when you find out! You definitely have to send the transcript. And I don't think you'll even be able to send your transcript to LSAC until you purchase CAS.

    So—no more speculation! Go forth, purchase CAS, send in the transcripts, and report back to us!
  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma
    @david.busis - I will definitely give an update when I find out. I have sent my transcripts & they did process & accept them but they do not do anything with (except send me an email informing of their receipt of such) until I purchase the CAS. Then I suspect the mystery will be solved, & I'll fill you in. Stay tuned. :)
  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma
    They DID calculate that as a part of my overall undergraduate GPA.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"dytmom_3x" said:
    They DID calculate that as a part of my overall undergraduate GPA.
    That's good though, right? It boosted your uGPA?
  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma
    Yes it did, so I am glad!
  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7477 karma
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