PT15.S3.Q26 - when the manufacturers in a given country

SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
edited September 2016 in Logical Reasoning 1278 karma
I need help in understand why D is wrong. I understand why E is correct. My reasoning is below, if you think my reasoning is faulty please let me know!! Thank you!

So I diagrammed the stimulus as such:

SAT --> PCS --> --LPR --> SGM
--SGM --> LPR --> --PCS --> --SAT (this is the contrapositive)

A) This answer choice is going in the wrong direction. We cannot infer anything about squeezing foreign competitors out of the global market, from a country raising prices.
B) Faulty conditional logic. We know a chain of conditions that can lead to a country being squeezed out of the global market, however, we cannot use that condition as a sufficient condition. It takes a necessary condition and makes it sufficient and uses a previously used sufficient condition and makes that necessary. This is an incorrect reversal.
C) I eliminated this because of the clause "their foreign competitors must have adopted new manufacturing techniques", just because they lowered their production costs more rapidly it doesn't mean that they adopted new manufacturing techniques, it could have been because of some other reason.
D) This is what I am unsure of. I said this is wrong because it is comparative, it's bout what happens to a particular country not comparing both countries. However, I think two countries are being compared which contradicts my whole reasoning. So, if someone could help me out in understanding why D is wrong, I would be most appreciative.
E) This is the contrapositive of the first two premises and thus the correct answer.


  • Accounts PlayableAccounts Playable Live Sage
    3107 karma
    Answer D is wrong because it doesn't have to be true. The sufficient condition in answer D is the negation of the first sufficient condition in the diagram. Once you negate the sufficient condition, the rule becomes irrelevant; anything afterwards in answer D could be true but need not be true.
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