My goal score is 154-157, and I'd be really happy with anything in that range. My question is: what should I be PTing at so that I am safe to get a score in that range? These are my PT scores:
PT36 Dec 2001 2016-08-18 3 weeks ago 160
PT52 Sep 2007 2016-08-26 2 weeks ago 159
PT41 Oct 2003 2016-08-30 1 week ago 152
PT53 Dec 2007 2016-08-30 1 week ago 153
PT54 Jun 2008 2016-08-31 1 week ago 154
PT55 Oct 2008 2016-09-08 7 hours ago 154
The times aren't exactly when I did the tests, they're just when I entered them into the Scorer. I write on September 24th, by the way, and I know my scores are kind of inconsistent, but I'm gonna write 10 more exams before test day, and I'll keep you guys posted. But is my goal feasible in the timeframe I have?
Also it seems like you haven't done any PTs from the 70s which are the more recent and likely to be more similar to the test you'll take in a couple weeks. You'll certainly want to do as many of the 70s as you can before you take the test. But don't do 10 more...
I'd say if you want a 155 on test day, scoring consistently at a 160 is probably a "safe" place to be.
Can you elaborate on this please? I'm not doubting you or anything, I've just never heard that before, and it's kind of reassuring, in a way.
You see the numbers appear more close together when you begin getting into the 170 range whereas the 150s, the numbers vary widely giving you more leniency to answer incorrectly without drastically dropping your score. Either way, you should always try to aim a few points higher than your target score it's just for those aiming in the 170+ they need to worry about this more. Hopefully that helped!