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Nervous about the September LSAT?

J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
edited September 2016 in General 14289 karma
I understand. You're going to take an important test. It's not the most important test though. That one is called the December LSAT.

Just kidding. This is likely the last LSAT you'll ever take.

I'm only trying to remind you that for something this important, there are second chances. That's not true for a lot of other important things in life, so that's something to feel good about.

For most of you, you already know what score you'll get. Take your last three recent properly administered LSAT PrepTests (e.g., 76, 77, 78) and average your scores. You'll get plus or minus 3 points of that average.

There is nothing separating you from that score except the mere passing of a few day's time.

You are as prepared as you can be. You have already seen everything those crafty LSAT writers will throw at you and you've amply demonstrated your ability to respond with craftiness of your own.

Saturday will be just another PT day and the September 2016 LSAT will be just another PT. PrepTest 79, in fact, when the LSAC releases it a month from now. And how different could that be from PT 78 and PT 77 and PT 76 and on and on and on.

You are ready.

Even for those few insanely difficult curve breaker questions. Every LSAT has them. Every student who has ever taken the LSAT before you has encountered them. You have encountered them on your PTs and you will encounter them again on Saturday. Do what you've always done: skip. Keep moving. Maintain your rhythm.

And may the force of logic be with you.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"J.Y. Ping" said:
    Saturday will be just another PT day and the September 2016 LSAT will be just another PT. PrepTest 79, in fact, when the LSAC releases it a month from now. And how different could that be from PT 78 and PT 77 and PT 76 and on and on and on.
    :D That is a really comforting way to think about it!

  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @"Alex Divine" are you taking the test next week? GOOD LUCK
  • nantesorkestarnantesorkestar Alum Member
    431 karma
    May the force of J.Y.'s "WHAT? Get outta here answer choice ___" be with you.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"Nina_Lucas" said:
    are you taking the test next week? GOOD LUCK
    No! Hehe... I wish I was ready to go in there and kill it like all my fellow 7Sagers taking it then!

    Thank you for the luck though!

    Are you taking it next week @Nina_Lucas ?
  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    edited September 2016 1171 karma
    Thanks @"J.Y. Ping" . It's always funny to look at PT 79 from the big picture intellectually but then battle the emotional reality of it being "The Actual LSAT" (because when I bomb a PT I just learn from it then hit the next one, but the potential consequences of this one are, of course, a little different than that). May all my fellow 7sage PT 79 takers win that battle!
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    Thanks @"J.Y. Ping". It would be great if you come to Pep Rally, it would help with the moral.
  • leejayleeleejaylee Alum Member
    edited September 2016 218 karma
    =) You are awesome! I will now destroy this test and make it mine! Most importantly, I'll have some "fun" with this new PT.
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @"Alex Divine" No, I have decided on December! How about you?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"Nina_Lucas" said:
    No, I have decided on December! How about you?
    Cool! :D

    That was what I was originally aiming for when I began 7Sage. However, due to work, life, and my very-not-amazing diagnostic, I am aiming for next June. This way I'll have Sept/Dec as backups.

  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Sounds like a solid and realistic plan! All best wishes!
  • Ahhh I needed this. Thanks, J.Y :) Good luck everyone!
  • tltl1111tltl1111 Yearly Member
    78 karma
    If I am not confident in scoring high enough this Saturday, how badly would it hurt my chances at top-5 schools if I take the December LSAT and submit my applications then?
  • sagarpatelsagarpatel Alum Member
    edited September 2016 164 karma
    Good luck guys! The hard part of studying long hours is already completed. Now, its time to reap the benefits of all our hard work.
  • alu6ankaalu6anka Free Trial Member
    edited September 2016 12 karma
    Hi guys, I am confident that I am not getting my dream score this Saturday. My PTs are still somewhat erratic. But I feel that I also need to sit it once so I do not fear the beast next time. What 7Sage team advises with regards to re-sitting? My goal is Stanford or Berkley. Would I stand a chance with those schools if I have set more than once?
  • GodlyOneGodlyOne Alum Member
    76 karma
    Good luck to everyone taking the test on Saturday! You will do awesome!
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28067 karma
    @alu6anka , all they'll care about is your top score. If you need all three, just as good.
  • legal_namelegal_name Alum Member
    277 karma
    Perhaps it's some kind of quasi-Stockholm syndrome situation, but I'm actually feeling kind of excited about tomorrow! Wishing everyone writing tomorrow the very best of luck!
  • mudiversmudivers Alum Member
    89 karma
    Become the heat-seeking, inference-supporting, logical robot you were born to be.

    9/24/2016 Never Forget
  • zanqvi861zanqvi861 Alum Member
    73 karma
    Best of luck to everyone! I'm so nervous I keep walking in circles :D If you're giving away the quasi-stockholm feeling @legal_name I'm first in line!
  • Rachel YoonRachel Yoon Member
    edited September 2016 173 karma
    @legal_name So do I. I don't know why though.. I was even sick on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I was like "Ok, now it's legit for me to rest." and I slept like an infant. And I just kept thinking to myself, "oh well. I will get better around Friday."And I do feel much better. I know I will probably meet some beasty questions but I also know if I stay calm, it will be just another question I need to see with fresh mind.
    (yes i will be pollyana for this weekend haha)

    Let's stay positive :D
    We got this!!!

    Oh and thank you JY for this :)
  • always learningalways learning Free Trial Member
    99 karma
    Thanks J.Y. - your videos have been so helpful and illuminating - now I just have to not freak out.
  • alu6ankaalu6anka Free Trial Member
    12 karma
    @"Cant Get Right" Thanks! There was a lot of commentary out there they average your scores or that it might reflect bad on you if you are a re-sitter. I hope you are right! :) Thanks for the comment!
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28067 karma
    No problem @alu6anka .
  • always learningalways learning Free Trial Member
    99 karma
    @"J.Y. Ping" Is it my imagination or does your video for Logic Game 4 in Pretest 72 have a text that flashes through it for a second? Huh?
  • TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
    698 karma
    I passed out 3X before I finished reading it.
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    @"J.Y. Ping" It is a very special moment for me to read your post knowing that this time after being a part of 7Sage for almost 2 years - I am actually a true recipient of your words:)

    I started studying for the LSAT honestly because it was fun!
    Then it got hard - and I was like - "What the heck?"
    After a few breakthroughs, It was Fun again!
    Then it got hard again - and I was like "What the hell?"
    After revisiting the curriculum and being active in Webinar/Office Hours, It was really Fun!
    Then it got Really Hard - and I was like "Why the heck am I doing this?"
    After many "AHA" moments especially on the BR calls, it was Exciting and Fun!
    Then as the test approaches in mere hours - I am like - "What the F-bomb were you thinking trying to tackle this test?"

    As the plateaus of knowledge went; so did my experiences. So tonight I have returned to FUN! Just finished watching JY's Live Commentary on PT77 that was really exciting. Before dinner, I am going to do a few of my favorite Logic Games that I have kept in a pile to relax. Yes, I am a Sudoku/Crossword kind of person. I hope the rest of you find a great distraction and enjoy the evening!

    I am going to carry through making tomorrow FUN!!
    (It is going to be hysterical tomorrow morning especially for the un-prepared test takers at my site when they see Granny rolling in looking like an LSAT Geek with all my "cool" pencils, sharpeners, diapers in my zip-lock, etc. And if I have the guts to follow David - @Accounts Playable advice to look around and say out loud - "I am going to crush this test" I will giggle my way through every twist and turn LSAC can throw at me!!

    All the best to everyone:)
  • Saldamando150Saldamando150 Member
    89 karma
  • DallasOnFireDallasOnFire Member
    249 karma
    What is hype may never die

    See you tomorrow.
  • Daniel.SieradzkiDaniel.Sieradzki Member Sage
    2301 karma
    Thank you J.Y.! Good luck everyone!

    @twssmith Your story is inspiring. You are going to crush it tomorrow!
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