Test Site Issues Sept 2016 Stricter than LSAC Rules - Beware...

twssmithtwssmith Alum
edited September 2016 in September 2016 LSAT 5120 karma
If anyone saw my posts under BR group PT77, I really tanked that test. But, I learned a lot because I took it without mentally preparing for it when I sat down and more importantly I rushed thru it with conditions similar to being at a SEC football tailgate party in my own home. That day, I had the proctor on and the minute pencils were down - I reset my watch and fast forwarded the proctor to already start the next section. Stupid huh?? Well not so much as it turns out after today.

My experience is not even a blip of Nightmare Test Issues:)
This is a Head's Up reminder that all test sites are different and to PT in all types of conditions!
- We had to stand outside a door until 8:30 am and then were told to use the 1900 era Dairy Queen next door if we had to go to the bathroom before the test started and make sure we were back in line before everyone was checked in when they would close the door. It was really funny to watch everyone crowd around to try to be first in line to go sit at a desk to only sit and wait for everyone else.
- Strict - Our water/beverage containers had to be zipped in the bag before they were inspected. It took almost an hour to check in 14 people...
- We were not allowed to get anything out of our bags or put anything on our desks until everyone was checked in. Then we were allowed to get our pencils, erasers and Kleenex.
- Then we were allowed to get out ONE watch and no one was allowed to wear it on their wrist - it had to be on the table.
- When proctor started reading the initial directions, someone's bag fell over and landed outside the square area under her chair. We had to stop until every bag was completely under each chair.
- I didn't realize until the 5 minute mark was called in the 1st section that the timing assistant would start the electronic timer when the proctor "First Started Reading the Instructions" not when it says you may start Now. We lost almost a minute on every section. Ever heard of a Southern drawl being spoken fast?
- In between the sections, from the time you heard pencils down to when the timer would start was under 15-20 seconds in the 1st half and less than that in the 2nd half.
- 3 proctors for 14 people with a wall of mirrors - visually disturbing but oh well. However, the proctors would walk by each desk, stand over you watching you as you took the test, turn their heads to look you in the eye, take another look at your ID and then look back at you. They continued this round-robin of inspection throughout the test. I just ignored them after the first time but it was very unsettling.
- Our break was on a strict timer in the test room with thankfully a bathroom and only a few people. When the break ended, we began section 4 in under a minute.
- *** This is what really got me - when the proctor started the directions - she told us to "pull out the answer sheet" that we had placed marking the end of Section 3 and the beginning of Section 4 for the break. Next thing we knew the timer was on and we were flipping thru our test books to find section 4 with all 3 proctors hovering over us to make sure we didn't look ahead to Section 5.
- Between Section 4&5 I couldn't even reset a 180 watch before we started. There was a clock but it was across the room and no way to see what time it was when we started. Section 4 was my hardest LR and I really just wanted to catch a breath. Stupid me to not take the precious seconds to go ahead and reset it but I was admittedly flustered.

So were the proctors wrong? No... It was up to me to be prepared for anything and this was nothing in the grand scheme of Test Center debacles.

I was beating myself up on PT77 and was almost so discouraged that I thought long and hard about withdrawing. But I kept at it and regained enough confidence to take it today. Did I crush it - No, not so much. Did I crash and burn - Not as far as I can tell. Did I panic yes, but I was able to reel it in to continue the best I could.

All and all - a great experience thanks to tanking PT77 and other testing situations that helped me stay composed and focused on the reason I was sitting in that chair:)


  • jowens7317jowens7317 Alum Member
    244 karma
    What university did you take the exam at?
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    edited September 2016 5120 karma
    Univ of North Ga - Dahlonega campus. I chose it because it is small. The Atlanta sites tend to be huge & can take hours to just get checked in.

    Edited to add, I will probably sign up there for Dec as well now that I know what to expect to avoid 100 people ampitheaters
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27896 karma
    Wow, mine was pretty good. They said to put away our pencil sharpeners which was random, but everything else was by the books. Oh, and she forgot the 5 minute warning on one of the sections. Wasn't an issue for me since I finished early anyway, but I know that had to screw up some people.
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    Glad your alma mater was good for you:) My test site wasn't bad - just peculiar. I saw that people were posting about taking multiple watches and asking how much time people were given between sections - it just varies from site to site.

    Not surprised you finished early!! In between some sections I just wanted to breathe, lol:)
  • KaterynaKateryna Alum Member
    984 karma
    we had like 14 people as well and 7!!! proctors. ridiculous.
  • LibertyKokoLibertyKoko Member
    61 karma
    I don't get not being able to wear the watch on your wrist. That isn't an LSAC rule
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    @LibertyKoko Yes - as I saw in a thread about people and multiple watches...
    The proctor actually told someone to take it off their wrist during the break and warned others that they would be in violation if a watch was anywhere but on the desk...
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    My Proctor was more terrified of LSAC than we are...
  • taylor_michelletaylor_michelle Alum Member
    79 karma
    If they didn't give you the full 35 minutes for a section isn't that grounds for a complaint? Idk for sure, just wondering.
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    They did give the full 35 minutes on a timer, it just is a matter when they start that timer:)
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    @taylor_michelle Love your post for making me really think about what happened:) !!!
    If you practice with a proctor app - then you are aware that that when they say "open your test book/or turn the page to the next section and read the directions" that gives you an advantage if you have any knowledge of the test so that you can start reading the first question before the Proctor says "and your time starts now."

    If you are confident in your skills and abilities, then a a few seconds shouldn't matter. That was what @"Cant Get Right" was saying earlier that the proctor not calling the 5 minute mark could have some effect for people relying on that prompt while it was not an issue for him. Unfortunately I was not at that level of ability when I took the test today.

    Despite all of the advice from JY, Sages and all of the up-and-coming Sages, I did not practice PT's under 35 minutes and was already concerned about finishing on time. Great lesson to prepare for Dec and unless something changes, I will retest at my site because I know what to expect. I will take strict over chaos any day:)
  • Anna MarieAnna Marie Alum Member
    210 karma
    That sounds horrible! Have you thought about taking at UNG oakwood campus? That's where I'm thinking of registering for December.
  • danielznelsondanielznelson Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4181 karma
    No, @twssmith they were doing parts of their job incorrectly. I was sure to thank my proctors for the job they did. Couldn't believe they were so perfect. I'm sure any hiccups affected you only a little at most, since you know your stuff. But still, UGH!!
  • smarchandsmarchand Free Trial Member
    15 karma
    My proctors had us remove the answer sheet from the booklet before we were allowed to open to section 4, so I think that may have been something on the rules she was reading from. That did throw me off a little as well, but besides that my proctors were basically perfect.
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    @MoralVacuum I checked out Oakwood last Fall - they test in an stadium type room seating, I think 80-100ppl? I was told that they had 3+ hours just to get everyone checked in and then took forever to get everyone re-checked back in after break. I will find out if their numbers are still that high. I know they draw a lot of ppl from the northern burbs.
  • Anna MarieAnna Marie Alum Member
    210 karma
    Ahh didn't know that about oakwood... I actually thought there might be fewer people there than Dahlonega. Don't know if you plan to take in December but if so I would consider reporting the timing issues to LSAC.... Missing a potential total of 5 minutes of test time is serious and maybe reporting it would help resolve that issue for the next time around.
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