Advantages/Disadvantages of Applying post-December

ChrisN21ChrisN21 Alum Member
I'm currently contemplating cancelling my score. I received no sleep the night before and could not focus starting out. In addition to that, I had to guess on the last section of LG (5 or 6 questions). My only concern and question is, how do schools view a cancellation? On the other hand, if I keep the score and get lower than expected, will schools average the September and December score or take higher? Any insight would be much appreciated.


  • J_ClarksonJ_Clarkson Alum Member
    edited October 2019 585 karma
    I wouldn't worry about it too much. Most schools will just look at your highest score.
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    What's your target score? Do you think you got close despite your hiccup? and yes, most schools just look at your highest besides Yale, they look at everything.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited September 2016 11542 karma
    @McLovinLSAT said:
    Even with what you said, it could still be the case that you scored high enough for your goals. I don't know how they view a cancellation. From what I've read, most schools will just look at your highest score.
    Exactly to both statements. I think you should only cancel if this is your third take and you only want the maximum of 3 scores to show on your record. There's great benefit in not cancelling your score otherwise, especially if it's your first take. Since this test was disclosed, you'll be able to view the test along with your answers for 90 days. This can help you see where you went wrong and what to focus on more strongly for the next time you take the test if you decide to go down that route. It's better to know how you did than to not know at all. You went through the grueling process of actually taking the test, you owe it to yourself to see your actual score lol. I say don't cancel, the only school that I know of that averages scores is Yale.
  • ChrisN21ChrisN21 Alum Member
    112 karma
    @McLovinLSAT @nanchito My target score is 160+. I did not feel as comfortable as I hoped after the test. I was comfortable with the material, nothing blind-sided me; however, I could not focus. This, perhaps, may have been from all the anxiety. That being said, I actually want to take the December LSAT - just curious if I should keep the September score. By the way, thank you for your response.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    I'm sure it doesn't look good, but I also think it matters very little. I think some schools even require an explanation for a cancelled test (Though I don't think any T14 does) Still though, compared to a bad score a cancellation is always better...

    Read JY's article on whether or not you should cancel your score. It's a big decision. I would say if you KNOW you had to guess on a good amount and you know you ran out of time and whatnot, depending on your goal maybe cancelling is something to be considered. You say you definitely had to guess on 5-6 for LG. How do you usually do on LG and what score were you going for? If a 170+, I would say to really consider cancelling. If a 165+ I would be tempted. And if a 160 or less, I may be tempted to ride it out. (Also this depends on how you feel you did on the other sections.

    December/Jan apps are usually fine. Just make sure to submit your app before you get your test results back in January; preferably before Thanksgiving as Admissions people come back to a deluge of apps after the holidays. this is the advice Mike Spivey gave me in regards to applying with a Jan LSAT.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited September 2016 11542 karma
    @nanchito, is that you? didn't even recognize you with the (finally) updated gravatar :P
  • ChrisN21ChrisN21 Alum Member
    112 karma
    I am more interested in understanding the advantage of applying before thanksgiving (without your score). I just assumed applying contingent on your score will not be in your favor, but please do elaborate. I would love to have everything submitted before the holiday. @"Alex Divine"
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    So essentially, the admissions office will get to your app before the others who submit later... It helps to mitigate any disadvantages of being on the later end of applying. Also, assuming you are cancelling and retaking, applying before the holidays would ensure your apps don't get lost among the influx the schools receive during the holiday break. Once you get your new score, your apps will be complete.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    So essentially, the admissions office will get to your app before the others who submit later... It helps to mitigate any disadvantages of being on the later end of applying. Also, assuming you are cancelling and retaking, applying before the holidays would ensure your apps don't get lost among the influx the schools receive during the holiday break. Once you get your new score, your apps will be complete.
    Yup! you're on the right track, OP.
  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7478 karma
    On the one hand, admissions officers won't look amiss at a cancellation. On the other hand, schools increasingly look only at your highest LSAT score, because that's the only number they have to report to the ABA (who then reports it to USNWR). So relax! It's probably okay either way!

    As for taking the test in December—it's much, much more important to apply with your strongest possible score than it is to apply early. But you knew that!
  • ceciliazhou87ceciliazhou87 Free Trial Member
    7 karma
    @"Alex Divine" @david.busis @montaha.rizeq

    hey guys!

    So I just took the September test and know for a FACT that I messed up RC big time-- I only completed 2 passages, had to guess the rest (I forgot to start my timer and was just thrown off afterward). The 2 LRs went smoothly, and I only got to 3 games in the real LR section. My writing sample was also a disaster (argumentation was quite terrible, and only wrote until the middle of the backside). I'm projecting a ~155 (or worse :/).

    In my own practice tests, however, I was scoring ~160. Now that I've signed up with 7Sage, I'm aiming for an even higher score, preferably 167+. This in mind, should I cancel this first score? I'm signed up for December as well, but I'm not sure if this initial low score will reflect poorly on my application. Any advice would be so helpful, thank you!
  • ChrisN21ChrisN21 Alum Member
    112 karma
    @ceciliazhou87 Right there with you - verbatim to your response.
  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    1278 karma
    @"Alex Divine" how does getting on all of your application in by the Thanksgiving holiday improve your chances with a December score? I thought adcomms don't look at your applications until they go complete? With a December score at best wouldn't it be early January when adcomms look at your application?

    @david.busis thank you so much for your contribution with the Admissions Course!! Thusfar, I have found it to be invaluable and incredibly helpful!!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    The schools will begin processing your application when they receive it, and it will remain incomplete until they receive your Dec score. But at least once they receive the score your application is ready to be forwarded to committee for review. If you wait until January to apply, you're delaying the processing of the application by at least a few weeks. Plus it is right after the holiday break - many admissions offices are closed for the week from Christmas to New Year's - so there is always a deluge of applications and mail when they return, so the processing time is even longer than it is before Thanksgiving.
  • nessa.k13.0nessa.k13.0 Inactive ⭐
    4141 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Thanks for the great advice! Would this^ work if I already have one LSAT score? Would they just look at my old score and not consider my new one?
  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7478 karma
    @sweetsecret, @"Alex Divine" is right that getting your application in before the December LSAT score may let you skip ahead in the queue—this is advice I myself have given, and advice that other law school consultants have given as well—but if you're waiting on a December LSAT, there's little benefit to getting in your application before Thanksgiving. Your application will just sit on the (probably virtual) shelf. Don't kill yourself to get it in that early if you could use a few more weeks to work on it.

    @ceciliazhou87 if you're absolutely positive you'll do better in December, then sure, cancel it. But for the vast majority of schools, your top score is the only one that matters.

    @nessa.k13.0 If you already have a valid LSAT score, you application will go complete as soon as you send it in. You could either ask the admissions committee not to review it until your December score comes in, or simply wait till that score comes in before you apply.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @nessa.k13.0 said:
    Thanks for the great advice! Would this^ work if I already have one LSAT score? Would they just look at my old score and not consider my new one?
    Yes, you can ask them to hold you account until your new score comes in. :)
  • StarGirlLSATStarGirlLSAT Free Trial Member
    10 karma
    I wrote the September lsat and sadly got a hard final game and fan out of time. That section alone I had to guess. I also had to guess some questions on my last RC passage and about 3-4 on some of my LR. I had 3 LR, 1LG, and 1RC. However, I was confident with three answers I could get to. I am taking a week off from studying then going to start again prep for the December LSAT. Is this program a good supplement to the LSAT trainer or LSAT Hacks? Any advise is much appreciated. I'm looking to apply to schools in Canada in November and before the new year for US schools.
  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma
    @justiesha_53 yes, you will do fine with 7Sage and The LSAT Trainer. A good number of us use both for our studies. All pkgs provide the same info but the higher pkgs have more difficult practice questions and more video explanations. Any pkg would be sufficient.
  • nessa.k13.0nessa.k13.0 Inactive ⭐
    4141 karma
    Thanks @david.busis and @"Alex Divine" ! I shall take the December test and look into getting my application put on hold until the December score comes in.
    @"justiesha_53" said:
    Is this program a good supplement to the LSAT trainer or LSAT Hacks?
    I started with the LSAT Trainer before I started 7Sage. It's great for the basics, explaining the LSAT, and getting some things down like logic games-numerical distribution and general RC strategies, but 7sage is SUPER thorough. If you haven't purchased either then definitely go with 7sage. LSAT Hacks has helped me with some question explanations that I did not purchase (but most of them are available for free). If you go through the 7sage core curriculum (understand it and apply it to your PTs) and drill your problem areas, you will see improvement. My PT scores went up from 150 to 170 throughout my practice on 7sage. The BR groups are really good as well for increasing your scores because we break down LR questions, so if you have time you should definitely join us!
  • rachelrachel Alum Member
    207 karma
    I'm curious: does either a cancellation or a late withdrawal count as one of your 3 takes? @david.busis
  • texvd1988texvd1988 Member
    605 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    So essentially, the admissions office will get to your app before the others who submit later... It helps to mitigate any disadvantages of being on the later end of applying. Also, assuming you are cancelling and retaking, applying before the holidays would ensure your apps don't get lost among the influx the schools receive during the holiday break. Once you get your new score, your apps will be complete.
    Question about this. If I take in February but submit applications in December, will that look better for a February completion, or will they only look at it once everything is turned in? Also, when do you get a clean slate of three exams? Every three years?
  • texvd1988texvd1988 Member
    605 karma
    OKay, I just read some of your responses. So, I assume, it won't really make a difference if I finish my application but submit a february lsat since it will be scored in March.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @vduran1988 said:
    If I take in February but submit applications in December, will that look better for a February completion, or will they only look at it once everything is turned in? Also, when do you get a clean slate of three exams? Every three years?
    Well, first be aware that some schools do not accept Feb LSAT score.
    So keep that in mind. But, yes, the earlier you get your apps in the better. Essentially when you submit your apps they are on an "electronic queue" if you will. Once your LSAT score is in, it will go to complete. So you'll be ahead of those who are submitting everything for the first time in Feb.
    @vduran1988 said:
    OKay, I just read some of your responses. So, I assume, it won't really make a difference if I finish my application but submit a february lsat since it will be scored in March.
    Again, it does make a difference from my understanding. However how much it will matter is questionable - especially when applying that late in the cycle. If you are taking the LSAT for the first time in Feb (As I plan to) you are better off postponing your apps until Fall 2017. This way you give yourself time for a retake (June, Sept) and you have the advantage of being early to apply next cycle. I have done a bit of research and it does seem to make a pretty substantial difference when you apply early, specifically with T14 schools.

  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    1278 karma
    @"Alex Divine" I'm a little confused. So, when your LOR' come in, your LSDAS transcripts come in, and you upload your essays and application information, the schools begin to see your information before you hit the submit button? I'm really sorry, I'm just trying to understand how one is able to "go complete" without having pushed the submit application button.
  • Nicole HopkinsNicole Hopkins Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4344 karma
    Well I applied on the deadline to NU and here I am. Don't overestimate the when-to-apply theories.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @sweetsecret said:
    I'm a little confused. So, when your LOR' come in, your LSDAS transcripts come in, and you upload your essays and application information, the schools begin to see your information before you hit the submit button? I'm really sorry, I'm just trying to understand how one is able to "go complete" without having pushed the submit application button.
    So you would apply with everything ready to go (Transcripts, LOR, PS/DS, Why X) with the exception of your LSAT score. When your LSAT score comes in, your app will go "complete"

    You would be submitting your app and applying before your LSAT score comes in.
  • blah blahblah blah Alum Member
    edited October 2016 111 karma

    14 minute mark is very interesting. As a splitter it makes me feel a lot better applying with a December score.
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