I was just wondering if anyone else goes through this... Sometimes, 1. while taking a PT, I lose concentration during certain portions of the test, which end up hurting my score. Does this happen to you? How do you stay focused throughout the entire test? And 2. During Logic Games, the time pressure makes me miss questions I should have easily gotten correct. When i go back to BR, it really confuses me how I miss some of the questions because I completely see my mistakes when I BR. Anyway, this is pretty frustrating because when I have days where I focus better, I usually score at the higher end of my range, and it's just frustrating to not consistently score as high as I can.
@Motivated For the most part, I stay consistent with a 5 day a week workout routine. However, I think the taping idea may be helpful to see where I go wrong. I have realized though that I tend to lose focus most if there is an RC section later in the test. If RC is in the first two sections, I usually focus fine but it becomes a greater challenge once it is in the later sections of the test.
If as you stated above you see your errors during BR, then the difficulty focusing might entirely be some combination of the difficulty focusing under timed pressure.
With my strategy, I feel more in control and not as if I'm slogging through a section.
@danielznelson Honestly, my goal for any LR section is 20+ and I'm currently averaging around that during my PTs. Although I do lose concentration sometimes during LR, my problem with focus is definitely primarily during RC. (Especially if a particular RC section is towards the end of a PT.) Any advice on focusing during RC?
In the same vein, try nodding after reading a particular point or wincing when you read a questionable hypothesis. I know that seems ridiculous, but doing this also keeps you engaged in more in control, as you're explicitly acknowledging your comprehension of at least parts of the passage.
Try to ask yourself questions as you go, inquiring about the main point of each passage and what the author is attempting to do. Active reading is arguably crucial to keeping on pace with RC.
You may be doing all of this already, so I apologize for any redundancy. Hope this helps!
@"Alex Divine" Gonna try this during my next PT as well haha I'm willing to try it all as long as there is a potential benefit.