PT50.S2.Q14 - If legislators are to enact laws


  • Barack Obama 2.0Barack Obama 2.0 Alum Member
    87 karma
    Bumping this.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Linked to the question so people have an easier time helping you out.
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    Here is my analysis:
    this is the perfect nec assumption question if you diagram it. stick close to the stimulus and you will clearly see why the others are wrong and why a is right.

    if benefits constituents, then consider the consequences.

    conclusion is that legislatures do not pass laws that benefit constituents, why because they arouse repugnance or enthusiasm. so if repug and ethus then does not consider consequences. exactly what d says.

    A. if benefit constituents then legislature is less concerned with their own careers. this is irrelevant to the argument. how do we know that's true? they dont talk about that.
    b. successful leg? so what
    c. how do we know when they adhere to these laws? who really cares?
    e. who cares about their inability?
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