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Where is everyone applying?

cspencer0113cspencer0113 Free Trial Member
in General 10 karma
Just curious where people on this forum are thinking of applying to for this fall! I'm hoping to apply to Vanderbilt, Baylor, Georgetown, and Alabama if I make the score I'm shooting for! Wanted to see where everyone else is hoping to attend!


  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    @cspencer0113 said:
    if I make the score I'm shooting for!
    Totallly depends on the LSAT score!
  • Free Trial Member
    37 karma
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @cspencer0113 said:
    Just curious where people on this forum are thinking of applying to for this fall! I'm hoping to apply to Vanderbilt, Baylor, Georgetown, and Alabama if I make the score I'm shooting for! Wanted to see where everyone else is hoping to attend!
    I'm applying to Harvard, Yale, and Stanford.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    I'm one of the rare ones that isn't interested in the t14-20 lol. But for now it depends on my LSAT score and where life leads me within a year or so.
  • KaterynaKateryna Alum Member
    984 karma
    i will be happy with t--25
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:
    I'm one of the rare ones that isn't interested in the t14-20 lol. But for now it depends on my LSAT score and where life leads me within a year or so.
    Sometimes I consider applying to a regional school and going for a full scholarship if possible. I wish I could, but for the things I'd ideally like to do, I fear I'll need a top law school on my resume to open the doors.
    @Kateryna said:
    i will be happy with t--25
    T25 is good stuff! Any particular schools?
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    Sometimes I consider applying to a regional school and going for a full scholarship if possible. I wish I could, but for the things I'd ideally like to do, I fear I'll need a top law school on my resume to open the doors.
    Ah yeah that's tough! I'm no where near interested in biglaw so a t14 seems "eehhhh" to me haha. Well your GPA is awesome and will certainly take you places so given you score amazingly on the LSAT (which you will ;) ) I don't see why you wouldn't get a big fat scholarship from a t14. But for me, a full ride from a good ranking school always has precedence lol.
  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:
    But for me, a full ride from a good ranking school always has precedence lol.
    What would you consider a good ranking school? That always varies from person to person. What are you hoping for?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:
    Ah yeah that's tough! I'm no where near interested in biglaw so a t14 seems "eehhhh" to me haha. Well your GPA is awesome and will certainly take you places so given you score amazingly on the LSAT (which you will ;) ) I don't see why you wouldn't get a big fat scholarship from a t14. But for me, a full ride from a good ranking school always has precedence lol.
    Yeah, you are so right! I think my decision will come down to money at a lower T14/T6 and hopefully at least 1-2 of HYS. I'm really going to have to agonize and make a hard decision if it comes down to that. If I do end up with a 170+ LSAT, I'll probably only apply to HYS.

    If you aren't interested in big law or attending a T14 there are certainly great regional schools out there that are way underrated. Sometimes I wish you could get the jobs you wanted from any law school.... such an elitist profession, lol.

  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    UCLA, USC, Washington U of StL, Georgetown, GW, U Washington (essentially, any derivative of George Washington), UC Irvine, Loyola and U Oregon.
  • TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
    698 karma
    Trinity, Monterey and Cooley Law school.
  • Accounts PlayableAccounts Playable Live Sage
    3107 karma
    All the T14 (really tailoring my app for Y and H). I am going to take a GMAT practice test to see if I want to study for it for a bit and apply to an MBA program (really only looking at Wharton, Stanford, and Harvard for that since I already have an MS in accounting from Kelley; an extra year or two for an MBA doesn't seem worth it unless the alumni network is awesome). I'm leaning towards probably not since I really only have two years work experience, but if my GMAT is good why not throw that in just to see what happens? Pursuing this strategy also depends on what law schools I get accepted to.

    Post law school, if I consider an MBA or tax LLM from NYU (only tax LLM I'll consider) and if I'm in corporate, I'll try negotiating with my employer to foot some of the cost (which is another reason I'm leaning "no" for an MBA right now; I don't want to pay for it). Tax LLM at NYU at least can be completed online, so the opportunity cost for that isn't that bad since you can work and do it. Non-executive MBAs are costly since most top programs don't have the online option; you pretty much lose two years of salary unless you can negotiate one hell of a deal.
  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    edited October 2016 3652 karma
    UC Berkley, UCLA, UCI, Loyola, Pepperdine. If I end up taking a year off to study to aim for a 170+, then I'll throw Stanford in there.
  • SamiSami Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10795 karma
    @desire2learn said:
    Totallly depends on the LSAT score!
    Exactly my feelings. I want to say HYS, but I have just decided to not even think about that and just aim for a score that I know I gave my all to. From then, I guess I can decide :DD
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    If you aren't interested in big law or attending a T14 there are certainly great regional schools out there that are way underrated. Sometimes I wish you could get the jobs you wanted from any law school.... such an elitist profession, lol.

    Amen to that. Preach brotha.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited October 2016 11542 karma
    @desire2learn said:
    What would you consider a good ranking school? That always varies from person to person. What are you hoping for?
    Like Alex said, there are TONS of regional schools that are I'm considering as of now is UB Law.
  • KaterynaKateryna Alum Member
    984 karma
    For those applying to Loyola... which Loyola are you applying to? @"surfy surf" @DumbHollywoodActor
  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma
    The one in LA. If that's the only school I get into, I don't think I would go there.
  • KaterynaKateryna Alum Member
    984 karma
    @"Accounts Playable" how did you like IUB?
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    @Kateryna said:
    which Loyola are you applying to?
  • Saldamando150Saldamando150 Member
    89 karma
    University of New Mexico, Fordham, Brooklyn Law, St. Johns
  • KevinSageKevinSage Alum Member
    260 karma
    so far for me: Miami, FSU, FIU, WUSTL, Notre Dame.
  • Accounts PlayableAccounts Playable Live Sage
    3107 karma

    Loved it; Kelley is my alma mater for undergrad and grad school
  • KaterynaKateryna Alum Member
    984 karma
    @"Accounts Playable" same here! i was considering Kelley, but first gotta do lsat and then will look into gmat
  • jolindad95jolindad95 Member
    8 karma
    I'm from Texas, Go Baylor! Currently I am residing in SoCal. I am applying to the University of San Diego, California Western, UC Irvine, and Southern Methodist in Dallas, TX.
  • Accounts PlayableAccounts Playable Live Sage
    3107 karma
    @Kateryna did you go to Kelley undergrad? What program were you in?
  • KaterynaKateryna Alum Member
    984 karma
    @"Accounts Playable" no, i went to iu for political science and did a minor in business
  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma
    T14 (excluding Yale and Stanford), GW, Fordham, and Cardozo.
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