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BrumBrum Free Trial Member
edited January 2017 in General 47 karma


  • combsnicombsni Free Trial Member
    652 karma
    You have 3 days to register lol
  • BrumBrum Free Trial Member
    edited January 2017 47 karma
  • almah094almah094 Member
    11 karma
    It depends on the school. Some admissions pages state that they do not take your application date into consideration.
  • combsnicombsni Free Trial Member
    652 karma
    @austin.brumbaugh it doesn't really matter. A lot of deans and admissions counselors will tell you that it's a good idea to have most of your stuff in but it isn't imperative. February is the scholarship deadline
  • YesSarahYesSarah Alum Member
    137 karma
    A lot of the schools I'm applying to say to submit now even if you're retaking. They'll hold the application if they think your retake score will change their decision. All of the applications I've submitted so far have a "standardized test" section where you're able to tell them you're retaking in December.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @combsni said:
    @austin.brumbaugh it doesn't really matter. A lot of deans and admissions counselors will tell you that it's a good idea to have most of your stuff in but it isn't imperative. February is the scholarship deadline
    Not trying to be a jerk Combsni, but this is incorrect. It certainly does matter and it an matter quite a bit depending on the schools. Though February may be the scholarship deadline for a number of schools, is not the scholarship deadlines for all law schools across the board. Sorry if I misunderstood what you were saying though. :)

    As @almah094 says above me, it depends on the school. So check out which schools you plan on applying to @austin.brumbaugh and see what their deadlines are. If you're taking in December, I can almost all but guarantee you'll be fine applying when your scores come back in January. The thing is, depending on the school, it may be better to apply before your Dec results come back. As I've explained on here before, often admissions people return after the holidays to a deluge of applications, thus, it would be to your advantage to have your in queue ahead of some of these folks. Once your score for Dec comes in, your application will go from "incomplete" to "complete."

  • combsnicombsni Free Trial Member
    652 karma
    @"Alex Divine" I am just saying what I have been told. Taking the t14 out of the equation. Chicago-Kent, Loyola, Maryland, Illinois, and Michigan State all told me the exact same thing.
  • ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosis Alum Member
    233 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    As I've explained on here before, often admissions people return after the holidays to a deluge of applications, thus, it would be to your advantage to have your in queue ahead of some of these folks. Once your score for Dec comes in, your application will go from "incomplete" to "complete."

    FWIW just returned from a law school fair and every admissions rep I spoke to corroborated this explanation with the usual caveat "don't rush to get your application out if your personal statements or LoRs need work"
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @Toxoplasmosis said:
    FWIW just returned from a law school fair and every admissions rep I spoke to corroborated this explanation with the usual caveat "don't rush to get your application out if your personal statements or LoRs need work"
    Yeah, I got this information/advice from an admissions person when I was wondering the same thing. And, yes, you should always make sure your PS/LOR/DS/Why X are all in order first!

  • TechnoJDTechnoJD Member
    42 karma
    From my understanding, some schools have several dates that are pertinent with specific focus on two: 1: Application deadline - they have to have your application by then and 2: Supporting documents deadline - the final day where your LoRs / transcripts have to be received by.

    Check the schools you are applying to :)
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