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PT38.S2.G2 - each of six tasks

jihyun.leejihyun.lee Alum Member
edited October 2016 in Logic Games 71 karma
Hey, guys I'm having a problem with understanding the first rule of this stupid game.

So the first rule goes 'Frank demonstrates exactly one task before Gladys demonstrates any of the task'
and JYP drew a sequence from this rule as this:
F <
G - F
It looks kind of weird but what this is basically saying F is both of Gs and the other F is after only one G

But when I first mapped this rule out I drew
what I was trying to say is BOTH of Gs appear before the other F not just one G

I just can't wrap my head around why F should only follow after ONE G not BOTH of them especially given that Frank should appear exactly once before any of G.
But the way JYP mapped this out allows the possibility of something like F,G,F,G
and in this case for the latter G TWO Fs appear before it. Isn't this against contradicting what the rule says?

Hope somebody can help me out with this please!


  • conraddnoronhaconraddnoronha Alum Member
    150 karma
    Hi @jihyun.lee

    So we know that in the game there are 2 of each F, G and L. So let's name the game pieces F1, F2, G1, G2, L1 and L2.

    Now the rule reads: Frank demonstrates exactly one task before Gladys demonstrates any of the tasks.

    This means that before G demonstrates the first task i.e. G1, there is exactly 1 F and no more.
    Thus F1 - G1.

    Now we must also remember that F2 cannot be before G1, because the rule says exactly 1 F is before any of the Gs i.e. before the 1st G (G1). And so F2 has to be after G1.
    i.e. G1 - F2

    if we link it up: F1 - G1 - F2

    Now what about G2?
    Well G2 can be anywhere as long as it is after G1.

    So your final chain can look like either:
    1) F1 - G1 - G2 - F2; OR
    2) F1 - G1 - F2 - G2

    I think your biggest confusion was how to interpret: before ANY
    This means before the FIRST
    as opposed to before both or before either or before all which would imply that F1 is before and F2 is after both G1 and G2 i.e. F1 - G1 - G2 - F2.
  • jihyun.leejihyun.lee Alum Member
    71 karma
    Oh my gosh, it all makes sense now! So as long as there is F1 before G1 G2 can go either before or after F2!
    Thank you so much for your kind and detailed explanation :)
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @jihyun.lee said:
    Oh my gosh, it all makes sense now! So as long as there is F1 before G1 G2 can go either before or after F2!
    Thank you so much for your kind and detailed explanation :)
    Ahhhh! Yes, I remember this game well and specifically that rule! This confused me so much when I first saw it, that I'm pretty sure it made me decide to do LR for the rest of the day, haha. I think after watching J.Y.'s explanation 3 times or so, it finally clicked.

    It's actually a really important game, though, because the "F1 - G1 - F2 - G2 rule" ends up showing up in several more games, so it's a good one to understand.

  • jihyun.leejihyun.lee Alum Member
    71 karma
    Thanks Alex! It's always good to know that I wasn't the only one who struggled with this game :))
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