Wow, between finishing apps and moving and holiday obligations this month, I was really slacking off, haha! I'm back now, so y'all better bring it for January!
Thank you 7Sage! I won't be posting much this month because I'm almost ready to start PTing! I hope Josh can finally get those pajamas that were in his shopping cart lol
I got the email for the gift card but had no idea what was going on until I signed into 7sage.
Discussion boards really do pay off! Not just in the info exchange but in my brand new boxing gloves from amazon Punching my way into 2017. Target: LSAT.
Cool cool. This is what happens when you no longer have applications to work on + the LSAT to study for and suddenly find your life kind of devoid of business and are looking for something to fill the time. Take note, kids
I can't believe I won : ) I didn't think I talked that much except on discord. :P
Thanks 7Sage:)
@montaha.rizeq I am going to donate mine to my Domino's for firing me up to post so much, heehe:)
Gold - $100 giftcard
@"Alex Divine"
Silver - $50 giftcard
@"Cant Get Right"
Bronze - $25 giftcard
Getting close...
@"Not Ralph Nader"
Congrats everyone!
Seriously, CONGRATULATIONS, Winners!!
Congrats yall!
Thanks @stepharizona
Gold - $100 giftcard
@"Alex Divine"
Silver - $50 giftcard
Bronze - $25 giftcard
Getting close...
Congrats everyone!
Congrats all!
Thanks 7sage!
Discussion boards really do pay off! Not just in the info exchange but in my brand new boxing gloves from amazon
Lol, Alex I'll have you know Josh was planning to sabotage your mentor status if you beat him in the chattels for that month.
The first of the 2017 awards
Gold - $100 giftcard
Silver - $50 giftcard
Bronze - $25 gif
@"Not Ralph Nader"
Getting close...
@"Alex Divine"
Congrats everyone!
Cool cool. This is what happens when you no longer have applications to work on + the LSAT to study for and suddenly find your life kind of devoid of business and are looking for something to fill the time. Take note, kids
haha.encouragement for LSAT prep.
Congrats everybody!
For those of getting close...
For @montaha.rizeq looking down at the rest of us...
Don't dare to try to top the mountain:)