Hi, just wondering...anyone noticed the characteristics of wrong answer choices in RC?
I mean...do they come from the same paragraph or close place? I know for some answer choices they are factually incorrect but for some others they twist the details ect, and part of the choice is correct, and this confuses me a lot. Do correct answer choices and wrong answer choices come from the same paragraph?
Especially for those detail questions...
Regarding the nature of wrong and right answers----a lot of RC questions are main point, must be true, and argument part questions. If you understand the main point of each paragraph (along with tone and function of the section within the entire passage) and then how they relate to each other you'll be able to more easily select the right answer and eliminate the wrong ones. Thus you'll be able to answer more questions efficiently (i.e. not wasting time searching through the passage to answer each question). Unfortunately RC isn't as simple as saying, wrong answers always have certain attributes, because it depends on what the question is asking and the arguments/reasoning in the relevant parts of the passage. I do think one can say with certainty that mostly wrong answers are wrong because they are unsupported within the passage and this applies for correct answers in the sense that they are supported within the passage. For detail questions where the question stem references a line number, you should go back to the specific line mentioned in the passage to answer the question.
So...I guess I should not worry too much but if I feel something "wrong" even though partly the answer choice is correct, I should eliminate it, correct?