PT 59 - wtf happened to my score???

kristinasefkristinasef Free Trial Member
in General 18 karma
I recently took PT 59.
I've been scoring in the low to mid-160s, but this time it dropped to 156. I suppose a 4ish point drop isn't that big of a deal, but let me explain why I'm panicking (and not just because the test is less than 30 days away)

On Sec 2 (LR), I got 6 answers wrong. Not my best, but I suppose it's not terrible either.
However, on Sec 3 (LR), I got 10 answers wrong -- #15 through #25.

Has this happened to anyone, getting this many consecutive answers wrong? If so, what do you think happened here?

I know usually questions get harder by the end of each section, but I didn't perform like this on Section 2. Maybe I was tired especially hitting Section 3 (but usually this doesn't happen to me). Maybe it was just a bad day and it's not indicative of my other PTs. But maybe not. I want to know if any of you have gotten this many consecutive answers wrong? Could you shed some light on what you think caused it and how you improved (both test-taking strategy and reviewing your answers)?



  • EmmaWI88EmmaWI88 Alum Member
    213 karma
    The same thing happened when I took PT 72. It was a big blow but also look at your BR score. If it is much higher than it means you get the material it's more of a question of having an off day or timing. If you did not score high, then you need to look at what you got wrong and why. Every question I get wrong I write out the reasoning behind the argument, what the question is wanting me to do and then go over the answer choices as to why they're wrong or right. Also reviewing the curriculum will never hurt.

    We all have off days. Don't beat yourself up. Instead look at it as "I had my off day now, so I won't have it on test day." Also if you're burning out, take a day. It will he much better for you in the long run.

    After my bad score on 72 I also started drilling sections. This helped get my confidence back up. I took a PT yesterday since the 72 and was back to 164-165 range. :)
  • kristinasefkristinasef Free Trial Member
    18 karma
    Thank you @EmmaWI88 !!!
  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8723 karma
    Section 3 of PT 59 contains a few pretty infamous questions for students of the LSAT. As an aside, you can always tell an infamous question on this exam by the ability to identify it by a single word or so. On 59 section 3, the follow stand out to me as above average difficulty: QWERTY, Understanding a word, moths, agreement-obligations. Those are some really tough questions.
  • SherryS1SherryS1 Member
    477 karma
    I want to know if any of you have gotten this many consecutive answers wrong?
    Yes this has happened to me - I can't remember how many but it was a bunch of consecutive questions at the end of the section. It's a terrible feeling. I'm sorry you had to experience it!
    Could you shed some light on what you think caused it and how you improved (both test-taking strategy and reviewing your answers)?
    I had just started PTing and wasn't skipping around. I was low on time and didn't want to leave anything blank so I rushed. Needless to say it didn't work out for me :)

    In terms of what changes I made, well I started skipping around as needed and worked to better balance accuracy with time. I didn't miss another consecutive slew of questions and over the next several weeks my issues with timing improved.

    We all have off days. You're in good company :) Hopefully your next test is back in the range you're used to or better.
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