[Ended] Live Lightning Consultations—Weds, Nov. 16 @ 9 pm EST

David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
edited November 2016 in Webinars 7343 karma


On Wednesday, November 16, at 9 pm EST, I’ll do a round of live lightning consultations.

What’s a lightning consultation? Basically, I’ll try to be as helpful as I can in five minutes. We might brainstorm personal statement topics, strategize about addenda, or discuss LORs.

If you want a free five-minute consultation about your law school application, I’ll need you to post a few things in the comments section:

  1. Your three-sentence biography.
  2. Your biggest worry about your application.
  3. Two ideas for your personal statement.
  4. Did you attend last time? Did I get to you?

I’ll get through as many people as I can in one hour, working in a mostly random order. Please don’t post to this thread if you can’t show up for the consultation. If you do show up, test your microphone beforehand. Make sure you have a strong connection to the internet, and that you can speak and be heard on GoToMeeting. If your microphone isn’t working, I’ll have to skip you.

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/175281357

You can also dial in using your phone.

United States : +1 (646) 749-3122

Access Code: 175-281-357

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  • marellaamarellaa Alum Member
    24 karma
    1. I'm Mara, I recently graduated with a double degree in Political Science and Law and Society. I'm interested in Middle Eastern politics, and I love to travel. I'm applying to Canadian law schools.
    2. At this point, my biggest worry is the LSAT and perfecting my personal statement.
    3. I've written my personal statement. I tied in my various endeavours, my education, work experience, and volunteer experience. I am curious about what kind of life experience is appropriate.
    4. No, and no.
  • tams2018tams2018 Member
    727 karma
    1. I am a single mother of a young child, 32 years old, and trying to apply to law school (after I write the LSAT). It has been an ongoing battle to do this (wanted to go to law school since I graduated 10 years ago). I work full time and live in Washington, D.C.
    2. My biggest worry about my application would be my GPA. I have a 3.02 which is pretty low and one of the reasons I would love to earn 170+ LSAT score. I am looking to apply to law schools in the mid-Atlantic area.
    3. one idea: small timeline of life since college and how it contributed to growth and professionalism and (2nd idea) tie in my experience as a working mother determined to start/complete her legal education. My goal is to present a portrait of me on paper that you won't find on any other part of my application.
    4. I did not attend this session the last time.

  • full.moon.howler94full.moon.howler94 Alum Member
    83 karma
    1. My name is Dakota Rash, I'm a June 2016 grad from Western Washington University with a BA in Environmental Policy. LSAT is my life right now, although I'm making sure to take time for myself by keeping up a fitness regimen of running and dog walking. I hope to go into Environmental law in the long run.
    2. My biggest worry about my application in terms of what occupies my brain the most is my LSAT score (sitting in December).
    3. Idea 1: Center around an experience I had while working as a Park Ranger at the Grand Canyon. I was having a rough emotional time but sort of re-discovered why the job was important to me with a sunset run along the rim.
    Idea 2: talk about potting plants for an internship during my last quarter of college. It was pretty crazy with 21 credits, two internships, and a term paper, all while working as a Resident Advisor for two challenging floors of residents.
    4. This will be my first time attending a session.
  • erik.doreyerik.dorey Member
    9 karma
    1. Hey, I'm Erik. I graduated in 2008 from a small liberal arts college with a degree in music performance but every intention of taking the LSAT and applying to law schools. Instead, an entry-level policy job on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC presented itself, and I decided to give that a shot. Fast forward eight years, I've been fortunate to work in senior positions for several U.S. Senators and spent the last three election cycles as communications director on big nationally-watched political campaigns.
    2. My biggest worry is that I'm way behind the eight ball for 2017 applications. December 3 will be my first LSAT, and I've only just started working on my personal statement and sussing out where I'd like to go to law school.
    3. Idea one: telling the story of the insane race I worked on in 2012, where our opponent's incendiary comments on rape and abortion spiraled into a national conversation about women's reproductive rights that changed the trajectory of our race and others around the country -- how I managed the media crush that followed those comments and what I learned about my ability to execute under pressure.
    Idea two: telling the story of my experience in 2009 working for a congressmen embroiled in scandal who ultimately resigned in disgrace from office -- what that taught me about the balance between loyalty/professionalism and adhering to one's core values.
    4. This will by my first time attending a session.
  • zkchrumzzkchrumz Free Trial Member
    164 karma
    1. My name is Chris (we've met before, actually, at one of the 7-sage events in Manhattan, I talked to you and JY about "Thinking, Fast and Slow); I graduated from a SUNY college 2 years ago, major in German Language/Literature (studied abroad in Germany for a year) and minor in Business Management (pretty much what I was focusing on for a major when I decided to go abroad for a year instead). I'm currently interning with a judge to see the law in action.

    2. Biggest worry: I have a large gap in my resume, about a year and a half, during which I traveled a bit. Also, bombed LSAT last December (funny story...) with a 163, so when I get a 169+ next month I'll write an addendum.

    3. Idea 1: overview or poignant anecdotes about my internship and how it has shaped my idea of the law.
    Idea 2: discussion of my life as a student abroad: adapting to a different culture, taking a master's business course while abroad and 2 Ugrad level con-law classes.

    4. Not attended.

    Looking forward to chatting with you again.
  • sophiawoo90sophiawoo90 Alum Member
    edited November 2016 11 karma
    1. I'm Sophie, a senior at Columbia University(B.A) with major in philosophy, non-traditional student (26 years old).
    2. My biggest worry is the GPA and LSAT, my GPA is not great...it's around 3.65. I'm going to take December LSAT (hope to earn 170+).
    3. Ideas: I'm trying to show my character, what kind of person I am through the stories of my unfortunate situation (The reason I couldn't go to college after high school graduation). Although I went thru it, I also had a rocky start at the university both academically and emotionally. But I never gave up and...my grade has upward trend. I probably need to tie up these ideas...
    4. I didn't attend the last time.
  • apublicdisplayapublicdisplay Alum Member
    edited November 2016 696 karma
    I'm 23 yrs old and graduated from college in May 2015. I plan to attend law school in the fall of 2018. I currently work at a law firm. I have yet to take the LSAT but plan to do so in June, 2017.

    My biggest worry about my application is my LSAT score. My GPA is very high, but LSAT has always been a concern.

    I have so many different ideas for my personal statement but don't know which to go with. For one thing I immigrated to the US. Another thing involves all the work experience I've had since high school related specifically to pursuing a career in the law.

    I attended and posted a comment last time but did not get to speak.
  • chuyutian2016chuyutian2016 Free Trial Member
    edited November 2016 8 karma
    1.I am Chuyu, a northwestern recent graduate double majored in philosophy, economics with a minor in German. Besides an interest in ethics and political philosophy, I love writing and translating Chinese poems. I am applying to philosophy PhD programs simultaneously, hoping to get into JD/PHD programs.
    2.Biggest concern: I am not sure if it sounds weird to attend law school with the aim of becoming a professor.
    3.(1)How a concern for social justice brought me from Beijing to attend college in the US.
    (3)My experience studying abroad in Frankfurt alone. Ability to make friends with people from diverse cultures.
    4.No, and no.
  • suhasinimravisuhasinimravi Alum Member
    3 karma
    1. I'm a first year master's student at Yale University. I went to UC Berkeley for undergrad and majored in public health. I'm only applying to Yale this application cycle, in hopes that I will be admitted into the dual JD/MPH program.
    2. My biggest worry is my LSAT score. I took the LSAT a couple years ago and did not do that well (scored a 158). My undergrad gpa was good, but I'm getting honors in all of my classes at Yale. I'm worried that the admissions committee may overlook that and focus more on my undergraduate grades.
    3. I'm grappling with many personal statement ideas. I have a very personal family incident that pushed me towards getting my law degree. I am also deeply engaged in health policy and health law research, so my personal statement could focus on my interests in working within the field of health law.
    4. No.
  • SarahYanSarahYan Member
    13 karma
    1. My name is Sarah and I graduated in 2014 with a degree in International Studies from UC San Diego. I didn't know that I wanted to pursue law until after I graduated college. After graduating, I worked as a paralegal at a law firm that specialized in sexual harassment for over a year and then I moved across the country in July to help out at my mom's Chinese restaurant.
    2. My biggest concern is that I was very unfocused in undergrad, in regards to what I wanted to pursue in my future and who I was, and I didn't become close to any professors. I won't have any academic recommendation letters for my applications. Instead, I have two letters from my bosses at the law firm I worked at.
    3. I want to write about the meaning of Sichuan food in my life and how working in restaurants all throughout college and after has shaped me.
    4. I didn't attend last time.
  • freemanbrycefreemanbryce Member
    4 karma
    1. I'm Bryce, a 2014 grad from the University of Florida with a double major in political science and economics, wrote a thesis on voter suppression. Finished Teach For America in Charlotte this past year, chose to stay for a third year in the classroom to teach AP US History and AP Microeconomics. Did a fellowship in the North Carolina Governor's office last summer and this summer I shadowed my school district's Chief Academic Officer.
    2. My biggest concern is that my LSAT (164) will limit my opportunities given that my GPA (3.90) and softs are fairly strong. I'm re-taking the LSAT in December. I would love to attend a school like NYU or UVA and not pay sticker price.
    3. My personal statement as of now describes how my curiosity and commitment to self-improvement has brought me to unexpected places in terms of my academic and teaching experiences.
    4. Did not attend last time.
  • DJ JohnsonDJ Johnson Alum Member
    44 karma
    1. My name is Dejaih and I graduate Dec. 20 with a degree in Law & Society (concentration in legal studies), and a double minor in Political Science and Sociology. I am a first generation college student and sports are my life having played since I was nine and my entire collegiate career. I also just completed an internship at the National Legal Aid & Defender Association in Washington, DC.
    2. My biggest worry about my application is an addenda and my personal statement as I wish to separate myself from other applicants.
    3. Two ideas for my personal statement are my hardships as a child and my passion and commitment to sports throughout my life.
    4. I did not attend last time.
  • wlbwd6wlbwd6 Member
    3 karma
    1. My name is Whitney, I graduate from the University of Missouri in May 2017 with a degree in Political Science. My GPA is around a 3.4. I've interned with a senior congressman in DC and their home district office.
    2. My biggest concern is the LSAT. I'm taking it in December and my practice test scores aren't as high as I want them. (In the 150s)
    3. I already wrote my personal statement, it's about body positivity hardships. (Inspired by a book I've read "Perfect girls, starving daughters")
    4. I did not attend last time
  • eshanpatel96eshanpatel96 Member
    38 karma
    1.My name is Eshan, I am currently a junior at Temple University and will be graduating May 2018 with a degree in Bioengineering. I want to get into IP law, working with medical devices. Could use some live expert advise for a few concerns about the whole process.
    2. My biggest concern is my GPA being lower then most school "require" due to my major. Just starting my LSAT prep, so will see how that goes.
    3. No clue about my personal statement, was planning on working on that over the winter/summer break.
    4. Did not attend last time
  • clarinscecilia1clarinscecilia1 Alum Member
    25 karma
    1. Hello, my name is Claire. I moved from Indonesia and I graduated May 2015 in Poli Sci w/ 3.68 GPA. I served a year in AmeriCorps member for the IRC as an employment assistance for refugee clients. Now, I'm a Resettlement Caseworker for IRC where I help secure housing for newly arrived families.

    2. LSAT (158). Going to re-take on February. Biggest mistake was not PT-ing with the recent tests and more RC---oh and I choked. I want at least to hit 161-163 range so I can have a shot at UC Davis.

    3. Idea one: My role as caseworker for housing. I'm in San Diego. We have 2% vacancy rate, high rent, and no single refugee has credit/rental/job history----or current job. Monthly arrivals consists of 150-200 individuals. It's an impossible task (almost).

    Idea two: Developing separate curriculums and teaching adult 'Vocational' ESL classes for high, low, and mix level English speakers while serving in AmeriCorps.

    4. No, this is my first time.
  • DelhisehuBCDelhisehuBC Alum Member
    edited November 2016 21 karma
    1. I'm an engineer/scientist. Currently working in a patent litigation law firm as their expert. I did my undergrad in electrical engineering back in India and finished grad school at UofPenn. I'm targeting the decent part time law schools (Georgetown and UofHouston), haven't taken my LSAT yet.

    2. My undergrad grades are not out of 4.00 and my biggest concern is this, right here-- how LSAC is going to evaluate my foreign engineering degree? My transcript says "first division" and my cumulative grade point 74.43/100. I scored 3.6/4.0 at Penn (grad school).

    3. Idea 1: My personal statement will describe my first deposition experience and how a partner leaned on me to box in the expert witness and how this experience shaped my decision to attend law school

    Idea 2: My overall story explaining why I switched from an engineering career to law.

    4. Did not attend the last time.

  • CoCoPerezCoCoPerez Alum Member
    edited November 2016 6 karma
    Hi There! I am Idalia and 28 year old wife and mother of a 3 year old son. I recently graduated with my Master's Degree in Business Administration and I currently a Consultant for ADP, but formerly was a Business operations Manager at a Healthcare Law Firm. I want to use my expertise in the the organizational development field and relate it to helping those who are not educated in this realm achieve their organizational goals from a legal perspective.

    My biggest concern with regards to my application is certainly my score. Therefore, having an impactful and well written statement is imperative to my application selection and approval.

    I do have ideas in which I believe a great personal statement would make however, the receipt of the expert advice is always accepted.
    1. The first idea I have about a personal statement is speaking about the reality of living as a minority and if "equal rights" are truly as equal as they should be and how my knowledge, past career will stabilize the playing field for all.
    2. The second idea I have about a personal statement is speaking about how seeing a t-shirt that read "I will be the first woman President" when I was 7 years old shaped my career path and societal focus becoming an attorney and goals of being the FIRST woman & minority president.

    No, I did not attend the last time.
  • ONELovelyLadyONELovelyLady Member
    edited November 2016 23 karma
    EDIT: I now have a conflict and will be unable to attend, but hope to be able to attend the next one. I am removing my comment so that someone else has a chance to participate. :)
  • RunawayJuryRunawayJury Alum Member
    143 karma
  • asinoacriasinoacri Free Trial Member
    edited November 2016 3 karma
    @david.busis said:
    Your three-sentence biography.Your biggest worry about your application.Two ideas for your personal statement.Did you attend last time? Did I get to you?
    Currently attending NTU, for a year, (undergrad) as an exchange student studying Mandarin with a major in Economics and minor in International Business. I am 21 and very absent minded. I don't know what I want to do or how I want to do it, I am a bit everywhere, however I have taken on 26 units in a term (quarter) and attained a 3.85.

    It wont be good enough, attending a low-tier university with a measly 3.58. I want to get a 175 on the LSAT, but I do not know if it will be enough to get into a top law school. I can get perfects if I take about 70 more minutes than given on the LSAT, so I think I can get a 175.

    I have a bit of volunteer experience from: military, journalism, and public service. I have been posting dank memes since 2006, back when 4chan was not known as a hacker.

  • csb171819csb171819 Alum Member
    edited December 2016 28 karma
    1.)My name is Cassandra Basile, I am 23 years old and planning to apply Fall 2017 or early decision for Fall 2018. I am amidst switching fields, as this past October I graduated from a one year Masters program in Museum Anthropology from Columbia. I think my initial interest in law spurred from my interest in religion and philosophy courses during my undergrad classics major.

    2.)My biggest concern is my LSAT score. Although I am worried about my essay and if it will provide a good reflection of my personality and writing skills, the LSAT concerns me more. I have a 3.82 from undergrad and a 3.7 from my Masters, but I fear that the time constraints of the LSAT and my test taking anxiety may prevent me from getting the score I need/want.


    4.) No, and No.
  • yhchoi1687yhchoi1687 Alum Member
    edited November 2016 80 karma
    1. Your three-sentence biography.
    I am Monica, a 23-year-old student who will graduate from the University of Hong Kong in May 2017 as a major of International Business and Economics. My academic background is quite unique since I have grown up in South Korea till secondary school years, went to Brown University in US and spent one and a half college years there, then transferred to the University of Hong Kong with a full scholarship including living expenses, and now on exchange study at King's College London in UK. If calculated as LSDAS GPA, mine would be around 3.91 (my HKU transcript is still under process now) and my LSAT score is 173 (though I am waiting for handscoring result).

    2. Your biggest worry about your application.
    Due to my and my family's financial circumstances, I need a scholarship as much as possible. Since I am an international student, I worry about that I would be at some disadvantageous position for receiving scholarship or student loans. I hope to gain significant scholarships at T6 law schools, but given my GPA and LSAT score, I wonder what could help me more to get scholarships.

    3. Two ideas for your personal statement.
    1) Moment of making a decision to transfer from Brown University to the University of Hong Kong
    2) How I see the world while I am traveling around the world (I traveled around 30 countries) as a business major

    4. Did you attend last time? Did I get to you?
    No for both.
  • Dark Knight VDark Knight V Member
    194 karma
    1. Your three-sentence biography: I've spent the six years since graduating from college working in Democratic politics, on campaigns and in the House and Senate (most recently on Bernie's presidential campaign). I'm currently working on surveillance reform with a think thank.

    2.Your biggest worry about your application. My undergraduate GPA is really low: 3.09 as a history major at Yale. I'm taking the LSAT on Dec. 3, but it doesn't look like I'll break 170 like I'd wanted to (current avg. is 165).

    3. Two ideas for your personal statement:
    a. How my growing concerns about surveillance reform helped me decide to stop working in electoral politics and go to law school.
    b. How my thoughts on the police have changed, through my personal experiences (centered around an incident where I observed and recorded police misconduct).

    4. Did you attend last time? Yes, but you didn't get to me.
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