Day before: Waking up at 6 am, light flaw and LG targeted drilling until 10, checking into hotel at noon, massage at 3, eating a big healthy dinner, then watching Seinfeld re-runs while sharpening my pencils until 10pm.
Day of- Same wake up time. Big breakfast. Do 2 LR questions, 1 -4 minute ordering game, 1 easy passage. Then listening to some pump up music on my walk to the test, bag in hand baby.
Loving all of the Friday plans! I'm hoping to be in bed by 10/10:30 pm as well! Hopefully anxiety won't keep me up. I wish you all the best of luck! Let's crush it!
Going to the club. Should be drunk enough to take the test by 4 am.
Nah I'll drill a little, do some games (which I enjoy?) and probably bake or something along those lines to take my mind off of things. Also take the dog on walks and get to bed early. It's like the day before a marathon. You don't train too hard
Is anyone going to try and starve their brain of entertainment? I might stay away from watching tv or reading so I will be really really bored. Then saturday morning my brain will be like "oh yea this RC is soooo interesting!"
LOL, this is hilarious. Let me know if it works! Realistically, even if you didn't deprive yourself of interesting things right before, you should still go in with that intellectual curiosity (which I know you already know =P). All of y'all Saturday -- reference hilarious cookie monster gif:
i don't feel nervous at all, actually looking forward to it. Will drill 5 recent LG, do few recent and hardest LR and RC. Right before the test starts will do few LG again before i enter the testing room.
Day of- Same wake up time. Big breakfast. Do 2 LR questions, 1 -4 minute ordering game, 1 easy passage. Then listening to some pump up music on my walk to the test, bag in hand baby.
Sit down, drank, stand up, drank
Pass out, drank, wake up, drank
Faded, drank, faded, drank"
In actuality, six logic games sections from PTs 70-74, two logic reasoning sections, watching The Good Wife, and chilling
Nah I'll drill a little, do some games (which I enjoy?) and probably bake or something along those lines to take my mind off of things. Also take the dog on walks and get to bed early. It's like the day before a marathon. You don't train too hard