
wildernesswilderness Alum Member
edited September 2018 in General 133 karma


  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27898 karma
    Sorry to hear that @wilderness . I've been there and the truth is that it's going to hurt for a long, long time. The long game is something you're going to have to learn, but right now all you need to be thinking about is getting through tomorrow. And to get through tomorrow, you need to take refuge in LSAT. You need to test in almost a meditative state. Focus. Clear your mind. Take the LSAT. You got this.
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma
    YES, and this might not be what you want to hear but break up mentally with her and focus on LSAT.Don't text her or call her or even think about her. I know it really really hurts. But you need to think clearly for LSAT. At the end of the road I promise you, you will be happy whatever direction life ends up taking you. If you end up with her, then you were worrying about nothing and you let this get to you and your LSAT score. If you don't end up with her, then you will end up with someone else and also be very very happy, so no point in worrying about this relationship and feeling bad that it affected your score.

    The point is to always focus on things that are important and need attention. You LSAT currently requires your all this relationship doesn't. She is fine and she will be fine till after you take LSAT. It can wait.

    Also, she may not have meant to ignore you or she may have in which case I hope you see why you should not focus on this at this moment either way.

    I know this is easier said than done. So, things that helped me not feel heartache when I have gone through breakups. 1. Go for a run (it boosts endorphins) <3 2. Sleep. A good sleep can do wonders.

    Lastly, she may care about you or not. But first and foremost, you have to care about yourself first and at this moment this relationship is unhealthy. You owe a responsibility to your mental health and fitness; so take a break.

    I hope this helped. I really meant it from the bottom of my heart.

    Let me know if I can do anything for you.
    Good luck for tomorrow!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited December 2016 23929 karma
    @wilderness said:
    I refuse to postpone this test for anyone and any thing. I've busted my ass to get to where I am. But I have to admit, I'm feeling really low right now. Any thoughts, words of advice, pieces of encouragement... would be highly appreciated.
    Sorry to hear this, dude. We've all been there.... I know you won't believe this now --I know I didn't when I was told-- but you'll find someone better.

    Life goes on. Be strong. Be tough. Will your way through this.

    Heartbreak is a tough thing to go through no matter when you go through it. If you're dead set on taking this test tomorrow, you need to find a way to block out the feelings of heartbreak as best you can until this test is over. Unfortunately, you don't have the luxury of going through all the normal motions in the next 10 hours, so you'll have to be strong.

    Don't feel like you have to take this test tomorrow if you don't want to. You said you won't postpone for anyone or anything, but consider doing it for yourself and your future if it comes down to it.

    Good luck!

    p.s. if you need someone to talk to, message me, and I'll send you my Skype or something.
  • TheDesertGrandfatherTheDesertGrandfather Free Trial Member
    116 karma
    Hey there wilderness!

    Sorry to hear about what you're going through. First things first, remember, this is what you're going through, this is not permanent. It's important that feel what you're feeling and that you let yourself hurt, but I promise you, you will get past this my friend. There's a reason Shakespeare's work is still so damn relevant (other than its brilliance), because heart-ache is something that almost everyone experiences at some point:)

    Now, about the LSAT. Telling you to just block it out and write the thing isn't great advice because... well... that's not an easy thing to do. However, if I was you, I would do everything I could to realize that someday, when I looked back on this test in the future, I would either think something along the lines of "holy balls I can't believe I let that ruin my day and my test" or "Thank God I didn't let that completely ruin my day and my test."

    The LSAT doesn't know what you're going through, it doesn't know who's writing it, and it doesn't particularly care (that seems to be the beauty). But, you know the LSAT. You know that dang thing well enough that you decided it was a good idea to spend tomorrow telling it just how well you know it. You have to use this to your advantage. You haven't spent the last X number of months studying for this thing so that on test day it could somehow remind you of who you are and what you're going through. Instead, you've been studying to show that test every single thing you know about it.

    It's not gonna be easy. It never is. But tomorrow is about the LSAT. Tomorrow is about winning. Walk in that testing room tomorrow and prove to LSAC, to every school you apply to, and to yourself that you can't be stomped on so much that it's going to mess up the most important thing in your world right now (well one of them I assume). You've got this.

    Remember, you know the LSAT a lot better than it knows you.
  • Stevie CStevie C Alum Member
    edited December 2016 645 karma
    My advice is to block out everything else. When you take the LSAT, focus on the questions. If any negative or unhelpful thoughts invade your mind, stop them in their tracks and re-focus on the questions. Don't allow negative thoughts to get a firm grip on your mind. When they inevitably knock on the door, shoo them away!

    I think of negative thoughts as "mind terrorists" (sorry if this term is too blunt for anyone) ... I don't respect them and I certainly don't negotiate with them
  • hlsat180hlsat180 Free Trial Member
    362 karma
    Hey Wilderness, I realize this a tough time and, right now, hard to simply ignore - so you gotta make this your motivation to succeed even more on the LSAT. Many of us have gone thru breakups and have come out even better - if only to prove your ex is wrong - and you will, too. Every breakup however painful is a growth opportunity and, as a result of becoming a better and stronger person, someday you will find someone even better that you would not today. Trust me on this but, most importantly, trust yourself in this.

    This is time to kick ass and take names - you can't worry about things out of your control - so channel 100% on what you can control: and kick ass on the LSAT!
  • Chipster StudyChipster Study Yearly Member
    893 karma
    You could take the brass knuckle approach to this.... there are two outcomes here. You could not have the girl and absolutely crush the test. Or, you can not have the girl and flub the test. Now, which of those is better?
  • wildernesswilderness Alum Member
    edited December 2016 133 karma
    Wow guys and gals, thank you so much for all of this. I can't respond to it all as in-depth as I would like, given the fact that it's 12:48 AM here on the east coast, but thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    All of your words have come to me at a time when I thought that the world was enjoying throwing thing my way. Heartbreak, adversity, all these things...

    All these are things that I realize I must overcome to achieve my dreams. It was hard for me to put things into perspective, but every single one of y'all's kind words have done just that. Life moves on as they say :)

    I'll be sure to give an update tomorrow after the test, and am excited to hear how you all did :) A special shout out to @Sami and @"Alex Divine" for offering to reach out. I appreciate it more than words can say.

    Now let's go out and take this thing ;)
  • wildernesswilderness Alum Member
    edited December 2016 133 karma
    "Great moments are born out of great opportunity. That's what you have here tonight boys. That's what you've earned here tonight."

    "If we played them ten times they might win nine. But not this (logic) game. Not tonight.

    Tonight we diagram with them.

    Tonight we answer them, and we shut them down because we can.

    You were born to be lawyers, each and every one of ya.

    And you were meant to be here, tonight.

    This is your time.

    Their time, is done. It's over.

    I'm sick and tired of hearing how hard a logic game is!


    This is your time --

    Now go out there and take it."
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma
    @wilderness said:
    Now let's go out and take this thing ;)
    That's the spirit! So good to hear that! You'll do great!
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @wilderness You are truly inspiring, dude.

    That's the exact mindset and attitude you need. Make sure to listen to that in the morning. I'll be here tomorrow and the next day and the next day.... if you need an ear.

    You got this test tomorrow... No go out there and take it!
  • TheDesertGrandfatherTheDesertGrandfather Free Trial Member
    116 karma
    Thatta boy Wilderness!! Now go out there and crush the Soviets today!!:D
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    edited December 2016 27898 karma
    Hope you came through alright!
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @wilderness said:
    I'll be sure to give an update tomorrow after the test, and am excited to hear how you all did :)

    hey i recently went through a heart break and felt the same way as you, but it goes easier with time and it's more than manageable now. I really hope you wrote your lsat and killed it and if not, please know that it will get easier and it won't get in the way of writing in the future :)

  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    edited December 2016 2086 karma
    @Sami said:
    YES, and this might not be what you want to hear but break up mentally with her and focus on LSAT.Don't text her or call her or even think about her.
    This, x1000.

    I'm sure you've already taken the test, but I figured I could weigh in. You need to move on. I know, that's not what you want to hear, but it's the truth. Think of where you'll be in 10 years. Is your S.O. guaranteed to be a part of your life? If there isn't a ring on his/her finger, the answer is no. How about a career in law? Well, if you're studying for the LSAT, the answer is probably "yes." That's what you need to focus on.
    Don't think about her (I know, you "can't" avoid it), don't communicate with her, and don't try to check up on her. Focus on you.
  • ajcrowelajcrowel Free Trial Member
    207 karma
    The best revenge is a 170+ score and a beautiful wooden framed degree from a top school. Go get it and show her you're the man who got away.
  • wildernesswilderness Alum Member
    133 karma
    @TheDesertGrandfather: The soviets have been crushed! They're in some swapped building or other heh

    @MrSamlam: Cheers brother. I'd never considered law school / the LSAT how you just described, but you're right... today's administration was my engagement to the law. I proposed in a room full of watercolors and oil paintings hahaha. I'm finding it super fucking hard to focus on me, but I view today's LSAT as an ultimate test of my willpower and self-confidence in the face of adversity. You all helped me see it that way, and I can't thank you enough. I think it's oddly poetic that this all went down the day before I took a great leap forward in my life, and I'm trying - albeit poorly - to do all the things you've suggested :)

    @DEC_LSAT : Thanks for your kind words :) I hope you did well too, if you took it today (oh jeez another conditional sorry folks hahah) I'm continually amazed at this Forum and all of the people here. It's an other-worldly feeling being connected to people all over the world who've gone through what you're going through, both in a personal sense and in an LSAT sense. It's so fucking dope

    @Cant Get Right: Thank you man! The test today was a crazy experience. I didn't get to bed last night until around 2/3 am and so was pretty tired when I got there... not how I wanted to be going into this but c'est la vie. After chatting/making jokes with some of the other people in line, I felt really positive going into the test. Thoughts of she evaporated to the back of my mind, though they made attempts to intrude my thoughts at several points throughout the exam. When this happened, I heard J.Y.'s voice telling me, "Breath, calm down, re-focus." And that's exactly what I did.

    I think I did really well on reading comp. I was a philosophy major in college, and opening the booklet to see Rawls staring me in the face was like greeting an old friend. Logical reasoning I always find myself flustered by, and found myself anxiously re-reading sentences over and over again while subliminally thinking about my heartbreak. I found the first LR section to be challenging both by virtue of the questions themselves and my subjective mindset. I was really stoked about the Games section, and found myself flying through it. The last LR section I think I did well on too, knock on wood!

    Overall, I feel happy, confidant, and satisfied with how I performed on the test. Test day adrenaline saved me from my lack of sleep, though the latter may have contributed to some hastily written, in-correct LR answers, and I found the hours simply flew by.

    Once again, I want to thank you and everyone on this Forum for providing me with emotional support when I needed it the most. Today was rough. It was a battle. It was challenging. But we all made it through to the other side, and I want to say from the bottom of my heart that I couldn't have done it without y'all.

    Wishing for great scores all around!
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27898 karma
    It sounds like you really did manage to overcome and pull through; glad to hear it! Hoping your score will be even better than you hoped for!
  • cm214998cm214998 Alum Member
    190 karma
    Hope the test went well!! Don't worry man, when you get your 170+ and then get accepted to a top 10 and then become President of the United States, I'm sure she'll regret it. ;)
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @cm214998 said:
    Hope the test went well!! Don't worry man, when you get your 170+ and then get accepted to a top 10 and then become President of the United States, I'm sure she'll regret it. ;)
    That's what I'm thinking! I'd trade my ex-gf for a 170+ any day lol
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