LSAT Prep for the Frequent Traveler/Flyer

John1990John1990 Member
in General 30 karma
I know many of us are holding down full-time jobs while prepping, but I'm curious, has anyone here been a frequent traveler/flyer while studying or can anyone offer tips on harvesting and maximizing all those scattered bits of somewhat-distracted-but-solo downtime? My job in consulting keeps me busy 60+ hours a week, traveling 3-4 days to and from client sites, with lots of time in airports, on planes, getting and driving rental cars, and sleeping in hotels. I enjoy my job - it's just not my long-term passion, hence the LSAT!

I'm still working through the CC, so I think those lonely evenings in hotels will eventually be perfect for PTs. But I also have many 15 to 60 minute increments throughout the week when I could be listening to or watching videos or podcasts on my laptop or my phone, doing a short activity in a limited space, etc.? Any recommendations on how I can deploy these slots in my larger study schedule? Anything you'd purposefully save only for longer, more concentrated study sessions, or print out and keep with you always? I'm really curious how others use the 7Sage app, in particular.

I have a feeling my 2017 will include a daily LG section on a table tray.. :-) )

(Happy Holidays!)


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @John1990 said:
    I know many of us are holding down full-time jobs while prepping, but I'm curious, has anyone here been a frequent traveler/flyer while studying or can anyone offer tips on harvesting and maximizing all those scattered bits of somewhat-distracted-but-solo downtime? My job in consulting keeps me busy 60+ hours a week, traveling 3-4 days to and from client sites, with lots of time in airports, on planes, getting and driving rental cars, and sleeping in hotels. I enjoy my job - it's just not my long-term passion, hence the LSAT!
    Nice dude! Always was interested in consulting. You out of NYC?

    Anyways, yeah, I'm afraid I can't be too much help. I've actually recently decided to take a leave of absence from my job to prep full-time. I don't know if that's a possibility, but I too was working 60 hour weeks, and although I don't ever have to travel, it seems to be near impossible to find time to prep where your brain isn't mush.

    I was able to get through the CC by just setting small goals. Each weekday I set out to do one hour in the CC. On the weekends I do 2-3. The great thing about 7Sage is during my lunch hour at work I can usually watch a few lessons and do some logic games. It's all about finding and utilizing those 30 min windows you have free.

    Good Luck and Happy Holidays!
  • xqr1s4f3edxqr1s4f3ed Alum Member
    118 karma
    @John1990 I found a tablet with a stylus invaluable. I took a Samsung Galaxy Tab A w/ S Pen on travel with me, loaded it full of prep test PDFs, and was able to study on the train, in cafes, and on the beach. It totally obviates the need for printing, and is awesome for Blind Review.

    Of course nothing replaces testing under LSAT conditions, so this is only a gap fill.
  • camcam Alum Member
    349 karma
    I'd use the smaller chunks of time for drilling problem sets. When I'm on the road (touring musician), if it was a short break after sound check, I would either read The New Yorker, Economist, or Scientific American, but if it was a longer break (and there was wifi)-I would get my laptop out and drill problem sets.
  • John1990John1990 Member
    30 karma
    These are great tips! Thanks everyone, including multiple folks who messaged me privately.
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