December LSAT release day draws near - anxiety level skyrockets

BreeBreeBreeBree Member
edited January 2017 in General 219 karma
So, there has been some predictions that the scores will be released tomorrow (2), while this is good news, I'm between wanting to know and not wanting to know at all. My anxiety is off the roof, and even even starting Gotham on Netflix isn't helping. How are you guys coping with your anxiety while you wait?

Oh yea, happy new year!


  • nicole08nicole08 Member
    55 karma
    I am feeling the same way! I am almost nervous to check. Like you said, I want to know but I am scared to know at the same time :( I am trying to play candy crush (I know, awful addiction lol) and Netflix, working out, hanging out with friends, online shopping (whoops)...we shall see. Needless to say I am one big anxious mess underneath it all. We've got this!
  • Dark Knight VDark Knight V Member
    194 karma
    Anyone else still working on applications? I'm anxious for my score, but still need to get some of this other stuff done.
  • 224 karma
    I am still editing my PS, Resume, and Addendums. I am however waiting for write my Why X statements until after I get my score because if my scores are too low I won't bother applying to a lot of schools.
  • Dark Knight VDark Knight V Member
    194 karma
    @onecallthatsall Sounds like we're in the same boat!
  • Renee M.Renee M. Alum Member
    103 karma
    Every time my email notification pops up - my heart rate skyrockets and I feel myself start to sweat, and also have a mini heart attack so I feel the anxiety too guys!!!
  • WinWin2016WinWin2016 Alum Member
    132 karma
    I would not be so nervous if i knew exactly that results will be known on 4th, and not like maybe 2 days earlier or a day earlier.
  • TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
    698 karma
    More excited than nervous.
  • J. TharpJ. Tharp Alum Member
    575 karma
    I keep having the same dream where the email has finally arrived and I'm about to open it...then, I wake up at like 6 AM and cannot go back to sleep. And I have today off!
  • TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
    698 karma
    @"J. Tharp" well according to the LSAT projection GAWDS it's supposed to be today. Although I'm not sure. Isn't lsac closed for the holiday?
  • 224 karma
    @TheLoftGuy somebody asked that same question on Dave Killorans Powerscore blog post about his January 2nd prediction and he said that they have released it multiple times during their holiday closure. So I am
    Still hoping for today! My wife says to just expect it on the fourth, but I dont care anymore... TODAY IS THE DAY
  • bjphillips5bjphillips5 Alum Member
    1137 karma
    If they release today, LSAC won't have to deal with any "when will it be released?" calls when their office reopens...that'd sound nice to me if I were LSAC :)
  • TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
    698 karma
    Agreed. Who would want to come back from vacation to phones ringing off the hook and flooded email boxes @bjphillips5
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