This is why everyone has been saying not to expect it in advance of January 4th. I haven't even been checking e-mail - everyone should just breath, go for a run, watch some netflix, and/or get blasted drunk.
Thanks, Dillon, for creating this thread--and for putting the answer right next to the thread title!! I'm a ball of nerves...really hope the score comes out today.
Omg I'm trying to study for Feb right now at the library but my heart is racing I'm seriously hoping all this anxiety ends today so whatever the outcome is I CAN FOCUS finally, jeez.
@sweezyseason the fact that youre in the lib studying is huge cause i havent bothered at all. Waiting until results cause i cant get myself to study without knowing.
anyone else think that grey day could actually be the date it's slated for - wednesday? I assumed that with the holidays and all, LSAC would be a bit behind.
Kind of hoping it's wednesday because I will be on a seven hour flight when the scores come out and can enjoy a glass of wine before landing and checking my e-mail.
@"DEC_LSAT" said: @sweezyseason the fact that youre in the lib studying is huge cause i havent bothered at all. Waiting until results cause i cant get myself to study without knowing.
Lol, I second this!
My studying for Feb starts today with or without score.
@stgl1230 said: anyone else think that grey day could actually be the date it's slated for - wednesday? I assumed that with the holidays and all, LSAC would be a bit behind.
They've had a history of releasing scores during the holidays, guess just not this year. :C
I'm not applying until next cycle and I'm 99% sure I'll have to retake...but I just want to know! I'm not going to start studying again until next week no matter what. I needed the beak! But, good luck everyone!
I remember the June scores came out mid afternoon *keeping fingers crossed*. What actually happens with the grey? Does that mean the toolbar on LSAC goes grey? I don't recall seeing that in June. Although, I just looked at my score originally by e-mail so maybe that's why!
Perfect timing for me to leave work, drown myself in alcohol with some friends one last time, and weep for the free time I will no longer have (again). RIP social life and tinder, see you in June
@dantlee14 said: Perfect timing for me to leave work, drown myself in alcohol with some friends one last time, and weep for the free time I will no longer have (again). RIP social life and tinder, see you in June
Literally same. Goodbye social life and welcome back feelings of guilt every minute of life that I'm not studying.
@"DEC_LSAT" said: i was told around 2PM was when the september lsat writers noticed
I wasn't on the LSAC website refreshing for September scores, but I was on 7sage reading the discussion. I believe people started to go grey around 1-1:30 PST, the first people got scores around 2, and I got mine via email around 3. But I know some people were waiting until like 5 PST, just depends on what batch your score is in
In June 2016 he commented "what a nightmare 154 only 7 right on games" Then again in that same month said "160 target been scoring around there"
Kind of hoping it's wednesday because I will be on a seven hour flight when the scores come out and can enjoy a glass of wine before landing and checking my e-mail.
My studying for Feb starts today with or without score.