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LoR-- re-ask?

in General 103 karma
Hey Y'all!
I applied for admission into law school this past fall, and though I got in somewhere, I decided not to go and do TFA instead, as this was the most financially smart decision for me.
Well, anyways, I had two amazing LoR's from my college professors on my application and I was wondering if I my LSAC file will keep those letters for this year when I apply? or should i ask those writers to simply submit them again? My only issue with asking them again is I have tried to email both of my writers just to keep in touch, but I have not heard a response I am sure they are busy..

Thanks in advance!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @LSATismeh said:
    wondering if I my LSAC file will keep those letters for this year when I apply?
    Yup - you will still be able to use them this year. Good luck :)
  • TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
    698 karma
    As long as they were sent to LSAC they will remain on your account for 5 years. You can pick which LORs are sent to each school
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    You should be ok. Your account is valid for 5 years and that includes the LORs. Be mindful though that after sometime a LOR can look rusty so it's usually a good idea to get a refreshed one from the same professor if possible.
  • 103 karma
    awesome! thanks all!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    no problemo!
  • mcmlaw36mcmlaw36 Alum Member
    631 karma
    I'm assuming you are in the States, then, @LSATismeh?

    For Canadian law schools, you don't actually have to upload to LSAC. Uploading LOR's to the Ontario Law School Application Service is sufficient if only applying to Canadian schools.

    Must upload to LSAC if applying to U.S., though.

  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @mcmlaw36 said:
    Uploading LOR's to the Ontario Law School Application Service is sufficient if only applying to Canadian schools.
    yes, that's true. so does this mean if you don't apply that cycle you must resubmit a LOR?
  • mcmlaw36mcmlaw36 Alum Member
    edited January 2017 631 karma
    Yes, thanks for prompting that question @montaha.rizeq!

    I meant to add on that OLSAS requires re-submission of ALL data (including LOR's) each cycle. They do not keep anything on file. For e.g., I applied Nov. 2015, but did not end up writing the LSAT that year, so I had to re-ask and re-submit all LOR's to OLSAS for Nov. 2016, the following cycle.

    Therefore, Canadians... it's a great idea to have your LOR's submitted to both LSAC and OLSAS. Not originally submitting to LSAC caused me a great deal of work to re-apply for law school the following year.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited January 2017 11542 karma
    @mcmlaw36 said:
    I meant to add on that OLSAS requires re-submission of ALL data (including LOR's) each cycle. They do not keep anything on file. For e.g., I applied Nov. 2015, but did not end up writing the LSAT that year, so I had to re-ask and re-submit all LOR's to OLSAS for Nov. 2016, the following cycle.

    Therefore, Canadians... it's a great idea to have your LOR's submitted to both LSAC and OLSAS. Not originally submitting to LSAC caused me a great deal of work to re-apply for law school the following year.
    Beautiful! Thanks for this, I'm sure canadian applicants (or those applying to canadian schools) will benefit <3
  • 103 karma
    yep @mcmlaw36 , I'm definitely in the states! thank you for the helpful info on Canadian schools though!! I won't lie and say I haven't looked into them lol!
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