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Is today Grey Day? [YES!!!]



  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @piper.salvator said:
    I was solidly PTing 163-165.
    timed conditions and everything? what do you think prevented you from getting that range? LG?
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    Congratulations everyone! No matter what score you got just remember you gave it your all and did the best you can! Whether you're retaking or not, congratulations again!!!! <3
  • 224 karma
    Got my target score. 8 points above my September score. PRAISE THE LORD
  • stgl1230stgl1230 Member
    821 karma
    @"J. Tharp" oooh congrats on your decision to move to LA. My brother is at UCLA and he loves it. Can't beat the weather, and it's an excellent school. best of luck!
  • stgl1230stgl1230 Member
    edited January 2017 821 karma
    @onecallthatsall said:
    Got my target score. 8 points above my September score. PRAISE THE LORD
    ahhh congrats! I feel ya, the december lsat was our lsat. good work!!
  • allie.vandineallie.vandine Free Trial Member
    57 karma
    @ksthan92 said:
    I got a 164 and I have a 3.71 GPA. I'm in a grad program at Georgetown right now and was hoping to do a dual degree (could do it if I'm admitted this cycle) but it doesn't seem likely :/ Quite bummed.
    Don't despair! I know folks who have gotten in with similar numbers, plus I'm sure your grad program will cut in your favor.
  • jaybee88jaybee88 Alum Member
    165 karma

    thats what i would do

  • jaybee88jaybee88 Alum Member
    165 karma
    thanks everyone for your responses.

    i am bummed because i made lots of silly mistakes. for LG which is my worst section i did the last 2 games correctly but managed to screw up the EASIEST game of the set somehow (game 1). so disheartening considering i was only 2 points away from my goal score... was 3 points down from my average like JY said. first take

    i dont think ill retake because i really want to start school in 2017 but its definitely a blow to the ego

    if i learned anything, i would suggest studying with 5 section tests where the experimental is unknown. that really threw me off.
  • LSAT04164LSAT04164 Alum Member
    127 karma
    @zahra.vaid said:
    Any advice from someone whose applied in Ontario
    Most people on this site want to get into a T-14 school. Canada only has 14 schools in total! Haha you do not need a 170 or high 160's to get into a decent school in Ontario. Which schools are you most interested in?
  • cdouglascdouglas Alum Member
    18 karma
    Are you at law school in Ontario?
    I was aiming for Osgoode but now realistically Western (I did my undergrad here and they love to take alum). I have a solid GPA but did really, really poorly on the December test. I'd love any advice/insight from someone at school in the province!
  • LSAT04164LSAT04164 Alum Member
    127 karma
    @cdouglas I'm not in school yet, but I know quite a few people who are and have thoroughly done my research. I feel like Osgoode aims (emphasis on aims) to have a more holistic approach. If you have work/volunteer experience, plus a solid GPA, you will definitely have a shot there. What range is your LSAT if you don't mind me asking (you can DM me) :) .
  • mcmlaw36mcmlaw36 Alum Member
    edited January 2017 631 karma
    @zahra.vaid said:
    Mine was so bad. So terrible. I know it was my first time doing it and I knew right after where I went wrong during the test and in my studying. Retaking in February. Ontario schools are a little different from the rest. Any advice from someone whose applied in Ontario?
    Hey ... Same boat and yes - I have spoken directly to all admissions reps from 6/7 Ontario schools. Inbox me here or add me on Facebook - Maxine Catherine.

    I'm happy to discuss. I totally blew it in Dec. and after spending the night upset in bed, I woke up this morning with a totally different mindset. I won't let a number on paper knock me down b/c I know what I'm capable of and I'm not going to let anything stop me from bringing that to light in Feb.
  • mcmlaw36mcmlaw36 Alum Member
    edited January 2017 631 karma
    @LSAT04164 said:
    I'm not in school yet, but I know quite a few people who are and have thoroughly done my research. I feel like Osgoode aims (emphasis on aims) to have a more holistic approach. If you have work/volunteer experience, plus a solid GPA, you will definitely have a shot there. What range is your LSAT if you don't mind me asking (you can DM me) :) .
    @cdouglas I have also thoroughly, thoroughly done my research. Have spoken to admissions reps from 6/7 Ontario schools. Feel free to inbox me as well.

    As I said to @zahra.vaid, I totally blew it in Dec. but most Ont. schools will hold off and wait until February scores if they aren't happy with your December. Trust me, your score won't be lower than mine, LOL. I'm ready to blow it out of the water in Feb.

    I totally underperformed.. and look at all the people on this forum who underperformed in September and then completely killed it on their 2nd take in Dec. I don't care about stats. These people are proof that it's 100% possible.
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @cdouglas said:
    now realistically Western (I did my undergrad here and they love to take alum
    interesting. how do you know they love to take alums? is this standard for most schools in ontario? also what was your major? i know business is their focus. when you say you did poorly do you mean less than 157? i know people who got into Western with 157
  • cdouglascdouglas Alum Member
    18 karma
    I can't say for other schools, but someone on the admissions board spoke to a class of mine once and mentioned that they like to take alums - how much weight there is to this I don't really know. I also know for sure that graduate programs here get funding for each undergrad they retain, but I'm not sure about law school.

    I'm majoring in criminology, but yeah, I know there's an emphasis on business. I did score sub-157, when I was PTing in the high 150s low160s so I'm hoping that I can get around there in February.

    Thanks for your reply! I am happy with my current GPA and I think I have pretty decent volunteer/extracurriculars, so hopefully they do consider that.

    I've been PTing around high 150s/low 160s, but my December score was low 150s. I'm really going to spend the next month working on my weak areas, and hopefully perform better in February.
  • anthonycaramanicaanthonycaramanica Alum Member
    123 karma
    Yes got it 190
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    @anthonycaramanica said:
    Yes got it 190
  • Wind-Up BirdWind-Up Bird Alum Member
    284 karma
    Hey @zahra.vaid. Sorry to hear that your LSAT didn't go as well as you hoped :( Retakes generally yield better results, and as you've probably already heard, most Ontario schools have a fairly holistic admissions process. A 161 is widely considered by schools to be competitive, but this threshold varies a bit with your GPA (i.e. a GPA in the 3.9s will give you more leeway with a lower LSAT score and vice versa). If you take a look at the "accepted" forum threads at lawstudents.ca at the moment, you'll be able to see people with LSATs and GPAs all over the spectrum. Be advised, however, that most people accepted earlier in the cycle (December/January) will be on the higher end of applicants.

    One piece of advice... February isn't terribly far off, so if you're dead set on re-taking then, make sure you're absolutely confident that you'll be able to score even a low 160 on a bad day... In other words, the average of your last 10 PTs should be from recent tests and in the mid 160s.

    Feel free to message me if you have any other questions about the LSAT or the Ontario admission process. I recently wrote the September LSAT and have received early offers of admission to Osgoode and Western.

    Relax, reset, and refocus. You've got this!
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