Hi, I am looking to take the LSAT in June of 2017 and want to start studying now. I have already took the June 2007 diagnostic test and scored a 157. I wish to score in the mid 170's and intend to dedicate significant time towards this. Any tips? My weakest point on the diagnostic was LR- just fyi.
You are in the right place.
First sign up for 7Sage course and finish the core curriculum. The next step would be to take a PT and Blind Review (BR) it to see what are your weaknesses. After doing all these use analytics to focus on specific question types that give you trouble. One of best advice that I got was to not waste PTs. PTs are there to show you where you need to focus if you do not BR a PT you just wasted your time and a fresh PT.
The good new is that you can improve rapidly on LG without inventing the wheel thanks to 7Sage community. I included some links below that might help you plus my own experience. I hope it would be useful to you. Max out your LG score and come back for LR dosage of advice. just joking I am not qualified to give advice on LR
Have you done the LG Bundle and foolproof all the games from PT 1-35? It is possible to achieve -0 on LG.
My suggestion: after fool proofing LG Bundle, take LG sections of PT 1-35 under time and watch J.Y explanation after completing each section but this time when you watching focus mostly on how he teaches to perceive the right answer choice (instead of brute force) and try to implement his suggestions on the next section.
Do not get bog down on one question (take a hint if possible) but if you find one super difficult and you are confident about your master game board, skip the question answer others in that particular game then come back to it use your other set ups you drew; if nothing works finish the section and if you have extra time come back to it. The ultimate goal is to be able to systematically answer any questions so when under exam pressure you just follow your system. You need to develop a system that works best for you. The system I am trying to follow is like
1- read the question set up the sketch try make obvious inferences
2- check answer choices
3- If still confused take count of the items write them near questions and go through the rules one by one make inferences
4- check answer choices
5- If still stuck, SKIP the question
6- After I have done all other questions I will take another try at it by only checking the question against all of my sketches (I do not try to make inferences again unless I already finished the section)
If you have difficulties to finish LR sections in time use the online stopwatch to build up your internal time clock to get a feel how long 80 seconds really take. You can do so by taking LR sections from PT 1-35 and do them individually while using a timer with loop countdown function. Set the timer on 80 seconds and 25 loops when it is past 80 seconds circle the question choose an answer choice and move on, come back to the question if you got extra time at the end of the section.
The Blind Review: How to correctly prep for LSAT (Part 1)
Pacifico Logic Games Attack Strategy
J.Y fool-proof guide
Online Stopwatch with Loop-countdown
I hope this helps you