For anyone who missed it, or for anyone who'd like to sit through it again, this webinar is a new and improved version of my "So I'm done with the curriculum now what" webinar. I wanted to do this one again in order to emphasize that it's not just for people coming right out of the curriculum, it's for anyone who is in the PT phase. Whether you've only just finished the curriculum or whether you've been PTing for a long time, my hope is that there is something here for everyone to use in order to build a deliberate and effective study strategy based on his/her individual performance. We'll be doing one on Monday and another on Wednesday, so I hope everyone can make it!
Post Curriculum Study Strategies
Wed, Jan 11, 2017 8:00 PM EST
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I feel so luck
Plus, new and improved.... *sold*
See you there @"Cant Get Right"
Thank you!
Any suggestions, greatly appreciated.
Within each section, there is an internal economy and the currency is time. You can use that time to purchase correct answer choices, and sometimes you're getting a good deal and other times you're getting ripped off. Remember that the easy questions are worth just as much as the hard ones. We're not shopping around with options ranging from Pintos to Cadillacs. They're all Cadillacs and they're all the same model with the same features. So buy the cheap ones first and skip over the pricey ones. If you miss out on one, make sure it's the one that is inexplicably priced at $50,000,000. (I feel like this metaphor has really gotten out of hand, but I also feel kind of committed, lol.) So manage this little economy that's going on: Don't be a passive player within it. You can't afford to haggle or get hung up on the really pricey answers, not when there's still perfectly good answers on mega discount blowout sale.
99.7% Complete!!!!
So anticlimactic!
Haha thanks for that tidbit you gave Alex.. I always like to look at the percentage I've completed and it always says 97.7% which drives me crazy!! I just looked through the PT section and only saw one lesson left, so hopefully completing that will get me to 100%.
Also, I attended the last session you held ("I completed the cc, now what?") when I had completed the curriculum, it was so beneficial and helpful to my prep and I'm implementing a lot of the suggestions you provided
This analogy is spot freakin on!
I'd love to actually serve jury duty, instead of sitting in a jury room for 10 hours only to be told to go home.
So, I'm bringing a couple of textbooks and PT 29 + some drills to do while I wait. Might as well be useful to myself while I'm sitting there for so long.
I hope these two webinars will be recorded and posted for perusal and reference later! Please and thank you!
@RafaelBernard , glad you'll be able to make it!
Hey, any chance this will be uploaded soon? I've finished the curriculum and am PTing and would be grateful for any further guidance. This webinar looks perfect for that.
Sage Josh just informed us that it will be uploaded soon! feel free to harass him in the meantime