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backing out of February

phelanj75phelanj75 Alum Member
edited January 2017 in General 279 karma
Hello ,

i no this has probably been beaten to death on this forum.. but i was wondering if backing out of the February administration will count as a take?

were only a few weeks out and im still 7 points off my goal score. although im not giving up , i was just wondering what my options where if i decide to reapply to schools for the next cycle ( official LSAT 150 , 151av on PT, 153 highest).



  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @phelanj75 said:
    i was wondering if backing out of the February administration will count as a take?
    It will only count as a take if you physically show up.
    @phelanj75 said:
    were only a few weeks out and im still 7 points off my goal score.
    Smart move on delaying. You won't regret it!

  • Bevs ScooterMinionBevs ScooterMinion Alum Member
    1018 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:
    Smart move on delaying. You won't regret it!

    I withdrew from December's sit only days before the date, and SO GLAD I did! It's hard to admit that we're not ready, but doing yourself a service by being honest with yourself is SO important later on! It certainly isn't 'giving up'---it's realizing what it takes for you to reach your fullest potential. :)

    I would have missed so much from the CC if I hadn't postponed! I'm still going through the CC and gaining MOUNTAINS OF INSIGHT that I had no idea would present itself. Therefore, I'm banking on my options being better and brighter than I hoped possible by giving myself more time to study to reach my best LSAT score.

    It seems reasonable that your options will become better and brighter by waiting to apply in the next cycle, while you utilize the additional time wisely.
  • phelanj75phelanj75 Alum Member
    edited January 2017 279 karma
    @ScooterMinion thanks for the pep talk haha. New I needed between a 158 and 160 and foolishly took December because I was hoping for a miracle / that all the application fees didn't go to waist.

    But anyways , I'm probably going to hook up with a Gd tutor to get back on track for jun or September.

    Thanks again
  • Bevs ScooterMinionBevs ScooterMinion Alum Member
    1018 karma
    @phelanj75 said:
    I'm probably going to hook up with a Gd tutor to get back on track for jun or September.
    Excellent plan! Best of wishes in your prep! <3
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