PT70.S1.Q23 - columnist: although most people favor

dennisgerrarddennisgerrard Member
edited January 2017 in Logical Reasoning 1644 karma
I watched the video.Yet I'm still stuck in (B). Any ideas and insight will be appreciated.


  • Giant PandaGiant Panda Alum Member
    274 karma
    So here is my shot at answering your question. Before I go in, I just want to be thought to give you this thought, apparently my method isn't a traditional one. @Sami I be happy to hear your take on this.

    But below is my method. First when I read the question steam, I find this be an SA question. So what I immediately tells my brain is to read the stimulus and the the question steam and find connections.

    So here we go with the question.

    First sentence: I read it and 2 things come to my mind. The author sets 2 condition: Most people favoured + Does not violate human right, result: not passed.

    Next word: any similar bill. Okay noted. You are telling me that the population are a set of bill just like this one.

    (And along the way, I am still asking why. The set of conditions and an increase of sample size within this conditional statement isn't helping me).

    Second sentence, an effect: influential people are affected.

    Third sentence, (still not answering why), we get a conclusion: not a well functioning democracy.

    So I will begin making connections.

    Not a well functioning democracy because: most people like it + does not violate human rights+affect influential people.

    At this point, with this, I go into the answer choice to find the best answer.

    A is eliminated right after I see "a few years".
    B is eliminated right after I see "influential people"
    C is eliminated right after I see "a few years only and not influential"

    And here comes your trouble I think.

    I was able to eliminate D because of the word "Any". Whenever I see an extreme word in any SA, PSA, Strengthen, Weakening, Assumption, I am extremely careful. But you get to eliminate this too as we pointed it out before that "similar bill". This does not mean all the bill.

    And E is the correct answer, but phrased in an odd manner.
  • Giant PandaGiant Panda Alum Member
    274 karma
    And to add on, you can effectively turn this into an assumption question.

    What is the assumption that the author uses?

    Well...The determination of whether a country is democratic or not is dependent on a law pass or not. And of course, this law has some special characteristics (most people like it + does not harm human right + harm rich), and it is not just one but a set of similar ones.

    Good assumption? Well...there are holes. So you can then turn it into a strengthening question by...Here is an example, coffee! (I assume most people like coffee and coffee keeps people working. At least that is my case)

    And then you can turn it into a strengthening by pointing to...weed?

    But you get my point. For any SA, PSA, Strengthening, Weakening, Assumption, you can mould it however you want.

  • Giant PandaGiant Panda Alum Member
    274 karma
    By the way, thanks for your question. Keep it up and post more questions.
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma
    @"Giant Panda" said:
    . @Sami I be happy to hear your take on this.
    Hey @"Giant Panda",

    This was really sweet of you and on any other PT apart from all of 70's and some later 60's I would be happy to give my input but I haven't done these tests yet so I don't want to do this problem and ruin a brand new PT for me.

    But I am sure you know what you are doing : ) Keep up the good work. Hopefully we can work on some problems in the future <3
  • Giant PandaGiant Panda Alum Member
    274 karma
    Me either. haha
  • Giant PandaGiant Panda Alum Member
    274 karma
    Just want to make an add on point about this method.

    It is not perfect yet. Yet!

    I been spending ours testing it out. And apparently what happens is that every time, every single time, there is that 1 question that will get you. You will presume you know all the sets of items that you are looking for and you mess it up.
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