Thank you all so much, the community love is REAL. The journey isn't over, but my goodness i've come a long way since my sub 150 diag. Special shout out to @danielznelson , the "fancy subject paintings" dissection was such a game changer
The more you feed the beast, the more it wants, haha. Congratulations, that's such a huge milestone and the fact you're only more motivated to keep pushing is an excellent sign. Keep going, and can't wait to see you continue to progress!
Thanks again everyone! @DumbHollywoodActor couldn't make it to last weeks BR due to a work conflict but ill be at the next one. And that is the TRUTH, @"Cant Get Right"
It was a thorough examination of the second passage from PT 73 -- an EXCELLENT passage to study that truly showcases all the nuances of the "new rc" from the 70s. After dissecting it with @danielzenlson I viewed RC the way Neo saw the matrix have he realized he was "the one"
@LARamsNation said: It was a thorough examination of the second passage from PT 73 -- an EXCELLENT passage to study that truly showcases all the nuances of the "new rc" from the 70s. After dissecting it with @danielzenlson I viewed RC the way Neo saw the matrix have he realized he was "the one"
Congrats!!!!!!!!!! You totally deserved it, especially after a year of hardwork! And I am so happy you moved your target score to a 173 now : )
That is a BIG accomplishment! Very happy for you!