Hi everyone, we're putting in performance enhancements for the site today!
Unfortunately, this will take a while, and the discussion forum will be acting strange and/or offline until it is done. I expect the total downtime to be 3 hours or less, and the update will be starting very soon.
Sorry for the trouble!
Jk; ) Good luck
It's hush hush. Don't tell everyone.
@danielznelson Sorry, it's all behind the scenes changes. It should make the site faster for most people, and the discussion forum should be more stable, but there are no feature/design changes. I started the update about 5 minutes ago. Hopefully things will go smoothly
Good news, everything seems to be going super smoothly and the forums should be fully available again! We are running on just one server right now, so things may be a little slow, but the rest of our servers should be up in less than an hour.
@"Alan Cheuk" it looks different on mobile
Jk Emojis don't work for some reason. Ah well.
@"montaha.rizeq". Thanks for letting me know! Could you please elaborate on it looking different on mobile and emojis not working?
Is it me or we can't quote people anymore? : (
It looks more sleek (text wise), when you tag someone the tag list that pops up looks updated, and for your comment above, the smiley face is in Emoji form. I've never seen that on the here. But when I put an Emoji for my comment it didn't show lol. @"Alan Cheuk"
You're right, quotes aren't working any more. Thanks for letting me know! I'll see what I can do about it.
quote optioonnn
Ooo it's much faster on my phone and it doesn't freeze up and glitch (disappear and go white) like it used to when I click on discussions. Thanks!
Looks like the "Likes" are a bit screwy. This thread, among others, is at 7348 likes.
I do see something new! I can select all of my notifications as "read." That's at least new for me, haha.
Actually, it reads "mark all viewed." Not sure what that means for me.
We're back in business Sami!
Quotes are back! In a new format though. Now it's a button below each post. I made it very subtle though, so it doesn't stick out unless you hover over it.
I don't think that's a feature for notificitions. It's always been there, and it's to mark all the existing discussions and comments as viewed.
@"Alan Cheuk" haha, oh. Thanks for clearing that up.
Wow!! The mobile app is SO fast!! I used to always check on my safari bc the app was so slow.
Also, I didn't know how to quote before, so I think the change is pretty awesome!!
Yup. I kept thinking maybe that's because maintenance on the website is still being performed. So does it mean that each post now automatically means 7348 likes
It seems like when I want to quote something, its quotes the whole message instead of the partial message that I selected and want
That's what I also noticed sami
Also, I quoted both Alan and Cant Get Right in my previous post but even though its a quote so I did not have control of it, it seems to only tag the first name, so it's not tagging the right person either : (
P.S. At least the emojis are working
I am loving this 
Yup - you have to manually edit the quote to get the part you want
Please try force-refreshing your browser. That number shouldn't be appearing anymore.
It's still there