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Preptests misspelling or missing words?

TheSailorTheSailor Member
in General 34 karma

As I am going through the CC I have noticed in at least two PTs that there have been a misspelled or missing word in a question.

The first time I noticed this was when a stimulus was talking about "Otterville" but the question and answers used "Outerville". The second instance, however, was more game changing. In my PT 22, Section 4, Question 14, answer choice B is missing the word "not". In the 7sage CC it was present. The wording of the answer was tripping me up and I had almost chose it, though after seeing the video explanation with the missing word added it made so much more sense to immediately cross out that answer.

Has anyone else experienced a difference between their PT's language and what 7sage has? I'm not worried my PT's are severely messed up but is a bit confusing to me.

I have printed PDFs of the PTs that were distributed by Kaplan.


  • dennisgerrarddennisgerrard Member
    1644 karma

    Where did you get the PDFs?

  • SherryS1SherryS1 Member
    477 karma

    @TheSailor Yeah, sometimes it happens when you have a PT through a test prep source that's not LSAC. I think some test companies may type the tests out themselves.

    I once had a question where the letter "l" was dropped from the word "general" on an RC question. It was a one word answer choice, so I kept thinking - it's got to be "general" and not "genera." When I reviewed the video, 7sage had it spelled correctly.

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    PTs from LSAC can also have spelling errors, it happens sometimes. Often when we have one with a spelling error and you do not, it means we have the original print and you have the updated print.

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