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Official February LSAT Discussion Thread



  • Pi031415Pi031415 Alum Member
    248 karma

    I don't recall the French language game. I had only one game section and it definitely had the gold silver pieces but my first one I can't remember the topic. It was a 6 piece sequencing game and n couldn't be between SM. That's all I remember unfortunately

  • Pi031415Pi031415 Alum Member
    248 karma

    @"Habeus Scoreplus" said:
    Did anybody think the Hindu/Roman reading comp passage was overly difficult? I had one of WTF moments after reading about the Hindu stuff. I was hoping that was experimental. Sigh.

    I definitely thought that was difficult. Patriotism vs family loyalty or something. I couldn't follow the Indian part.

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    Thanks for the info re: French/Russian languages. I'll keep it at unconfirmed for a bit.

  • giuliocttgiulioctt Free Trial Member
    22 karma

    So if one had 2 LG sections, section 3 Russian, French & 5 Golden Vase), which one was the real section?

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    @giulioctt said:
    So if one had 2 LG sections, section 3 Russian, French & 5 Golden Vase), which one was the real section?

    Are you sure the Russian/French and Vase question were in the same section? The vase question is real, but it looks like the Russian/French one is not from the reactions.

  • For me it was: 1st) RC (did contain the patriotism and bees passages) 2nd) LR 3rd) LR 4th) LR 5th) LG (did contain the gold/silver placement of items game as well as the recording game). I'm debating if I should present a complaint and how it could benefit me and would love some feedback. I was sitting in the back row in the corner and in the middle of the 2nd section, I noticed the AC was super loud and made a continuous whistling noise. It was so sharp that I had to cover my ears for the rest of that section and the 3rd section. During the break, I asked the proctor to be moved because the sound was only in my corner. I even walked around the room with the proctor and they agreed that there was a difference. They VERY RELUCTANTLY allowed me to move to a different part of the room to take the remaining 2 sections, saying that they normally can't do this b/c of the seating chart they maintain. They also said they would make note of that on the general notes they send in about factors that affect testing conditions. I should say this was my 3rd time taking the test. What do y'all think?

  • Pi031415Pi031415 Alum Member
    248 karma

    @giulioctt said:
    So if one had 2 LG sections, section 3 Russian, French & 5 Golden Vase), which one was the real section?

    Gold silver vases

  • siriwansaesiriwansae Alum Member
    edited February 2017 24 karma

    I have only one game section the first game I can't completely remember. It's about delivery order.

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    @laterceralavencida said:
    For me it was: 1st) RC (did contain the patriotism and bees passages) 2nd) LR 3rd) LR 4th) LR 5th) LG (did contain the gold/silver placement of items game as well as the recording game). I'm debating if I should present a complaint and how it could benefit me and would love some feedback. I was sitting in the back row in the corner and in the middle of the 2nd section, I noticed the AC was super loud and made a continuous whistling noise. It was so sharp that I had to cover my ears for the rest of that section and the 3rd section. During the break, I asked the proctor to be moved because the sound was only in my corner. I even walked around the room with the proctor and they agreed that there was a difference. They VERY RELUCTANTLY allowed me to move to a different part of the room to take the remaining 2 sections, saying that they normally can't do this b/c of the seating chart they maintain. They also said they would make note of that on the general notes they send in about factors that affect testing conditions. I should say this was my 3rd time taking the test. What do y'all think?

    If you're willing to potentially have your score cancelled and to get a free retake, I'd bring it up.

  • giuliocttgiulioctt Free Trial Member
    22 karma

    Oh no. I didn't say that. Gold/Silver game, together with recording activities game was in section 5. While the the French/Russian was in section 3.
    So it's sure in my case the Gold/Silver game was the real section?

  • meaganknuthmeaganknuth Alum Member
    edited February 2017 28 karma


  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    @giulioctt said:
    Oh no. I didn't say that. Gold/Silver game, together with recording activities game was in section 5. While the the French/Russian was in section 3.
    So it's sure in my case the Gold/Silver game was the real section?

    Oh, my bad then! Yes, Gold/silver game was real.

  • camcam Alum Member
    349 karma

    I had two LG sections. The prior comments seem to have nailed it to me. I don't remember a French/Russian game at all though.

    I went LG LR RC LG LR. I felt great getting the LG section up front, but had a mixed feeling when my first section after break was also LG. I felt like the Gold/Silver section was easier than the camp scheduling section.

    I am by no means a games master, but on the gold/silver game, I had a fairly late inference that made everything click. So, I either completely bombed it (a possibility) or completely nailed it (also a possibility). I had that "uh oh" feeling on the camp game, but it went away quickly as I went through the rules.

    RC: The Hindu/Roman passage, I had a hard time figuring out the point of the Hindu part. Section three is also where I start to glaze over a bit. I don't remember much of that section.

    LR: I remember, ravens going after worms, children with beakers, super nova with king, meteors and bringing life??, plate tectonics and and size of the planet, and those are all that are coming to me.

    No timing issues. I finished every section with at least 3 minutes to spare, finished the Gold/Silver section right when they called 5mins, so I double checked that section. I felt bad about the writing sample since my hand writing is so poor. I have no completed a paper by hand in at least twelve years, and nearly everything paper related at work is digital.

    Overall, I felt really good about this test...but like what I said earlier, that means I either did great or horrible. It felt like everything clicked.

    Testing Center seemed like a good choice. I took it at a community college. No one was constantly coughing or sneezing. Several people were told a few times that they couldn't drink in between sections. One person was kicked out after being warned a few times about his phone-it was put away, but you could hear it vibrate throughout the test (I forget which section they booted him during). Several people brought back packs that were stowed in the front of the room. Report no later than 830AM and we finished up the writing sample at right about 1PM.

    I think my test day protocol worked out well even though I made a last second tweak. I had HALF of my morning caffeine, B-Vitamin Complex, and Vitamin D mixture at waking and the other half mixed with 8 oz of water during the break. I was nervous about having to use the restroom during the test. I vape, so since I knew I had at least 3-4hrs before I could get any nicotine, I wore a Nicoderm CQ patch (the low dose 7mg) ones. When I did 5 section tests, I had a tendency to get easily frustrated once I hit section 3-4. No issues with this time. I felt like my work advancement test routine kicked in as soon as I woke up. I woke up just before my alarm, feeling wide awake. The difference though, was that I was actually excited to take the LSAT where as on advancement test day, I'm just trying to get it over with.

  • Cackie JhilesCackie Jhiles Alum Member
    88 karma

    @giulioctt said:
    Oh no. I didn't say that. Gold/Silver game, together with recording activities game was in section 5. While the the French/Russian was in section 3.
    So it's sure in my case the Gold/Silver game was the real section?

    Gold/Silver is definitely real. I only had 1 LG section and this game was on it.

  • jcorine26jcorine26 Member
    77 karma

    I had two LR sections (experimental RC, ugh) and here are some questions I haven't seen mentioned yet:
    - Company owner's plan doesn't deserve criticism because previous owner put them in debt
    - Someone being hired with lots of experience might not be great because some other guy with experience was bad before
    - Study with people randomly assigned to wear formal/business attire
    - Study with middle aged coffee drinkers and high blood pressure or cholesterol or something?
    - Countries that expect crappy economic conditions can deal with economic instability better?
    - Mystery novel private investigates are lone wolves/go against bureaucracy
    - Vehicle emissions 1967-90 and smog
    - Economics of govt sending letters across the country/connecting people
    - Politician who's a skilled writer makes a speech
    - Small earth, plate tectonics, can't sustain life

    Hopefully this helps someone! :)

  • Lauren AlvarezLauren Alvarez Alum Member
    50 karma

    I had experimental LR. The missing logic game had something to do with traveling to different cities.

    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:

    ^ I had a few messages from people saying they did not recall this LG. Can someone without an experimental LG let me know what the last game was? So far, we have:

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    @jcorine26 said:
    I had two LR sections (experimental RC, ugh) and here are some questions I haven't seen mentioned yet:
    - Company owner's plan doesn't deserve criticism because previous owner put them in debt
    - Someone being hired with lots of experience might not be great because some other guy with experience was bad before
    - Study with people randomly assigned to wear formal/business attire
    - Study with middle aged coffee drinkers and high blood pressure or cholesterol or something?
    - Countries that expect crappy economic conditions can deal with economic instability better?
    - Mystery novel private investigates are lone wolves/go against bureaucracy
    - Vehicle emissions 1967-90 and smog
    - Economics of govt sending letters across the country/connecting people
    - Politician who's a skilled writer makes a speech
    - Small earth, plate tectonics, can't sustain life

    Hopefully this helps someone! :)

    Thank you! Will be adding these to the keyword post shortly.

  • LSATShinobiLSATShinobi Free Trial Member
    236 karma

    is it just me or were the LR sections pretty brutal?(I only had 2 LR sections btw)

  • adamsmaniaadamsmania Member
    4 karma

    @jcylin93 said:
    So upset. I think I shifted my answers in the last section and ended up with an extra answer (102 total). Unsure whether to cancel or not. T-T

    I got 102 also - 26, 26, 27, and 23

  • texvd1988texvd1988 Member
    605 karma

    It was okay. I had the double lg test. I was scoring -3 to -4 RC and this one hit me a little harder. Lg was a bit more difficult than standard. So, all in all, wouldn't be shocked if I am at or 3 point below where I normally score. Ahh well, apps submitted anyway.

  • Gatien.LaurolGatien.Laurol Free Trial Member
    edited February 2017 13 karma

    The last section (logic games) was brutal. I was hoping it would be earlier in the section but I was already wiped out from everything else. I think I did fairly well with everything but the logic game (particularly about the 12 week game) was so tough. I only finished 2 games and guessed on everything else

  • jimmy t.jimmy t. Member
    37 karma

    12 week summer camp and cases and platters was real. The one guy above is incorrect

  • camcam Alum Member
    349 karma

    @jcorine26 said:
    I had two LR sections (experimental RC, ugh) and here are some questions I haven't seen mentioned yet:
    - Company owner's plan doesn't deserve criticism because previous owner put them in debt
    - Someone being hired with lots of experience might not be great because some other guy with experience was bad before
    - Study with people randomly assigned to wear formal/business attire
    - Study with middle aged coffee drinkers and high blood pressure or cholesterol or something?
    - Countries that expect crappy economic conditions can deal with economic instability better?
    - Mystery novel private investigates are lone wolves/go against bureaucracy
    - Vehicle emissions 1967-90 and smog
    - Economics of govt sending letters across the country/connecting people
    - Politician who's a skilled writer makes a speech
    - Small earth, plate tectonics, can't sustain life

    Hopefully this helps someone! :)

    I had all of those. (I had LG experimental).

  • xqr1s4f3edxqr1s4f3ed Alum Member
    edited February 2017 118 karma

    @"Habeus Scoreplus" said:
    Did anybody think the Hindu/Roman reading comp passage was overly difficult? I had one of WTF moments after reading about the Hindu stuff. I was hoping that was experimental. Sigh.

    @"Habeus Scoreplus" Unfortunately, that section containing the Hindu/Roman passage was real. It was my only RC section.

  • Pi031415Pi031415 Alum Member
    248 karma

    The amount of coughing and runny noses in my test center was very distracting. lol everytime someone coughed it would break my concentration and "I'd stop to think why wouldn't you just stay home?"

  • G6_1L_QueenG6_1L_Queen Alum Member
    81 karma

    Does anyone remember the first game??? Its driving me crazy that I can't remember it.

  • notguilty90notguilty90 Free Trial Member
    56 karma

    It was 102 Questions, you didn't miss bubble! 27, 26, 26, 23

  • Lauren AlvarezLauren Alvarez Alum Member
    50 karma

    it was about delivery to different cities/locations

    @G6LsatQueen said:
    Does anyone remember the first game??? Its driving me crazy that I can't remember it.

  • vlj1994vlj1994 Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    Can anyone please confirm that G2 was silver/gold and G3 was 12-weeks? Thanks in advance!

  • BenjaminSFBenjaminSF Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    edited February 2017 457 karma

    @the_lolalisa Thank you so much. I could remember all of the inferences, all of the pieces, all of the boards, but not a single thing about the context.

    @vlj1994 That sounds right. Def 2 and 3, mostly certain that you have the right order.

  • vlj1994vlj1994 Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:

    Nope, order is random.

    Was G2 the silver/gold and G3 the 12 consecutive weeks? Trying to see if I had a misbubble....

  • Pi031415Pi031415 Alum Member
    248 karma

    I can't remember my first game either but I don't recall it being about delivery. All I can remember is it was a 6 piece sequence. Had T-N P-S. L before M. N couldn't be between SM. If this is too detail please let me know. Obviously I paid more attention to the rules than the subject matter.

  • Pi031415Pi031415 Alum Member
    248 karma

    @vlj1994 said:
    Can anyone please confirm that G2 was silver/gold and G3 was 12-weeks? Thanks in advance!

    That's how it was on my exam.

  • iiiSpooniiiSpoon Alum Inactive ⭐
    277 karma

    I'm gonna butt in and talk about something else, not about the test itself but the centre.

    At my test centre, the ratio of men to women was like 1:4; my room was like 1:5/6. I lol'd hard when the lineup to use the woman's washroom went around the corner and all the way to China, and the guy's lineup didn't even reach out the door.

    And on another note, there must have been around 12-15 people who did not fill in that paragraph we had to copy verbatim at the beginning of the test. . .it was almost like listening to a clown car (if that's even possible) as the proctor just kept naming one person after another. I kept thinking I was going to be called, and even stood up when someone else's was called (because I kept thinking she's going to call me next). But I passed it off by pretending I needed to stretch.

  • TexasTestTakerTexasTestTaker Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    @cskent329 said:
    I can't remember my first game either but I don't recall it being about delivery. All I can remember is it was a 6 piece sequence. Had T-N P-S. L before M. N couldn't be between SM. If this is too detail please let me know. Obviously I paid more attention to the rules than the subject matter.

    That's right, now I remember. I think I forgot about it because it wasn't that hard.

  • iiiSpooniiiSpoon Alum Inactive ⭐
    277 karma


    That's how it was for me too.

  • JCooper5JCooper5 Member
    6 karma

    My proctor did not give us a five minute warning for our 4th section (which happened to be my LG section which I bank on getting all those questions right) and I had to leave 3 questions blank. It was such a shock considering he had given the warning in all three previous sections. The room was angry.

    What would be the point of filing a complaint? He did say he made a note of it on the test. This was the last time I was planning on writing, would filing a complaint help others who may be looking for a potential re-write? Thoughts?

  • iiiSpooniiiSpoon Alum Inactive ⭐
    277 karma

    @JCooper5 It will absolutely help. I once made a complaint because the test centre did not turn on the heat until the test started. . .so by the time the room actually got decently warm, the test was over. I still remember the guy on my left in his scarf wrapped around his face, while writing the test, but the proctors didn't care because it was that cold!

    LSAC's response was, because no one else complained, they were not going to do anything about it. So, absolutely complain. I'd hate for another person to be in my position when lack of proof is tantamount to falsity.

  • abdelmalak17abdelmalak17 Free Trial Member
    19 karma

    Hey... Does anyone feel like the way the bubbling patterns were make them second guess yourself? I felt like it was another way to add stress to the test smh Or did i just blow it? haha

  • JCooper5JCooper5 Member
    6 karma

    @iiiSpoon said:
    @JCooper5 It will absolutely help. I once made a complaint because the test centre did not turn on the heat until the test started. . .so by the time the room actually got decently warm, the test was over. I still remember the guy on my left in his scarf wrapped around his face, while writing the test, but the proctors didn't care because it was that cold!

    LSAC's response was, because no one else complained, they were not going to do anything about it. So, absolutely complain. I'd hate for another person to be in my position when lack of proof is tantamount to falsity.

    Very true, I will send one in tomorrow when it becomes available! It is frustrating because he didn't act outside of the rules by not giving us the 5 minutes, but it made the test not standardized with everyone else nor within itself.

  • 19 karma

    I started with 1 section of LR, then1 section of RC, followed by 2 LR and 1 LG. I felt awesome about the first LR section. I even finished with extra time. But unfortunately I totally bombed the LG section. When practicing that's usually my best section. I typically don't get questions wrong. I probably guessed on 60% of the questions and was really disappointed with myself. Kind of a crappy way to end the test. Now I'm really unsure about my score. Hoping for the best for myself and everyone else!

  • LSAT04164LSAT04164 Alum Member
    127 karma

    @abdelmalak17 said:
    Hey... Does anyone feel like the way the bubbling patterns were make them second guess yourself? I felt like it was another way to add stress to the test smh Or did i just blow it? haha

    I had an ABCDE sequence and second guessed myself

  • Q.E.DQ.E.D Alum Member
    556 karma


    No, weird bubbling patterns are more likely intentional than unintentional, I think, so seeing that doesn't worry me. On that note, anyone else notice goofy BBB, AAA type stuff all up and down the experimental sections?

  • paniz.gh91paniz.gh91 Free Trial Member
    82 karma

    Would you say the test was harder than 70 s? Now that we are in 80s I want to know what are the changes we should expect.I know the changes in lsat are gradual and alsoI the LG are getting harder but overall how did you find the test?

  • abdelmalak17abdelmalak17 Free Trial Member
    19 karma

    Yeah, like having the same letter three times in a row was getting me annoyed. I was like you Mc A-holes lol I dont know what my experimental was, I had three LR's, all 26 questions. smh...

  • abdelmalak17abdelmalak17 Free Trial Member
    19 karma

    @LSAT04164 said:

    I had an ABCDE sequence and second guessed myself

    Yeah, I prefer that over a couple in a row smh

  • xrssa89xrssa89 Free Trial Member
    12 karma

    @jcorine26 said:
    I had two LR sections (experimental RC, ugh) and here are some questions I haven't seen mentioned yet:
    - Company owner's plan doesn't deserve criticism because previous owner put them in debt
    - Someone being hired with lots of experience might not be great because some other guy with experience was bad before
    - Study with people randomly assigned to wear formal/business attire
    - Study with middle aged coffee drinkers and high blood pressure or cholesterol or something?
    - Countries that expect crappy economic conditions can deal with economic instability better?
    - Mystery novel private investigates are lone wolves/go against bureaucracy
    - Vehicle emissions 1967-90 and smog
    - Economics of govt sending letters across the country/connecting people
    - Politician who's a skilled writer makes a speech
    - Small earth, plate tectonics, can't sustain life

    Hopefully this helps someone! :)

    Were these in both sections of your LR?

  • xrssa89xrssa89 Free Trial Member
    12 karma

    Were these questions in both section of your > @cam said:

    I had all of those. (I had LG experimental).

    Were these questions in both LR sections?

  • xrssa89xrssa89 Free Trial Member
    12 karma

    @xrssa89 said:
    Were these questions in both section of your > @cam said:

    Were these questions in both LR sections?

    In both sections??

  • xrssa89xrssa89 Free Trial Member
    12 karma

    I had LR for section 1,3,4 and I remember all those questions. I am relieved. My experimental was definitely section one

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