Just confirming for everyone: the gold plates and 1-6/7-12 questions were NOT experimental. The LR had 26 each with the coffe question, bicyclists, meteors, etc. I found LR to be the easiest ...which was a shocker because LG is my best and LR my weakest but it totally switched on me today!!!
The reading comp involved the bees, Romans, and such. This was the one that is NOT experimental.
Good luck to all of you, I definitely feel like the reading comp was difficult (the bees sucked) and the logic games were tough not because they were unique but because the difficult was just so evenly spread out.
Hope u guys all did it.
I finished LR but for RC and LG I guessed 6 questions each. The ones that I DID do I'm confident in and I'm hoping I guessed atleast one or two right haha.
@jcorine26 said:
I had two LR sections (experimental RC, ugh) and here are some questions I haven't seen mentioned yet:
- Company owner's plan doesn't deserve criticism because previous owner put them in debt
- Someone being hired with lots of experience might not be great because some other guy with experience was bad before
- Study with people randomly assigned to wear formal/business attire
- Study with middle aged coffee drinkers and high blood pressure or cholesterol or something?
- Countries that expect crappy economic conditions can deal with economic instability better?
- Mystery novel private investigates are lone wolves/go against bureaucracy
- Vehicle emissions 1967-90 and smog
- Economics of govt sending letters across the country/connecting people
- Politician who's a skilled writer makes a speech
- Small earth, plate tectonics, can't sustain life
@xrssa89 so you know if the LR sections are randomized too, that being what is 134 for you might be my 431? I had 134 too for LR but section 1 seemed so much more difficult than 3 and 4 for me, though 4 took me the longest because I was absolutely NOT expecting LR back to back.
@xrssa89 said:
Were these questions in both section of your > @cam said:
@jcorine26 said:
I had two LR sections (experimental RC, ugh) and here are some questions I haven't seen mentioned yet:
- Company owner's plan doesn't deserve criticism because previous owner put them in debt
- Someone being hired with lots of experience might not be great because some other guy with experience was bad before
- Study with people randomly assigned to wear formal/business attire
- Study with middle aged coffee drinkers and high blood pressure or cholesterol or something?
- Countries that expect crappy economic conditions can deal with economic instability better?
- Mystery novel private investigates are lone wolves/go against bureaucracy
- Vehicle emissions 1967-90 and smog
- Economics of govt sending letters across the country/connecting people
- Politician who's a skilled writer makes a speech
- Small earth, plate tectonics, can't sustain life
Hopefully this helps someone!
I had all of those. (I had LG experimental).
Were these questions in both LR sections?
I forget the split, but I remember dealing with those topics across the two LR sections I had. I had to keep from giggling out loud when reading some of the politician questions.
If what I'm reading on here, TLS, and Power Score is accurate, my first LG was the real one (I thought it was going to be experimental since it seemed easier to me compared to my 2nd LG).
@iiiSpoon said: @abdelmalak17 I can tell you what's gonna put me down. . .LG. I choked. . .again!
I felt like the LG wasnt too bad, they didnt throw anything new.. I was drained going into it as my 5th section. But if was earlier I think it would have been a bit easier...
I honestly got lucky because the week before, I just did a game just like game 3.. So it saved me on time... But RC i think i did bad on smh I honestly dont know how to predict my score right now smh
Could anyone that did not have experimental LR please comment on the following:
-city hall/ugly architecure
-chimpanzee and leaf eating
-Astronomers believe the universe is expanding
-grandfather/father rewards for eating vegetables
-pessimistic employees harm or aid success
-books are better than movies
-some music is art
-seasonal affect disorder
-pesticides/ bird/fish population
-suspects to crime and the right to defense
@the_lolalisa I didn't have any experimental LR and I can confirm that city hall/ugly architecture, astronomers believe the universe is expanding, pessimistic employees harm or aid success, books are better than movies, seasonal affective disorder, and pesticides/bird/fish population were real!
I don't remember any of the others but my brain is also currently mush so don't take my word for it!
@jcorine26 said: @the_lolalisa I didn't have any experimental LR and I can confirm that city hall/ugly architecture, astronomers believe the universe is expanding, pessimistic employees harm or aid success, books are better than movies, seasonal affective disorder, and pesticides/bird/fish population were real!
I don't remember any of the others but my brain is also currently mush so don't take my word for it!
How do you know which section is experimental? I'm losing my mind right now, because I had really worked very hard on LG and because it was section 5 I feel like it was a throw away. I only prepared for this exam for one month, so I am sorry if I sound like a total idiot. I destroyed the LG section and because of a legit learning disability, I read slowly so I missed the last 5-6 questions of every single LR and the RC sections.. That's not something I can fix. I typically get 98% of the questions I get to, right.
So how do you know which section is experimental? If the LG section was a throw away, I won't hit 160.
@"Tyger Goes" said:
How do you know which section is experimental? I'm losing my mind right now, because I had really worked very hard on LG and because it was section 5 I feel like it was a throw away. I only prepared for this exam for one month, so I am sorry if I sound like a total idiot. I destroyed the LG section and because of a legit learning disability, I read slowly so I missed the last 5-6 questions of every single LR and the RC sections.. That's not something I can fix. I typically get 98% of the questions I get to, right.
So how do you know which section is experimental? If the LG section was a throw away, I won't hit 160.
Ugh I'm sorry to hear that. You are not alone when it comes to reading slower than others...I'm the same way. You figure out which sections are experimental by first addressing what you had an extra section of. If you have 2 LR sections then neither were experimental. If you had 2 of either RC or LG, but not both, then one of those is experimental. And you figure out which one is experimental by looking at this previous post and see what people posted for having a non-experimental section.
Sorry if that doesn't make sense! Everyone has been discussing the experimentals in this discussion though
@"Tyger Goes" said:
How do you know which section is experimental? I'm losing my mind right now, because I had really worked very hard on LG and because it was section 5 I feel like it was a throw away. I only prepared for this exam for one month, so I am sorry if I sound like a total idiot. I destroyed the LG section and because of a legit learning disability, I read slowly so I missed the last 5-6 questions of every single LR and the RC sections.. That's not something I can fix. I typically get 98% of the questions I get to, right.
So how do you know which section is experimental? If the LG section was a throw away, I won't hit 160.
Ugh I'm sorry to hear that. You are not alone when it comes to reading slower than others...I'm the same way. You figure out which sections are experimental by first addressing what you had an extra section of. If you have 2 LR sections then neither were experimental. If you had 2 of either RC or LG, but not both, then one of those is experimental. And you figure out which one is experimental by looking at this previous post and see what people posted for having a non-experimental section.
Sorry if that doesn't make sense! Everyone has been discussing the experimentals in this discussion though
LR had an experimental for me then, and thank you. This is good news.
I'm sure there are many that read slower than is average, but I am encouraged by the percentage of those I get to being correct.
I've done the math and if I were to complete the last pages in each section-which I've never done, I'd be a solid 170 scorer. However, I'm 29 years old, and not looking to get into a top law school.
I am taking over my father in-law's firm which has always done well.
I sincerely wish everyone the best of luck with their scores and getting into their dream schools!
@mlstuard94 said:
Did anyone else feel like the LR was especially easy?? This is the third time I've taken the LSAT and I was shocked by the LR section.
I thought the LR was easy too but I'll see once the scores are released. I had a hard time with the children beaker expanding question. That stumped me for sure.
^ I had a few messages from people saying they did not recall this LG. Can someone without an experimental LG let me know what the last game was? So far, we have:
-Gold/Silver Vases/Plates
-12-Week Class Schedule
-Transcribing & Preparing for Interviews
French/ Russian was the very first game in the set. It was easy enough, then you hit the rest of them...
^ I had a few messages from people saying they did not recall this LG. Can someone without an experimental LG let me know what the last game was? So far, we have:
-Gold/Silver Vases/Plates
-12-Week Class Schedule
-Transcribing & Preparing for Interviews
French/ Russian was the very first game in the set. It was easy enough, then you hit the rest of them...
It was not French/Russian. It was a sequencing game as @the_lolalisa mentioned above.
I thought the LR was easy too but I'll see once the scores are released. I had a hard time with the children beaker expanding question. That stumped me for sure.
Ugh I agree. I really want to know the answer to that one lol
I had 2 Logic Games sections:
I think there was a LG game that mentioned neighborhoods, but I can't remember if that was the exact subject. I hope someone remembers the last LG in the experimental section too. I remember the game board, but not the subject matter!
As far as LR question subjects I can remember
bicycles and motorists interactions between two decades
architecture / city
speed limit change / car type
bird / fish / lake / toxins
chameleons or lizards (some type of creature) at different elevations
global warming / a forest
napoleon and his men
mailing a letter close and far
seasonal affective disorder / sunlight vs. artificial sources
children science experiment
art / boredom
charles I crowned / supernova when he was born
publishing an unpublished work after the author died
worm (or something with the ground/dirt/earthl) and acidity of soil or something like that
co-op food quality /supermarket
middle aged coffee drinkers /delayed high blood pressure
WARNING: this is a long post. Disregard if you don't like reading.
MY order was: LR LR RC LR LG.
I posted last week that I'd take ANY sections for LG but 5, and lo and behold... Also, as a preamble, I NEVER finish LR with more than 2 minutes to spare after my first run-through. I hardly ever skip and go back, except for 1 or 2 in the last 2 or so minutes. Usually go 0-3. RC is my weakest. Usually go 2-4 wrong. LG pretty decent. Usually 2-3 wrong. Sometimes -1.
MY impressions:
1st LR: starting with coffee question. Incredibly easy LR. I blew threw the section in about 25 minutes then came back and br'ed a bit.
Probably 0-1 wrong.
2nd LR: I don't really remember which questions. Also easy. Done in ~27 minutes. Then reviewed. This was experimental I think.
Probably 0-1 wrong, though it matters not.
3rd RC: official one. I thought it wasn't bad at all. Even on the easy side. Barely finished after going back to answer a tricky question from Indian passage (pretty typical timing for me).
I found Bumblebees easy (if you are familiar with all/most of the RC passages, this is reminiscent of an earlier passage?). That was a gift to me.
Indians and Romans: Also easy, just a bit difficult to get at the Indian authors main idea. He seemed a bit jumbled.
Civil trials: One of the easiest law passages I have ever seen. I thank God for this passage.
Liberal environmentalism: I had a bit of trouble with one question on here. A global question actually... but I think the answers were just poorly worded.
I'd say 2-4 wrong.
3 LR: that Napoleon question!! Tougher LR. Mostly because of that damned Napoleon question. Finished in about ~29 minutes and reviewed, then went to Napoleon again. I hate that question. Aside from that, I think 2 or 3 questions were challenging.
Probably 1-3 wrong.
5th LG: Official. Toughest for me.
G1: ordering game = easy. JY would say 6 minutes?
G2: Vase Game = medium 8-9 minutes, if you figured out the inferences in the setup. Without that, probably a 10-12 minute game.
G3: 12 weeks = not a problem. It was just a unique twist. A LOT of counting... 7-8 minutes for this one.
G4: INTERVIEWS: this one is it. I only had 6.5 minutes for this and it was NOT enough. about 10 would have been just right. difficulty lay in the last question mostly, but others were very time consuming.
Probably 3-5 wrong. 3 guesses
@istherecoffeehere said:
I had 2 Logic Games sections:
I think there was a LG game that mentioned neighborhoods, but I can't remember if that was the exact subject. I hope someone remembers the last LG in the experimental section too. I remember the game board, but not the subject matter!
As far as LR question subjects I can remember
bicycles and motorists interactions between two decades
architecture / city
speed limit change / car type
bird / fish / lake / toxins
chameleons or lizards (some type of creature) at different elevations
global warming / a forest
napoleon and his men
mailing a letter close and far
seasonal affective disorder / sunlight vs. artificial sources
children science experiment
art / boredom
charles I crowned / supernova when he was born
publishing an unpublished work after the author died
worm (or something with the ground/dirt/earthl) and acidity of soil or something like that
co-op food quality /supermarket
middle aged coffee drinkers /delayed high blood pressure
@JCooper5 said:
My proctor did not give us a five minute warning for our 4th section (which happened to be my LG section which I bank on getting all those questions right) and I had to leave 3 questions blank. It was such a shock considering he had given the warning in all three previous sections. The room was angry.
What would be the point of filing a complaint? He did say he made a note of it on the test. This was the last time I was planning on writing, would filing a complaint help others who may be looking for a potential re-write? Thoughts?
Oh you are probably in the same test room as me! I'm so sad too because that was the real LG section and we got screwed. I had a watch and was watching the time too but I still missed a couple questions in the end. I don't know what to do
That dope ass moment when you're Indian, Hindu and have a penchant for reading Tagore on your leisure time. Tagore's passage was such a breeze! YAS. This was my last take and I'm proud to say it was my best test yet! THANK YOU 7SAGE AND JY. SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOU ALL.
@jcylin93 said:
So upset. I think I shifted my answers in the last section and ended up with an extra answer (102 total). Unsure whether to cancel or not. T-T
As in you ended up with 102 answers? A friend of mine who took this test as well noted that there were 102 questions in total.
Yup. Didn't get to check my answers in the last section so was extremely freaked out.
Also, something about children and beakers, and ravens and worms in a beaker were LR questions.
or maybe they were crows...
Did you have experimental LR?
I only had 2 LR sections and I had these so they were real
I had 2 LG sections and found them really easy (which is unusual for me). I don't remember much very clearly but here's what I can think of that I haven't seen mentioned yet:
- a kid's sport competition (matching teams up against each other)
- there was some kind of game about pairing up senior and junior members of some business (lawyers or executives or something)
- there was another sequencing game with a rule that one piece couldn't go in between two other pieces
I realize this is incredibly vague and probably useless but maybe it can help someone else remember the questions clearer than I can.
I also don't remember the French/Russian language question and now I'm very confused, it is possible that I just glazed over the context of the question though.
This gif ecapsulates my feelings as I hit RC #4 with 7 mins left ... and also my thoughts standing around during the 15 min break right after. Fun times everyone!
@monica123 said:
Does anyone remember how many questions were in the last game?
7 total. I remember counting with dismay.
Also, did anyone feel confident about the Napoleon question? I thought the beaker question was tricky, but reading the wording REALLY closely the wording helped me answer it, I think. Not with Napoleon.
@JCooper5 said:
My proctor did not give us a five minute warning for our 4th section (which happened to be my LG section which I bank on getting all those questions right) and I had to leave 3 questions blank. It was such a shock considering he had given the warning in all three previous sections. The room was angry.
What would be the point of filing a complaint? He did say he made a note of it on the test. This was the last time I was planning on writing, would filing a complaint help others who may be looking for a potential re-write? Thoughts?
Oh you are probably in the same test room as me! I'm so sad too because that was the real LG section and we got screwed. I had a watch and was watching the time too but I still missed a couple questions in the end. I don't know what to do
Ya I know! Just truly the worst luck! I will file a complaint, it may help out others to get an extra writing. Hopefully things will work out for us fingers crossed
I dont know what you guys are talking about when it comes to RC. My RC was totally different and I definitely did not get any Hindu/Roman passage. I only had one RC as well.
I see that a lot of people are saying that the 12 week game was really tough. I thought it was pretty easy because of one of the rules helped severely restrict it ... am I missing something? Did I completely misread that game and bomb it? It wouldn't be the first time ...
Just confirming for everyone: the gold plates and 1-6/7-12 questions were NOT experimental. The LR had 26 each with the coffe question, bicyclists, meteors, etc. I found LR to be the easiest ...which was a shocker because LG is my best and LR my weakest but it totally switched on me today!!!
The reading comp involved the bees, Romans, and such. This was the one that is NOT experimental.
Good luck to all of you, I definitely feel like the reading comp was difficult (the bees sucked) and the logic games were tough not because they were unique but because the difficult was just so evenly spread out.
Hope u guys all did it.
I finished LR but for RC and LG I guessed 6 questions each. The ones that I DID do I'm confident in and I'm hoping I guessed atleast one or two right haha.
Have a little faith!
@cskent329 oh that's right!
I too can't remember the context but I remember the rules. Not helpful at all.
I got that too, Im hoping the first one was the experimental! Fingers Crossed, I wasnt too warmed up yet smh
What sections did you have LR?
@xrssa89 so you know if the LR sections are randomized too, that being what is 134 for you might be my 431? I had 134 too for LR but section 1 seemed so much more difficult than 3 and 4 for me, though 4 took me the longest because I was absolutely NOT expecting LR back to back.
I forget the split, but I remember dealing with those topics across the two LR sections I had. I had to keep from giggling out loud when reading some of the politician questions.
2 and 5.
I had LG LR RC, LG LR.
If what I'm reading on here, TLS, and Power Score is accurate, my first LG was the real one (I thought it was going to be experimental since it seemed easier to me compared to my 2nd LG).
Does anyone think this LSAT will have a big curve? Predictions on what gets you a 160 and above?
@abdelmalak17 I can tell you what's gonna put me down. . .LG. I choked. . .again!
I felt like the LG wasnt too bad, they didnt throw anything new.. I was drained going into it as my 5th section. But if was earlier I think it would have been a bit easier...
@abdelmalak17 my nerves got to me; I had a slip on G1 that ended taking up more time and nothing was smooth after that.
I honestly got lucky because the week before, I just did a game just like game 3.. So it saved me on time... But RC i think i did bad on smh I honestly dont know how to predict my score right now smh
Could anyone that did not have experimental LR please comment on the following:
-city hall/ugly architecure
-chimpanzee and leaf eating
-Astronomers believe the universe is expanding
-grandfather/father rewards for eating vegetables
-pessimistic employees harm or aid success
-books are better than movies
-some music is art
-seasonal affect disorder
-pesticides/ bird/fish population
-suspects to crime and the right to defense
Did anyone else feel like the LR was especially easy?? This is the third time I've taken the LSAT and I was shocked by the LR section.
@the_lolalisa I didn't have any experimental LR and I can confirm that city hall/ugly architecture, astronomers believe the universe is expanding, pessimistic employees harm or aid success, books are better than movies, seasonal affective disorder, and pesticides/bird/fish population were real!
I don't remember any of the others but my brain is also currently mush so don't take my word for it!
that's immensely helpful! thank you!
How do you know which section is experimental? I'm losing my mind right now, because I had really worked very hard on LG and because it was section 5 I feel like it was a throw away. I only prepared for this exam for one month, so I am sorry if I sound like a total idiot. I destroyed the LG section and because of a legit learning disability, I read slowly so I missed the last 5-6 questions of every single LR and the RC sections.. That's not something I can fix. I typically get 98% of the questions I get to, right.
So how do you know which section is experimental? If the LG section was a throw away, I won't hit 160.
Ugh I'm sorry to hear that. You are not alone when it comes to reading slower than others...I'm the same way. You figure out which sections are experimental by first addressing what you had an extra section of. If you have 2 LR sections then neither were experimental. If you had 2 of either RC or LG, but not both, then one of those is experimental. And you figure out which one is experimental by looking at this previous post and see what people posted for having a non-experimental section.
Sorry if that doesn't make sense! Everyone has been discussing the experimentals in this discussion though
LR had an experimental for me then, and thank you. This is good news.
I'm sure there are many that read slower than is average, but I am encouraged by the percentage of those I get to being correct.
I've done the math and if I were to complete the last pages in each section-which I've never done, I'd be a solid 170 scorer. However, I'm 29 years old, and not looking to get into a top law school.
I am taking over my father in-law's firm which has always done well.
I sincerely wish everyone the best of luck with their scores and getting into their dream schools!
I thought the LR was easy too but I'll see once the scores are released. I had a hard time with the children beaker expanding question. That stumped me for sure.
French/ Russian was the very first game in the set. It was easy enough, then you hit the rest of them...
It was not French/Russian. It was a sequencing game as @the_lolalisa mentioned above.
I thought the LR was easy too but I'll see once the scores are released. I had a hard time with the children beaker expanding question. That stumped me for sure.
Ugh I agree. I really want to know the answer to that one lol
I had 2 Logic Games sections:
I think there was a LG game that mentioned neighborhoods, but I can't remember if that was the exact subject. I hope someone remembers the last LG in the experimental section too. I remember the game board, but not the subject matter!
As far as LR question subjects I can remember
WARNING: this is a long post. Disregard if you don't like reading.
MY order was: LR LR RC LR LG.
I posted last week that I'd take ANY sections for LG but 5, and lo and behold... Also, as a preamble, I NEVER finish LR with more than 2 minutes to spare after my first run-through. I hardly ever skip and go back, except for 1 or 2 in the last 2 or so minutes. Usually go 0-3. RC is my weakest. Usually go 2-4 wrong. LG pretty decent. Usually 2-3 wrong. Sometimes -1.
MY impressions:
1st LR: starting with coffee question. Incredibly easy LR. I blew threw the section in about 25 minutes then came back and br'ed a bit.
Probably 0-1 wrong.
2nd LR: I don't really remember which questions. Also easy. Done in ~27 minutes. Then reviewed. This was experimental I think.
Probably 0-1 wrong, though it matters not.
3rd RC: official one. I thought it wasn't bad at all. Even on the easy side. Barely finished after going back to answer a tricky question from Indian passage (pretty typical timing for me).
I found Bumblebees easy (if you are familiar with all/most of the RC passages, this is reminiscent of an earlier passage?). That was a gift to me.
Indians and Romans: Also easy, just a bit difficult to get at the Indian authors main idea. He seemed a bit jumbled.
Civil trials: One of the easiest law passages I have ever seen. I thank God for this passage.
Liberal environmentalism: I had a bit of trouble with one question on here. A global question actually... but I think the answers were just poorly worded.
I'd say 2-4 wrong.
3 LR: that Napoleon question!! Tougher LR. Mostly because of that damned Napoleon question. Finished in about ~29 minutes and reviewed, then went to Napoleon again. I hate that question. Aside from that, I think 2 or 3 questions were challenging.
Probably 1-3 wrong.
5th LG: Official. Toughest for me.
G1: ordering game = easy. JY would say 6 minutes?
G2: Vase Game = medium 8-9 minutes, if you figured out the inferences in the setup. Without that, probably a 10-12 minute game.
G3: 12 weeks = not a problem. It was just a unique twist. A LOT of counting... 7-8 minutes for this one.
G4: INTERVIEWS: this one is it. I only had 6.5 minutes for this and it was NOT enough. about 10 would have been just right. difficulty lay in the last question mostly, but others were very time consuming.
Probably 3-5 wrong. 3 guesses
how do you know it's experimental one?
I also had LR for 1,3,4 but I remembered a question from 1 that someone who doesn't have experimental LR also said had it.
Do you remember what question it was?
Are these questions from both sections of LR?
These counted. ZERO Recollection of ones I deleted.
Oh you are probably in the same test room as me! I'm so sad too because that was the real LG section and we got screwed. I had a watch and was watching the time too but I still missed a couple questions in the end. I don't know what to do
That dope ass moment when you're Indian, Hindu and have a penchant for reading Tagore on your leisure time. Tagore's passage was such a breeze! YAS. This was my last take and I'm proud to say it was my best test yet! THANK YOU 7SAGE AND JY. SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOU ALL.
I only had 2 LR sections and I had these so they were real
Does anyone remember how many questions were in the last game?
I couldn't wrap my head around that question either
6 I believe ... cringing thinking about it
I had 2 LG sections and found them really easy (which is unusual for me). I don't remember much very clearly but here's what I can think of that I haven't seen mentioned yet:
- a kid's sport competition (matching teams up against each other)
- there was some kind of game about pairing up senior and junior members of some business (lawyers or executives or something)
- there was another sequencing game with a rule that one piece couldn't go in between two other pieces
I realize this is incredibly vague and probably useless but maybe it can help someone else remember the questions clearer than I can.
I also don't remember the French/Russian language question and now I'm very confused, it is possible that I just glazed over the context of the question though.
This gif ecapsulates my feelings as I hit RC #4 with 7 mins left ... and also my thoughts standing around during the 15 min break right after. Fun times everyone!
fear von Frisch
7 total.
I remember counting with dismay.
Also, did anyone feel confident about the Napoleon question? I thought the beaker question was tricky, but reading the wording REALLY closely the wording helped me answer it, I think. Not with Napoleon.
Hopefully Napoleon is removed from scoring! lol (what happens when they do this? Is everyone credited, or everyone not credited?)
does anyone remember a question about goodtreatz and obesity? real of exp?
Yes I do. I believe it was real!
Ya I know! Just truly the worst luck! I will file a complaint, it may help out others to get an extra writing. Hopefully things will work out for us fingers crossed
I dont know what you guys are talking about when it comes to RC. My RC was totally different and I definitely did not get any Hindu/Roman passage. I only had one RC as well.
The question is eliminated from the test. As such, it does not affect your score, and it does not count as a point gained or lost.
LG wasn't that bad. The last game was exactly like one in the 50's except with 4 players instead of 6
Did anyone have a question about monkeys eating leaves with their food for medicinal reasons or for taste reasons? Lol thought it was so weird
I see that a lot of people are saying that the 12 week game was really tough. I thought it was pretty easy because of one of the rules helped severely restrict it ... am I missing something? Did I completely misread that game and bomb it? It wouldn't be the first time ...