@meaganknuth Well, I took mine in the EMEA region, and while my LG and LR sections were definitely the same as what you guys are all talking about, I distinctly remember RC because I thought I got close to perfect or perfect on it. Perhaps they change the RC in different regions. I had an experimental LG as well which had a circular sequencing game in the last question. Similar to that one in preptest 40 something. My LR sections were exactly as what you guys were describing.
@mlstuard94 said:
Did anyone else feel like the LR was especially easy?? This is the third time I've taken the LSAT and I was shocked by the LR section.
I've written 3 times too, and I agree - I usually have to slow down a bit and think hard to get around 5-6 of the more difficult questions per LR, and often 2 or 3 where I get things narrowed down to 2 choices, but am not certain. I had 3 LR sections, so one experimental, but all of them together, there were only 2-3 questions total where I wasn't certain about the correct answers.
In case you are looking for company ... I had my "score" cancelled before I left the room. 2 things though ... 1) I have only been at it for a little over three months with the 7sage course. (no other prep counts once I learned the 7sage way). The June test will be the 7 month mark for me. The jury is out as to whether I am really ready at that point. Leading into the Feb test, the practice tests I did were a) way less than I had originally drawn out on my compressed schedule b) way worse than I had drawn out, and c) I still can't find the handicap scoring table for Senior Citizens (I am 48) so I am competing with a much younger crowd, so I should just double everything anyway, and especially practice testing. And 2) Feb is not released into the wild, so I figured I wasn't burning a practice PrepTest opportunity anyway.
Truth is, I was still nervous as hell. I was a complete shit show in there, heartbeat and all. I started attacking the games section immediately, and the soothing voice of JY picking apart the question stem and setting up the Game boards helped some, unfortunately he cant get you very far from there. HAHA.
This is in no way a testament to the difficulty of the Feb Test. There are definitely harder games out there. But for those that feel like they are less than half way there ... there are more of us out here than you think. Recommit after a break and forge ahead for the June test if you are so inclined to bite off 3.5 months of prep as your next milestone -- you are not alone. I hope to meet you in study groups.
My sequence of sections was: RC, LR, RC, , LG, LR.
I can't recall which RC passages belonged to which section. The RC section I had right before break had a passage on environmental liberalism that I was convinced was experimental - but apparently not!
The other RC passages I can remember included:
- a passage about investors needing to know the value of a company's brand to make good investment decisions
- the foraging bees
- a section about a book regarding Hindu parochialism and Roman history
I'll add more if I can think of any.
By the way: for those in the Boston area, the testing center at Northeastern University was quite nice.
editing out my comment in case it went into too much detail. the games were:
1) deliveries
2) gold and silver antiques
3) camp activities
4) not sure, there were people assigned to tasks over three days
i've gotten some fishy messages asking me to go into further detail, and i'd hate to have my score cancelled over this so that's as much as i'd like to share.
I had RC (experimental), LR, RC, LR, LG.
I thought the honeybees passage was the most difficult but that might be from being burned out after 7 passages.
specific questions that I haven't been brought up..
-the last question of one of the LR sections had to do with Global Warming --> more Precipitation and then another premise about Warm climate without frequent dry spells or something leading to something and I'm fairly certain it was a SA.
-I personally think this one was easier than the September LSAT mainly because that virus game in the Sept LG is notorious but ya I would say the 12 week schedule game was the hardest...although I did that one last
-I didn't think the crow and worms question was that bad but that may indicate me being naive and misreading it
-there was a question that was a little tough
-there was a question (18 on the first LR) i think that had me stumped about X and Y doing something and then that it probably wouldn't happen. can't remember details again. apologies
For Fun....KINCAID ALL THE WAY AS DIALLO'S co-director!
Admin note: Removed a lot of information. Please read the first post to avoid breaking rules.
Hope this isn't too specific. This was my second try. The December test seemed much harder, especially the LG. I lucked out getting an experimental RC section, so mine was RC, LR, RC, LG, LR. The last LR was a bear. I usually rock 1 of the LRs with -1 or -2, and muddle through the harder one with a -5 or -6. Hoping this take followed that pattern. The LG were relatively manageable, nothing we haven't seen before.
Both of the real tests and most of the practice tests have the 3rd LG as the hardest, so I anticipated that and timed accordingly. And of course, you should always give the new PhD's their shot. Let the arrogant old tenured lady find her own research projects!
I had three LR sections, two with 26 questions and one with 25 questions. I'm having trouble remembering which questions were on each section, but it's safe to assume that the 25 question one counted, and one of the 26 questions sections was experimental, right?
I thought the first LR section- with 26 questions- was a little tougher than usual
@xrssa89 said:
I had LR for section 1,3,4 and I remember all those questions. I am relieved. My experimental was definitely section one
This was the exact same order I had! With RC 2nd and games 5th. I'm hoping the 1st one was experimental as well, since I think I missed more on that one.
Ok is it normal to have complete and utter amnesia after the test?! I didn't have this last time but I'm reading these comments that it was 102 questions and I'm like did I have 26 bubbled answers or 23 or 22 or 21...did I misbubble or....... did I miss an entire page? I can't remember??????? LOL I felt decently okay about the test right after and each hour that's passed my anxiety has strengthened, and strengthened -_- IS THIS NORMAL?!!!!?!?!?!?
I had two 3 LR sections, 1 LG and 1 RC. Logic Games was last. I was feeling optimistic about the test until I came across LG. I completely bombed that section. It was horrid.
@Destiney22 said:
I'm nervous just reading these post. Is it true that the FEB exam is the most intimidating ?
Having just taken it, I would say that it is difficult knowing that I will never be able to clarify what the correct ACs are.
All testers go in blind, but for all other tests, you get the relief of seeing your scantron and the test questions afterward. If you would be okay with never knowing what questions you missed, then there's really no other difference. For me, it just leaves a lot more room for speculation.
@"tiffinie.larkins" said:
I had two 3 LR sections, 1 LG and 1 RC. Logic Games was last. I was feeling optimistic about the test until I came across LG. I completely bombed that section. It was horrid.
Hello guys, I took the LSAT this past Saturday as well and I had 3 LR sections. Personally I felt extremely intimidated by the LG section and RC, which was extremely disappointing to my psyche as I consider those my strongest sections. I had a serious lapse of judgement with my timing during RC and ended up leaving 4-5 questions blank as the Proctor had said 'Pencils down.' That absolutely killed me, I spent the next 3 sections worrying about the empty questions I had left, after all a 20% chance of being right was better than nothing. This extra worrying in combination with test day anxiety seriously hindered my performance on the remaining sections. Really disappointed in myself, considering calling it quits.
A quick question as well, someone had mentioned this LSAT was an undisclosed exam? Does this mean we do not have the opportunity of challenging questions?
I had 2 LG sections and the only question that gave me trouble was about 3 projects that would take 1, 2 or 3 weeks to complete and students were assigned to the projects. Anyone know if this game was real or experimental?
@"Jasmin Chohan" said:
I had 2 LG sections and the only question that gave me trouble was about 3 projects that would take 1, 2 or 3 weeks to complete and students were assigned to the projects. Anyone know if this game was real or experimental?
It was a real game. It was together with Gold Vase game. I had 2 LG as well and these games were part of my 5th section.
@"Jasmin Chohan" said:
I had 2 LG sections and the only question that gave me trouble was about 3 projects that would take 1, 2 or 3 weeks to complete and students were assigned to the projects. Anyone know if this game was real or experimental?
It's real and gave me trouble as well. I'm sooo mad at myself because looking back on it, it wasn't hard at all. I expected there to be hard games and screwed myself over with that mindset. Been sad for days now....:'(
@"Jasmin Chohan" said:
I had 2 LG sections and the only question that gave me trouble was about 3 projects that would take 1, 2 or 3 weeks to complete and students were assigned to the projects. Anyone know if this game was real or experimental?
It's real and gave me trouble as well. I'm sooo mad at myself because looking back on it, it wasn't hard at all. I expected there to be hard games and screwed myself over with that mindset. Been sad for days now....:'(
Same. It wasn't hard at all I just didn't have enough time. This one appeared on my second lg section. My first one was so easy that I knew it had to be too good to be true
That sucks. Sorry to hear that. I was in a similar position after the December LSAT. Left an entire game blank because of time and anxiety. The only thing I can tell you is to learn from it. What I learned from it was to bubble everything left when the proctor calls 5 minutes, and then change what I bubbled as I solved the questions. Even if I didn't get to all the questions in time, I still had a 1/5 chance of getting it right. I did that for every section, even if I felt like I would have plenty of time at the end. No point in taking chances.
The stress and pressure of test day doesn't compare to taking a Pt at home. Now that you've experienced that you can only do better next time. If you're gonna apply next cycle, you always have the option to cancel your score (if you think you really, really bombed it, because I think it still counts as a take).
@JDreaming said:
Hello guys, I took the LSAT this past Saturday as well and I had 3 LR sections. Personally I felt extremely intimidated by the LG section and RC, which was extremely disappointing to my psyche as I consider those my strongest sections. I had a serious lapse of judgement with my timing during RC and ended up leaving 4-5 questions blank as the Proctor had said 'Pencils down.' That absolutely killed me, I spent the next 3 sections worrying about the empty questions I had left, after all a 20% chance of being right was better than nothing. This extra worrying in combination with test day anxiety seriously hindered my performance on the remaining sections. Really disappointed in myself, considering calling it quits.
@"Creasey LSAT" said:
3, but I've identified 40 out of 52 real questions.
unfortunately this doesn't help unless you know for fact that good treats was with a real, identified question. I'm leaning towards it being experimental though it seems many got it for their experimental section
My test was LR RC LR LR LG. I know others who also had an experimental LR but with different ordering. Also, I do not think we can be certain that even if there is parallel ordering each sections' questions are the same. Furthermore, is it not possible that there were multiple LR experimental sections? But the above are really tangential questions. My main question is: removed for too much info.
@"Creasey LSAT" said:
3, but I've identified 40 out of 52 real questions.
also mind sharing some of the others? could help us all out
Here's what I got for real LR questions. Feel free to confirm/deny. Hopefully this doesn't break any rules.
Goodtreatz / obesity
Speed Limits for Different Vehicle Types
Bicycles and car accidents
Vehicle Emissions from 1967-1990 / Smog
Global Warming /Climate Change / forest fires
Meteorite and Nano-Diamonds
Supernova and a King's Birth (Charles II)
Ravens/Crows and Worms / Dropping Pebbles in a Tube
Children Estimating Half-Full Beakers
Plate Tectonics / Size of Planet / Can’t sustain life
Skilled Writer Politician Makes a Speech
Company Criticism / Debt
Government Sending Letters Across Country / Connecting People
Middle-Aged Coffee Drinkers / High Blood Pressure
Someone being hired with lots of experience might not be great because some other
Study with people randomly assigned to wear formal/business attire
City hall/ugly architecture
Pessimistic employees harm or aid success
Books are better than movies
Seasonal affective disorder
Pesticides/bird/fish population
Lizards with spots
Great art / despair
Publishing an unpublished work after the author died
Co-op food quality /supermarket
Lysozyme pollution test
Expanding universe
Stolen unlocked cars
Hospital / bacteria on clothes
Countries that expect crappy economic conditions
Mystery novel PI is a lone wolf (against bureaucracy)
Some music is art
small/medium/large meteors
Search warrants and motor homes
Alarm clock
Julian as team leader
Bacteria developing resistance to antibiotics
Agree question #2
@meaganknuth Well, I took mine in the EMEA region, and while my LG and LR sections were definitely the same as what you guys are all talking about, I distinctly remember RC because I thought I got close to perfect or perfect on it. Perhaps they change the RC in different regions. I had an experimental LG as well which had a circular sequencing game in the last question. Similar to that one in preptest 40 something. My LR sections were exactly as what you guys were describing.
@ashley_k2204 I agree. That was a super easy 6-spot sequencing game in disguise.
I've written 3 times too, and I agree - I usually have to slow down a bit and think hard to get around 5-6 of the more difficult questions per LR, and often 2 or 3 where I get things narrowed down to 2 choices, but am not certain. I had 3 LR sections, so one experimental, but all of them together, there were only 2-3 questions total where I wasn't certain about the correct answers.
In case you are looking for company ... I had my "score" cancelled before I left the room. 2 things though ... 1) I have only been at it for a little over three months with the 7sage course. (no other prep counts once I learned the 7sage way). The June test will be the 7 month mark for me. The jury is out as to whether I am really ready at that point. Leading into the Feb test, the practice tests I did were a) way less than I had originally drawn out on my compressed schedule b) way worse than I had drawn out, and c) I still can't find the handicap scoring table for Senior Citizens (I am 48) so I am competing with a much younger crowd, so I should just double everything anyway, and especially practice testing. And 2) Feb is not released into the wild, so I figured I wasn't burning a practice PrepTest opportunity anyway.
Truth is, I was still nervous as hell. I was a complete shit show in there, heartbeat and all. I started attacking the games section immediately, and the soothing voice of JY picking apart the question stem and setting up the Game boards helped some, unfortunately he cant get you very far from there. HAHA.
This is in no way a testament to the difficulty of the Feb Test. There are definitely harder games out there. But for those that feel like they are less than half way there ... there are more of us out here than you think. Recommit after a break and forge ahead for the June test if you are so inclined to bite off 3.5 months of prep as your next milestone -- you are not alone. I hope to meet you in study groups.
My sequence of sections was: RC, LR, RC, , LG, LR.
I can't recall which RC passages belonged to which section. The RC section I had right before break had a passage on environmental liberalism that I was convinced was experimental - but apparently not!
The other RC passages I can remember included:
- a passage about investors needing to know the value of a company's brand to make good investment decisions
- the foraging bees
- a section about a book regarding Hindu parochialism and Roman history
I'll add more if I can think of any.
By the way: for those in the Boston area, the testing center at Northeastern University was quite nice.
editing out my comment in case it went into too much detail. the games were:
1) deliveries
2) gold and silver antiques
3) camp activities
4) not sure, there were people assigned to tasks over three days
i've gotten some fishy messages asking me to go into further detail, and i'd hate to have my score cancelled over this so that's as much as i'd like to share.
I'm nervous just reading these post. Is it true that the FEB exam is the most intimidating ?
Probably, but I think it is only because it is an undisclosed test. Thus, you will not know where you "messed up" once you receive your score :-(
I had RC (experimental), LR, RC, LR, LG.
I thought the honeybees passage was the most difficult but that might be from being burned out after 7 passages.
specific questions that I haven't been brought up..
-the last question of one of the LR sections had to do with Global Warming --> more Precipitation and then another premise about Warm climate without frequent dry spells or something leading to something and I'm fairly certain it was a SA.
-I personally think this one was easier than the September LSAT mainly because that virus game in the Sept LG is notorious but ya I would say the 12 week schedule game was the hardest...although I did that one last
-I didn't think the crow and worms question was that bad but that may indicate me being naive and misreading it
-there was a question that was a little tough
-there was a question (18 on the first LR) i think that had me stumped about X and Y doing something and then that it probably wouldn't happen. can't remember details again. apologies
For Fun....KINCAID ALL THE WAY AS DIALLO'S co-director!
Admin note: Removed a lot of information. Please read the first post to avoid breaking rules.
Hope this isn't too specific. This was my second try. The December test seemed much harder, especially the LG. I lucked out getting an experimental RC section, so mine was RC, LR, RC, LG, LR. The last LR was a bear. I usually rock 1 of the LRs with -1 or -2, and muddle through the harder one with a -5 or -6. Hoping this take followed that pattern. The LG were relatively manageable, nothing we haven't seen before.
Both of the real tests and most of the practice tests have the 3rd LG as the hardest, so I anticipated that and timed accordingly. And of course, you should always give the new PhD's their shot. Let the arrogant old tenured lady find her own research projects!
I had three LR sections, two with 26 questions and one with 25 questions. I'm having trouble remembering which questions were on each section, but it's safe to assume that the 25 question one counted, and one of the 26 questions sections was experimental, right?
I thought the first LR section- with 26 questions- was a little tougher than usual
This was the exact same order I had! With RC 2nd and games 5th. I'm hoping the 1st one was experimental as well, since I think I missed more on that one.
Ok is it normal to have complete and utter amnesia after the test?! I didn't have this last time but I'm reading these comments that it was 102 questions and I'm like did I have 26 bubbled answers or 23 or 22 or 21...did I misbubble or....... did I miss an entire page? I can't remember??????? LOL I felt decently okay about the test right after and each hour that's passed my anxiety has strengthened, and strengthened -_- IS THIS NORMAL?!!!!?!?!?!?
Haha yes this is very normal.
I had two 3 LR sections, 1 LG and 1 RC. Logic Games was last. I was feeling optimistic about the test until I came across LG. I completely bombed that section. It was horrid.
Having just taken it, I would say that it is difficult knowing that I will never be able to clarify what the correct ACs are.
All testers go in blind, but for all other tests, you get the relief of seeing your scantron and the test questions afterward. If you would be okay with never knowing what questions you missed, then there's really no other difference. For me, it just leaves a lot more room for speculation.
Same. How did you feel about the RC?
Does anyone remember the question about search warrants and motor homes?
Yes, I do.
Hello guys, I took the LSAT this past Saturday as well and I had 3 LR sections. Personally I felt extremely intimidated by the LG section and RC, which was extremely disappointing to my psyche as I consider those my strongest sections. I had a serious lapse of judgement with my timing during RC and ended up leaving 4-5 questions blank as the Proctor had said 'Pencils down.' That absolutely killed me, I spent the next 3 sections worrying about the empty questions I had left, after all a 20% chance of being right was better than nothing. This extra worrying in combination with test day anxiety seriously hindered my performance on the remaining sections. Really disappointed in myself, considering calling it quits.
A quick question as well, someone had mentioned this LSAT was an undisclosed exam? Does this mean we do not have the opportunity of challenging questions?
I had 2 LG sections and the only question that gave me trouble was about 3 projects that would take 1, 2 or 3 weeks to complete and students were assigned to the projects. Anyone know if this game was real or experimental?
It was a real game. It was together with Gold Vase game. I had 2 LG as well and these games were part of my 5th section.
It's real and gave me trouble as well. I'm sooo mad at myself because looking back on it, it wasn't hard at all. I expected there to be hard games and screwed myself over with that mindset. Been sad for days now....:'(
Same. It wasn't hard at all I just didn't have enough time. This one appeared on my second lg section. My first one was so easy that I knew it had to be too good to be true
That sucks. Sorry to hear that. I was in a similar position after the December LSAT. Left an entire game blank because of time and anxiety. The only thing I can tell you is to learn from it. What I learned from it was to bubble everything left when the proctor calls 5 minutes, and then change what I bubbled as I solved the questions. Even if I didn't get to all the questions in time, I still had a 1/5 chance of getting it right. I did that for every section, even if I felt like I would have plenty of time at the end. No point in taking chances.
The stress and pressure of test day doesn't compare to taking a Pt at home. Now that you've experienced that you can only do better next time. If you're gonna apply next cycle, you always have the option to cancel your score (if you think you really, really bombed it, because I think it still counts as a take).
One person talked about it but it doesn't seem confirmed, was the LR section that had a GoodTreatz question for #1 Real or Experimental?
Also, bikes & motor accidents - was that real?
@kataput6 Check out Dillon's compilation of real vs experimental:)
Yeah but that list only contains only a fraction of the 52 real LR questions.
goodtreatz was real
Creasey but did you have 2 LRs or 3
3, but I've identified 40 out of 52 real questions.
I do not remember anything about goodtreatz lol
unfortunately this doesn't help unless you know for fact that good treats was with a real, identified question. I'm leaning towards it being experimental though it seems many got it for their experimental section
also mind sharing some of the others? could help us all out
My test was LR RC LR LR LG. I know others who also had an experimental LR but with different ordering. Also, I do not think we can be certain that even if there is parallel ordering each sections' questions are the same. Furthermore, is it not possible that there were multiple LR experimental sections? But the above are really tangential questions. My main question is: removed for too much info.
Here's what I got for real LR questions. Feel free to confirm/deny. Hopefully this doesn't break any rules.
Goodtreatz / obesity
Speed Limits for Different Vehicle Types
Bicycles and car accidents
Vehicle Emissions from 1967-1990 / Smog
Global Warming /Climate Change / forest fires
Meteorite and Nano-Diamonds
Supernova and a King's Birth (Charles II)
Ravens/Crows and Worms / Dropping Pebbles in a Tube
Children Estimating Half-Full Beakers
Plate Tectonics / Size of Planet / Can’t sustain life
Skilled Writer Politician Makes a Speech
Company Criticism / Debt
Government Sending Letters Across Country / Connecting People
Middle-Aged Coffee Drinkers / High Blood Pressure
Someone being hired with lots of experience might not be great because some other
Study with people randomly assigned to wear formal/business attire
City hall/ugly architecture
Pessimistic employees harm or aid success
Books are better than movies
Seasonal affective disorder
Pesticides/bird/fish population
Lizards with spots
Great art / despair
Publishing an unpublished work after the author died
Co-op food quality /supermarket
Lysozyme pollution test
Expanding universe
Stolen unlocked cars
Hospital / bacteria on clothes
Countries that expect crappy economic conditions
Mystery novel PI is a lone wolf (against bureaucracy)
Some music is art
small/medium/large meteors
Search warrants and motor homes
Alarm clock
Julian as team leader
Bacteria developing resistance to antibiotics
Agree question #2