[Ended] Post Curriculum Study Strategies with Sage Josh | Thurs. Feb 9 & Fri. Feb 10 | 7pm EST

Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
edited February 2017 in Webinars 28016 karma


The very large array of skills and materials we need to master in order to succeed on the LSAT can make it difficult to know how to approach the task of studying for it. On any given day, where do we aim our efforts? This is an important question, and in my own studies, I frequently got it wrong. Overcoming this challenge was prerequisite to succeeding on this test for me, and I wasted a lot of time and effort learning it the hard way. I hope that by sharing my experience and my study methods with all of you, you can do it right from the beginning and save yourself a lot of hassle.

Post Curriculum Study Strategies
Fri, Feb 10, 7:00 PM EST

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