I love John Oliver. Watch Making a Murderer, but also listen to the stories of pretty much any Black/Brown men who are incarcerated... War on drugs, mandatory minimums, three strikes, 90+% of accused cut a deal and never see a trial. So, basically, America.
The People vs. OJ Simpson is a pretty good show as well. Watching the the prosecution completely screw up jury selection is infuriating.
Also, Intelligence Squared debates on Youtube are great to watch. Lots of interesting topics that are made easy to understand by qualified panelists:
iTunes University has some interesting classes you can listen to about a wide range of subjects.
For reading, the Becker-Posner blog was great. It's no longer posting stuff since Gary Becker, a Nobel Prize winning economist died, but some of the posts (even from 10 years ago) are still relevant today. Plus, Judge Posner is the most cited legal scholar of the 20th century and probably one of the most influential jurists in American history. The way the posts are set up makes it great for comparative reading practice. http://www.becker-posner-blog.com/
IMO, the best ones are Marginal Revolution (a law and econ blog), The Money Illusion (the best blog on monetary policy), Econbrowser (it's pretty technical, but it's great correlation/causation practice), Economist's View (since it links to a ton of great articles everyday), Historinhas (another monetary policy blog), Confessions of a Supply Side Liberal, Library of Economics and Liberty (another law and econ blog). Really, the top 50 or so are all pretty excellent in general.
He is the guy. The debt episode scared me so much that I read consumer rights against collection agencies in my province (living in Canada). The showing up in court if they sue you is the part that everyone should know about
Ha! He's good. Never heard of him. I was intrigued so I watched. The court thing is so truth. I got sued by a hospital. My deductible was $2750 and everything else was covered after at 100%. I tried calling when I got the bill but nothing. The insurance company sent me and the hospital a letter stating I did not owe that portion and still nothing. I went to court and took my letter from the insurance company. Atty representing the bank sits down and asks me if I am aware of the amount owed to the hospital. I informed him that I was aware of the amount but that I did not owe it. He smirked and asked why I felt like I shouldn't have to pay it. I politely slid my letter over to him. He read it and said, "humph, I'll get this back to my client and I'll let you know. I never heard from that guy again. This needs to be heavily regulated just as they done in real estate. Everybody makes d@mn sure to cross all t's and dot all i's now after the hundreds of thousands of foreclosed homes. It was just ridiculous how some people got homes under such terms to begin with and then when they tried to mitigate to save their homes there were ridiculous processes there or banks claiming to never have received pertinent docs. It was all a mess. It's slowing down now and this should be the next focus.
I have to admit my guilty pleasure when it comes to law shows is "Suits." Granted it is almost as unrealistic as it gets vis-a-vis law shows, but I still love it.
Also, this newer show Goliath I've been watching has also been pretty cool as well.
@"J.Y. Ping" said:
If you guys ever feel at a loss for a reason to go to law school, John Oliver can help you.
haha, absolutely. I created a thread on here a few months back professing my love for John Oliver He came to my alma mater for our comedy series a few years ago, till this day I'm very salty I missed it!
Not a show, but i am pretty sure most folks here would know about Serial Podcast - the first season especially.
More than that, i have become a big fan of Undisclosed Podcast, a spin-off of Serial. Run by three practicing attorneys, they take a criminal conviction they believe to be wrongful and tear it apart in terms of its investigation and legal proceedings. Do check out!
Thanks so much for introducing me to J.Oliver! This is so great. Any other recommendations are welcomed. Frontline documentaries are always inspiring although usually with zero humor.
@"Mo Zubair" said:
Not a show, but i am pretty sure most folks here would know about Serial Podcast - the first season especially.
More than that, i have become a big fan of Undisclosed Podcast, a spin-off of Serial. Run by three practicing attorneys, they take a criminal conviction they believe to be wrongful and tear it apart in terms of its investigation and legal proceedings. Do check out!
Watch Making a Murderer, but also listen to the stories of pretty much any Black/Brown men who are incarcerated...
War on drugs, mandatory minimums, three strikes, 90+% of accused cut a deal and never see a trial. So, basically, America.
John oliver though - LOL
Also, Intelligence Squared debates on Youtube are great to watch. Lots of interesting topics that are made easy to understand by qualified panelists:
iTunes University has some interesting classes you can listen to about a wide range of subjects.
For reading, the Becker-Posner blog was great. It's no longer posting stuff since Gary Becker, a Nobel Prize winning economist died, but some of the posts (even from 10 years ago) are still relevant today. Plus, Judge Posner is the most cited legal scholar of the 20th century and probably one of the most influential jurists in American history. The way the posts are set up makes it great for comparative reading practice. http://www.becker-posner-blog.com/
The best blog right now for lawyers is the Volokh Conspiracy (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/). Professor Volokh is another great jurist.
Lastly, many of these economics blogs are excellent (http://www.onalytica.com/blog/posts/top-200-most-influential-economics-blogs/). They can really help educate you on a ton of economic issues, but they are great for additional reading comprehension practice.
IMO, the best ones are Marginal Revolution (a law and econ blog), The Money Illusion (the best blog on monetary policy), Econbrowser (it's pretty technical, but it's great correlation/causation practice), Economist's View (since it links to a ton of great articles everyday), Historinhas (another monetary policy blog), Confessions of a Supply Side Liberal, Library of Economics and Liberty (another law and econ blog). Really, the top 50 or so are all pretty excellent in general.
Haha. I was waiting for someone to mention his; one of my favorites too!
I have to admit my guilty pleasure when it comes to law shows is "Suits." Granted it is almost as unrealistic as it gets vis-a-vis law shows, but I still love it.
Also, this newer show Goliath I've been watching has also been pretty cool as well.
I binged Goliath so hard. Great show!
Some new show regarding Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey this Friday. Dateline maybe??? I don't recall.
haha, absolutely. I created a thread on here a few months back professing my love for John Oliver
He came to my alma mater for our comedy series a few years ago, till this day I'm very salty I missed it! 
Great show indeed! I watched the entire first season in a week and a half, haha.
The Good Wife!!! Patiently awaiting The Good Fight....
Omg! I loved the Good Wife. I didn't want to write it at first since the show is a bit cheesy but I like shows like that
Can we all agree that, in the first clip JY posted, Sam the Eagle and John Oliver share an uncanny resemblance?
Not a show, but i am pretty sure most folks here would know about Serial Podcast - the first season especially.
More than that, i have become a big fan of Undisclosed Podcast, a spin-off of Serial. Run by three practicing attorneys, they take a criminal conviction they believe to be wrongful and tear it apart in terms of its investigation and legal proceedings. Do check out!
Boston LEGAL recently!!!!
Anybody watching Killing Fields? The second season is just, blah, but I still watch.
Well I'm sold, haha!
Thanks so much for introducing me to J.Oliver! This is so great. Any other recommendations are welcomed. Frontline documentaries are always inspiring although usually with zero humor.
Definitely digging The Good Fight.
Me, too. Signed up for CBS All Access for it.
So missing the Good Wife, just cannot justify adding CBS cost when I already pay for cable:(
@twssmith get a firestick! Game changer! You can eliminate the cable too if you'd like. I did!
@twssmith if you're an Amazon Prime member, streaming ALL 7 Seasons of The Good Wife is included in membership!
REALLY?!?!?! OMG thanks for this info! I was so bummed when I saw it only aired on Netflix Canada.
Oh very intriguing. I'll check it out!