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Hey everyone, I hope your LSAT studies are going spectacular!
It's no secret that English grammar is very dynamic, weird, and convoluted even for the native speaker. Besides the helpful grammar section in the 7sage curriculum, outside review should be implemented in your studies to help get awesome results in your PT/BR performance. I once read a comment from @"Cant Get Right" that really put this all in perspective for me. It was on a post about relearning grammar and he said, "Just recognizing that is a great start. The logic repeats itself over and over and over. They just don't have a lot of options on the logic. So what they do is they disguise that material with grammar. At a certain level, it really does become a test of grammar. Mastering the logic is far from sufficient to ensure a good score On the hardest questions, the difficulty is often not the logic at all, it's the grammar. So this is definitely worth a large allocation of your study time."
So please make it a point to take time outside of your prep to truly understand the logic behind grammar! For anyone interested, I've found this free online grammar course that will take place on February 27,2017:
Let's do dis!
Grammar is especially important for the curve breakers. Here is an example of a curve breaker made all too difficult by grammar. From PT 55
Awesome insight!
Great example, thanks!
Yeah this is so true! @"Cant Get Right" told me to review that lesson last year and it was a massive game changer for me and my lsat performance. You shout it from the mountain tops @"montaha.rizeq" (...just not near Buffalo)
Thank you for the link. The course seems really interesting!
Grammar! Glad y'all are improving from making that a more conscious part of your studying! It's such a huge part of the LSAT, but so many people overlook it!
Thanks for the link @"montaha.rizeq" && LOL'ed at the buffalo reference @"nessa.k13.0"
Haha I tried not to, but I couldn't help it
You're welcome! Yeah it does seem interesting and I love that it's absolutely free
Lol you know you didn't even try.
Awesome and interesting post!
I've joined the course and it seems really useful! Thank you for the link!
@"montaha.rizeq" I def had to stop and Google some grammar stuff so I'll be logging in for this one. Good stuff!
This is amazing. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent on LR passages deconstructing grammar during BR. Always asking myself, "What are they really saying here, and what are they not saying?" So, thanks @"montaha.rizeq" for the wonderful suggestion. This looks fun!
AWESOME! looks like we're all classmates haha
Checking this out!
Thank you for the link! Enrolled!
This course is running again starting 10/8, just fyi! Same link as the OP.
Thanks for sharing! I just enrolled!
So did I! Nothing like a good grammar refresher to bring me back to 9th grade English..
I enrolled as well. Thanks for the tip OP
Thank you. I just enrolled as well.
This is great. I hope everyone finds the course beneficial. Also if you're considering purchasing the certificate they offer financial aid options for those who qualify. It's a massive discount. Enjoy either way