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Cambridge Packet Lists

tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
in General 2573 karma

Idk if ppl are still looking for this but I just ran across this site on TLS.
The packets from all three sections for PT 1-38 are there. Of course you'll have to do your owning printing and/or copying pasting to get one cohesive pkg but it's better than nothing. I haven't really looked over the whole site but there seems to be explanations that link to the original post as well. 7Sage is there! I've only seen LG explanations but I just did a quick browse. There could be explanations from other sites as well for other sections. Hope this helps!


  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma


    So I like the idea of making your own Cambridge packet list but since they are out of print its a lot of time investment just to have a packet by question types. I know PowerScore on Amazon also sells packets that divide question by type! So its a less time consuming alternative and you end up with more time to study for LSAT.

    I also think in the end the packets are not that useful. Because although in the beginning of our prep we might need to know what to do to a question to get a necessary assumption/ strengthening answer, after you have done lets say about 20 questions like that you really don't need to be doing anymore. At this point you know what the question is asking you. What you should be working on next is identifying the argument type that might be giving you trouble. Which you can miss by just focusing on question type and not by focusing on the argument the stimulus is presenting to you. So a question type might ask you to perform different operation on the same argument type, but knowing how that argument type works, for example causal arguments/phenomena hypothesis/conditional etc, you will be able to perform that specific operation on that stimulus and get that question right.<3

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Yeah, totally agree with @Sami. The only caveat I will add is having the packets helped me a bunch when I needed to revisit a specific question type. For example, recently I realized simple S.A and MP questions were taking me way too long. So I was able to return to the packets and do like 25 of each of varying difficulty and that really helped me!

    It is also great when you are learning as Sami said. However, I do believe their efficacy can diminish once you are at a certain point in your prep. But damn! I wish they still made these! :)

  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma

    @Sami I already have the packets. I was just putting it out there for others. What you said was spot on though about question types!

    @Sami said:

    What you should be working on next is identifying the argument type that might be giving you trouble. Which you can miss by just focusing on question type and not by focusing on the argument the stimulus is presenting to you.


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