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Alright, I've done this webinar several times before and now it's time to see if I can do it while remaining within a reasonable amount of time! It's a big topic with a lot of information, but I'm cautiously optimistic!
We'll talk about how to determine where you are in your prep, and how to let your level of ability guide your efforts in order to get the most out of each PT and to progress efficiently and effectively towards your target score and beyond. Trying to study once you finish the curriculum can be really overwhelming. By the end of my prep, I had it down to a science. But I had to learn the hard way through trial and much error. But you don't! So I hope to see y'all there!
Post Curriculum Study Strategies with Sage Josh
Mon, Feb 27, 2017 8:00 PM EST
Tue, Feb 28, 2017 8:00 PM EST
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Ahhhh! This is going to be so amazing (as it always is)!
Thank you for showering us all with such wisdom and insight.
Looking fwd. Thanks Josh.
I really appreciate these because I glean a lot from them. Thanks for your effort cause I know you don't have to do these.
Cracking up at your GIF!!! See you Monday night:)
I will certainly be there!
Right after Jeopardy! You da man!
I'm going to be needing this. Been out of the loop of prepping due to work/injury! I love how you still do these Josh!
I am missing The Bachelor finale for this.
I'll be there for the dreamy drawl!
I keep up with that show too but this season has been soo boring! Nick is too afraid to fall in love and that makes it not romantic. So I don't think we are missing out much!
@Sami I'm pulling for Corrine to win!
That's too funny! Corrine should stay single and have her own bachelorette show! Now that would be fun to watch.
Tonight is the finale????
False alarm - The Bachelor finale is not until March 13!
@Walliums I thought tonight was part 1 of a 2 part finale and the 12th was the "Women Tell All" special talk show. I stand corrected
As I typed that, I realized I am wayyyy too into the Bachelor. hahahah
Fortunately no. Tonight is the 1 of 2 parts for the final three. Women tell all is the 6th. Then the finale!
Honestly I am going to be grumpy if tonight is the night he sends Rachel home because then we won't know who of the three will win. I want Corinne to win because, honestly, he deserves her.
. I want Corinne to win because, honestly, he deserves her.
lmao I really like Vanessa but she is too good for him. Nick is kinda immature so yeah, he can have Corinne.
Will this webinar be recorded?
@mikanna Josh recorded the Webinar but there have been past issues on GoToMeeting so it may not be available for upload. Hopefully you can attend tomorrow night at 8pm EST:)
@BinghamtonDave and @Walliums
Corrine got sent home!!!!!
I didn't even see it since I was at the awesome webinar! Thank God or it would have been too much! lol jk
I didn't see you all there! So were you guys watching the show?
@Sami I want to kick your caboose!! I have it recorded lol - but I saw that Corinne was hanging out with the bologna steroid guy so figured she was getting screen time while she could...
lol I am so sorry Tyler I didn't even realize I might be giving out a spoiler!!
And is she really hanging out with that crazy Chad guy? She just lost my respect! lmao
Love it that you actually know that guys name - but I have to agree with you earlier - Nick is not in it and never has been imo which made it hard to watch good girls get caught up in it?? >>
Hopefully I can make the one tonight and hear Josh's dreamy drawl and excellent info!
Thanks so much for coming everyone!
@"Cant Get Right" We obviously need to get you involved in Bachelor now that you aren't studying for LSAT
I was watching but I came in late so the first thing I saw was Corinne crying in the car. </3