Join us as we go over the LR sections in PT 68

Saturday, March 18th at 5PM ET: PT 68
Click here to join this conversation:
Please click the link and comment if you plan on participating.
You can also dial in to the BR call by using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 617-377-325
The Full Schedule
And if you’d like to see the full schedule for upcoming sessions, here it is:
- For everyone: take the PT under timed conditions; BR as you are able on your own; then join us for all or part of the call—everyone is welcome.
- Note: For the purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review score together at the very end of the call
So at least don't say ... "No guys, really, it's D, I checked it.” KEEP THE CORRECT ANSWER TO YOURSELF. Win the argument with your reasoning.
- These groups work best when folks from ALL stages of prep and with all different goals join in! Not just for "super-preppers" and definitely not just for the casual LSATer (does such a person exist?).
- The only expectation anyone has for these calls is for you to have fun and ask questions as you desire. We are just a bunch of LSAT lovers who gather via GoToMeeting and intellectually slaughter each test.
@dml277 @BinghamtonDave @SherryS1 @aimhigher @leannasamson @Omed_OvO @cm214998 @nanchito @"Lauren L" @Emely.Moreta @"el chucho" @jgsisco @Sharmetz @877blessed @mnrahall @jennagould60 @Citygirl @aaronmorris222 @bswise2 @KWoulf13 @mckenzieleanne10 @hhhiser_06 @DinnerAtSix @couchifer @poohbear @smartaone2 @red_ambrosia @crp9ce @DiligenFxy0628 @karen.sov @spbarry @cfield.3 @JustDoIt @lawgikal @TheMikey @justicedst @bbutler @Mitzyyyy @AlexandriaD @"Burt Macklin" @"adore-no" @twssmith @gaandrsn @RafaelBernard @CinnamonTea @TheMikey @sheridan9194 @jimmyrivera201 @meg321go @carlistics @draj0623 @jcorine26 @caitieadams @ppcoelho1 @Gladiator_2015 @sunnyvictoria0610 @yamameerzada484 @bruingirl1205 @emilyxiong315 @lawschoolstuff16 @joneselisabethpenn @gaandrsn @tsan220 @Grace... @dantlee14 @dannyshaw @"Not Ralph Nader" @etphonehome @"subi rami" @cetienn2 @zyahya @Connor180 @Walliums @canadalegalbiz @jeremybentham @HennaC15 @helentang02 @imekahel @sacksj18 @Mattglandry @trxdsd91 @jknauf @hernandk @far_k_hd @BenjiM123 @morganclarke @phelanj75 @d_villa @5everLSATing @mo.sheikh @zyahya @cetienn2 @"subi rami" @etphonehome @rachaels @"Michelle Juma" @rpffj1213, @alex.e92, @McLovinLSAT, @bswise2, @corgimeister, @BryantFu @leslieh327, @etphonehome, @evan3826 @danielznelson @cskent329 @"jw316 TLS" @BenjaminSF @amedley88 @dcdcdcdcdc @"maple sarap" @amedley88 @poohbear @cvo1 @LsatChic @hylycdi! @"nessa.k13.0" @"Ann Marie"
Hey @twssmith and @"nessa.k13.0" - I know the post for yesterday's study group is gone but I just wanted to say thank you to you both! Looking forward to chatting with you all again on Saturday
@"nessa.k13.0" Is this scheduled to end by 7:30 or can we move to discord after that if we'd still like to go over some questions?
@dml277 definitely check if we're still on the call.
I plan on being there!
I only have one question but I have family here from Florida
@"nessa.k13.0" I am so Bummed:(
I was not able to finish BR for the LR - Have a great call:)
Is the BR call still on? I logged in and it says "Waiting for the organizer to arrive" and I don't see anyone else on the call
Hey yall, I can't start GTM by clicking the link so I'm trying another way.
I already typed in the code on the GotoMeeting app (rather than clicking the link which has, in the past, been glitchy)
Everyone try again:)
still cant get in
Me neither
is the call still going on? i can't get in
We're still going over questions. @7SageThanks go to --go to and put in the access code
I hope y'all had a great call! My spouse's family was in town and unfortunately couldn't make it. Will talk with you guys on Wednesday!