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Who is ready to leave everyone behind in June!
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Taking a PT on Monday under "true" test conditions has not given me enough time for a thorough BR before the Wed night BR calls - hence the move to Thursday:) If this change impacts you to not be able to join, pls let me know.
For June takers, we should be able to cover the LR questions and possibly discuss specific RC/LG on the calls. If we are tight as a group preparing for June, then we should be able to make it work to cover all aspects of the PT whether within the calls or working together to meet on other forums to ensure understanding:)
Here is my plan & hope you will join getting Test Day ready...
- Monday: Take a PT under the most realistic simulation of test day
- Tues-Wed: BR the heck out of it and join Thurs &/or Sat BR calls
- Evaluate analytics & focus on weaknesses for LR
- Continue RC Intensive
- Continue to foolproof LG stack of nightmare games, lol
Look forward to what we can do in the next two months
Edited - Any feedback on "getting Test Day" ready welcome
@dml277 @BinghamtonDave @SherryS1 @aimhigher @leannasamson @Omed_OvO @cm214998 @nanchito @"Lauren L" @Emely.Moreta @"el chucho" @jgsisco @Sharmetz @877blessed @mnrahall @jennagould60 @Citygirl @aaronmorris222 @bswise2 @KWoulf13 @mckenzieleanne10 @hhhiser_06 @DinnerAtSix @couchifer @poohbear @smartaone2 @red_ambrosia @crp9ce @DiligenFxy0628 @karen.sov @spbarry @cfield.3 @JustDoIt @lawgikal @TheMikey @justicedst @bbutler @Mitzyyyy @AlexandriaD @"Burt Macklin" @"adore-no" @twssmith @gaandrsn @RafaelBernard @CinnamonTea @TheMikey @sheridan9194 @jimmyrivera201 @meg321go @carlistics @draj0623 @jcorine26 @caitieadams @ppcoelho1 @Gladiator_2015 @sunnyvictoria0610 @yamameerzada484 @bruingirl1205 @emilyxiong315 @lawschoolstuff16 @joneselisabethpenn @gaandrsn @tsan220 @Grace... @dantlee14 @dannyshaw @"Not Ralph Nader" @etphonehome @"subi rami" @cetienn2 @zyahya @Connor180 @Walliums @canadalegalbiz @jeremybentham @HennaC15 @helentang02 @imekahel @sacksj18 @Mattglandry @trxdsd91 @jknauf @hernandk @far_k_hd @BenjiM123 @morganclarke @phelanj75 @d_villa @5everLSATing @mo.sheikh @zyahya @cetienn2 @"subi rami" @etphonehome @rachaels @"Michelle Juma" @rpffj1213, @alex.e92, @McLovinLSAT, @bswise2, @corgimeister, @BryantFu @leslieh327, @etphonehome, @evan3826 @danielznelson @cskent329 @"jw316 TLS" @BenjaminSF @amedley88 @dcdcdcdcdc @"maple sarap" @amedley88 @poohbear @cvo1 @LsatChic @hylycdi! @"nessa.k13.0" @"Ann Marie"
Thanks for this heads up @twssmith ! p.s. Love the gif...there's no time to "horse around" when it comes to June
Jumping into the calls this week!
hey guys! I just started PTing, is it beneficial for me to start doing whatever PT you're in so I can be included in this? Or should I follow the schedule of PTs available...
Depends on how far out you are from your goal. If you are PTing roughly where you need to be, and plan on taking the test in June it wouldn't hurt. However, it's typically recommended to save the newest tests for as close to your scheduled date as possible. This is recommended so that you can get a firm understanding of the underlying material and concepts. If you aren't sitting until September I would save this for later.
@KWoulf13 Look forward to meeting you:)
@tcookPHL Always welcome on the calls! @Mellow_Z offered great points to evaluate if you should jump into the 70's:)
If you want to share any of your goals and PT status to help talk about your specific situation, please let us know!
Hi @twssmith! Thanks for the great post! Mind sharing some of your "nightmare games?"
@JustDoIt Definitely happy to share! Will pull together a list over the weekend:)
So are the Thursday calls mainly going to focus on the 2 LR sections and Saturday RC/LG?
I've seen the schedule for the BR calls before but is it posted somewhere on the site?
Update: Found it.
@KWoulf13 We will try to cover all aspects of the test on both sessions:)
Different people attending the sessions have different questions they want to cover so I try to attend both:)