June'17 Weeknight Study Group | Moving to Thursdays - March 30th - 7pm | PT70

twssmithtwssmith Alum
edited March 2017 in Study Groups 5120 karma

Who is ready to leave everyone behind in June!

Click here to join this conversation: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/794287189
You can also dial in to the BR call by using your phone.
United States +1 (571) 317-3112
Access Code: 794-287-189

Taking a PT on Monday under "true" test conditions has not given me enough time for a thorough BR before the Wed night BR calls - hence the move to Thursday:) If this change impacts you to not be able to join, pls let me know.

For June takers, we should be able to cover the LR questions and possibly discuss specific RC/LG on the calls. If we are tight as a group preparing for June, then we should be able to make it work to cover all aspects of the PT whether within the calls or working together to meet on other forums to ensure understanding:)

Here is my plan & hope you will join getting Test Day ready...
- Monday: Take a PT under the most realistic simulation of test day
- Tues-Wed: BR the heck out of it and join Thurs &/or Sat BR calls
- Evaluate analytics & focus on weaknesses for LR
- Continue RC Intensive
- Continue to foolproof LG stack of nightmare games, lol

Look forward to what we can do in the next two months <3

Edited - Any feedback on "getting Test Day" ready welcome :)


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