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Feeling Down

jaefromcanadajaefromcanada Alum Member
edited May 2017 in General 315 karma

Here to vent a little bit.

I've been having horrible headaches this week and put in couple bad PT's.

Last week, I PT'd 65 and got a 167/173. Highest BR score and second highest real score ever.
The last 2 PT's this week have been 161 and 162 (both high BR scores).

I have been rock steady in LG for some time now but this week I missed -7 and -9. The new RC is difficult, but I have improved from not being able to even finish to becoming better. One silver lining is my LR, which I scored as good as -2 on.

I feel like I have a good grasp on the fundamentals but it's just been tough. Hope you guys have had a better week then me.

Edit: Any advice/encouragements/venting is welcome :):):)


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Congrats on that very sexy score!

    Don't let a bad section get you down -- we've all been there!

    Headaches are the worst. I have extreme sensitivity to light and get migraines quite often. When that happens, stay away from screens and take a break.

    New RC is definitely more challenging. Oddly enough I can't put my finger on exactly why, but on the earlier tests it was one of my best sections. Keep working on it. Seems like you've already made significant improvements in RC and LR. So feel good about that :)

    Advice: fool proof the LG sections until you're going -0. Test scores are just diagnostics to gauge our weaknesses; nothing more, nothing less. I know it is easier said then done, but try to control your emotions. All that matter is what you score on the real thing. Better to get tons wrong now and have the ability to address any problems before you sit for the real thing.

    Also, how many PTs are you doing per week? It's Thursday and you've already done two? I would suggest maybe putting the breaks on the PTs and spreading them out more if possible. Spend the time drilling and really figuring out what you can do to avoid missing similar questions in the future. What has helped me is doing a 1-page write-up/assessment after every PT I take. I make sure to note details about the questions I missed and then I return to the CC/books as needed. I also note whatever I figure out while BR (did I misread/ make a careless mistake, not understand the logic, or do I just need more practice with a Q type because I suck, lol)

    If you're really feeling down don't be afraid to take a couple days off. Burn out is all too real. Every time I've taken a couple of days off I come back and do really well. Have fun this weekend, eat some ice cream, and hang with friends and loved ones! It can truly make all the difference.

    Feel better and be proud of how well you're doing. A couple of bad sections that killed your PT scores don't matter. You are capable of a 170 if you can BR at that level. Figure out what you have to do to get there! You got this.

  • J ArandaJ Aranda Member
    48 karma

    Keep it up. Don't let a few bad PT's get you down. I had a bad PT this weekend. I went up in score, but not by alot. Just keep pumping them out, we all have our bad days.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    Your high score of 167 does say you are capable of an awesome score so don't let a few bad scores bring you down. I know its easier said than done, I have had my fair share of scores that make me feel down, the only thing you can do is keep going. That's the only way to score your high score. Just know you are fully capable of this high score and you will score at that level again, if not higher : ) .

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    Taking a few days off and relaxing might do you some good as well. Idk if your headaches are in any way related to burnout but a lot of people will experience a dip in scores when they get to that point in their studies. And more often than not, they will see their scores jump back up after taking a few days away from LSAT.

  • rafaelitorafaelito Alum Member
    1063 karma

    Yeah, that is why average is more indicative of performance than any one score. You're doing great imo!

  • jaefromcanadajaefromcanada Alum Member
    315 karma

    @"Alex Divine" @jaranda @Sami @Mellow_Z @RafaelBernard

    Thank you guys so much for the kind words, advice and encouragement. I'm gonna take a couple days to get my mind right and get back at it.

    This community is the best. Have a good weekend guys.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited May 2017 23929 karma

    @jaefromcanada said:
    @"Alex Divine" @jaranda @Sami @Mellow_Z @RafaelBernard

    Thank you guys so much for the kind words, advice and encouragement. I'm gonna take a couple days to get my mind right and get back at it.

    This community is the best. Have a good weekend guys.

    No problem, bud. We've all been there. Have a good rest of your weekend and try to relax! :)

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @jaefromcanada said:
    @"Alex Divine" @jaranda @Sami @Mellow_Z @RafaelBernard

    Thank you guys so much for the kind words, advice and encouragement. I'm gonna take a couple days to get my mind right and get back at it.

    This community is the best. Have a good weekend guys.

    Definitely <3. It's pretty normal and part of the LSAT journey. Have fun on your days off!!! <3

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