@holmes_j12 said:
I am super late with reading this, but I am very interested in joining the group! I am also on the east coast and work full time, so this time works perfectly for me. I will look forward to your post with more details.
Not late at all. The party has just begun!
@"a.ruqaiia" said:
thanks @Mellow_Z for taking the initiative to organize this! Do you know if we will have a 7sage mentor to help guide this?
That's part of the details that are being worked out. Stay tuned.
Okay official notice. We are going to do a get together this Sunday at 7PM eastern to discuss expectations and study schedule. Please try to make it; I don't plan on it lasting much more than 30-60 mins depending on how much feedback I get, but this meeting will kind of dictate the pace of the group, so if you plan on being a regular and to be included in the future, please please please try to make it. Shoot me a message if you can't due to other plans.
@Mellow_Z said:
Okay official notice. We are going to do a get together this Sunday at 7PM eastern to discuss expectations and study schedule. Please try to make it; I don't plan on it lasting much more than 30-60 mins depending on how much feedback I get, but this meeting will kind of dictate the pace of the group, so if you plan on being a regular and to be included in the future, please please please try to make it. Shoot me a message if you can't due to other plans.
Great! I'll be there. Are you planning to do this via GoToMeeting or other apps (like Skype)?
Let's do this guys!!! I am excited... I am patiently waiting to burn the practice tests for our study group lol. So I just keep going over the core curriculum everyday. I have test 40 ready to go... hahahaha
@Mellow_Z Hey I know I'm really late to the party but I'm definitely interested! I do work on Sunday night though. Could I PM you if I can't work something out at work and see what the plan is?
@akeegs92 said: @Mellow_Z Hey I know I'm really late to the party but I'm definitely interested! I do work on Sunday night though. Could I PM you if I can't work something out at work and see what the plan is?
Yeah sure thing. We won't be discussing anything top secret by any means. I'll keep you in the posts so you can hopefully make the next one.
I just wanted a formal gathering to hopefully get this "routine" of getting everyone together started. I'd like to get a feel for what kind of students that will be attending and what the group as a whole wants. If I come up with any questions I'll be sure to send them your way to get your feedback as well.
Also - we have a timing conflict due to Sami's review session from 6pm-7:30pm eastern. I plan on just starting our group after hers ends. If any of you need some extra RC review (who doesn't?!) I highly recommend checking it out!
Sorry for the adjustment in schedule, and hopefully 7:30 works for everyone!
@Mellow_Z said:
Also - we have a timing conflict due to Sami's review session from 6pm-7:30pm eastern. I plan on just starting our group after hers ends. If any of you need some extra RC review (who doesn't?!) I highly recommend checking it out!
Sorry for the adjustment in schedule, and hopefully 7:30 works for everyone!
Great I really want to improve my RC. How is the meeting being done?
Here is our GoToMeeting link. We will be using the same link as Sami, so if you join a few minutes early, don't be confused by the discussion! We will transition after her group wraps up.
September Study Group Kickoff!
Sun, May 28, 2017 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM EDT ??? (estimate on ending time)
@Mellow_Z said:
Also - we have a timing conflict due to Sami's review session from 6pm-7:30pm eastern. I plan on just starting our group after hers ends. If any of you need some extra RC review (who doesn't?!) I highly recommend checking it out!
Sorry for the adjustment in schedule, and hopefully 7:30 works for everyone!
Great I really want to improve my RC. How is the meeting being done?
In terms of how our group will be done, we will all join up on GoToMeeting, and just talk through some discussion points I have made up. I'll go over a tentative schedule, I'll discuss my ideas for the group, my expectations for you guys, expectations for myself, and we will try to hammer out a rough overview of what we want to accomplish over the next few months.
@Mellow_Z said:
Here is our GoToMeeting link. We will be using the same link as Sami, so if you join a few minutes early, don't be confused by the discussion! We will transition after her group wraps up.
September Study Group Kickoff!
Sun, May 28, 2017 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM EDT ??? (estimate on ending time)
@Mellow_Z said:
Also - we have a timing conflict due to Sami's review session from 6pm-7:30pm eastern. I plan on just starting our group after hers ends. If any of you need some extra RC review (who doesn't?!) I highly recommend checking it out!
Sorry for the adjustment in schedule, and hopefully 7:30 works for everyone!
Great I really want to improve my RC. How is the meeting being done?
In terms of how our group will be done, we will all join up on GoToMeeting, and just talk through some discussion points I have made up. I'll go over a tentative schedule, I'll discuss my ideas for the group, my expectations for you guys, expectations for myself, and we will try to hammer out a rough overview of what we want to accomplish over the next few months.
Thank you for the details, I look forward to working hard and achieving greatness with everybody!
@Mellow_Z I'm interested but I'm wondering if Sundays at 7:30 is a set time? If so it conflicts with a previous commitment of mine, but if they are going to be at different times I might be able to make some.
@kvbusbee said: @Mellow_Z I'm interested but I'm wondering if Sundays at 7:30 is a set time? If so it conflicts with a previous commitment of mine, but if they are going to be at different times I might be able to make some.
I think Sunday evenings are going to be the set time unfortunately. I chose it because it seemed like it worked for a lot of the people who were posting in here (at the time). If it doesn't work for you I highly recommend looking for another time that works for you, and others, and making an additional study group! It sucks, but there will always be a few people with scheduling conflicts.
Hey guys, is it too late for me?I am registered for December and I am on the east coast. I am trying to finish CC before I tackle the PT's. I am still trying to get through really understanding LR, but I think I could really gain a lot from being a part of it. I will know the least, but hopefully I can learn a lot. Can you guys fit me in?
@shindavis16 said:
Hey guys, is it too late for me?I am registered for December and I am on the east coast. I am trying to finish CC before I tackle the PT's. I am still trying to get through really understanding LR, but I think I could really gain a lot from being a part of it. I will know the least, but hopefully I can learn a lot. Can you guys fit me in?
I have the PTs spaced out fairly generously, especially the later and more recent tests. I have my backup plan as December and I wanted to make sure I had enough material to continue studying on up until the , so I made sure to space them out for this reason. I think it still could be beneficial for you if you worked on the earlier tests with us.
Also, it's not too late. I don't have my doors closed (yet)
@Mellow_Z said:
I have the PTs spaced out fairly generously, especially the later and more recent tests. I have my backup plan as December and I wanted to make sure I had enough material to continue studying on up until the , so I made sure to space them out for this reason. I think it still could be beneficial for you if you worked on the earlier tests with us.
Also, it's not too late. I don't have my doors closed (yet)
Awesome!! If you don't mind, I would love to join. I haven't done this before, so you may need to just tell me what I do, or when to show up online. Thanks again.
I have the PTs spaced out fairly generously, especially the later and more recent tests. I have my backup plan as December and I wanted to make sure I had enough material to continue studying on up until the , so I made sure to space them out for this reason. I think it still could be beneficial for you if you worked on the earlier tests with us.
Also, it's not too late. I don't have my doors closed (yet)
Hey @Mellow_Z would you mind sharing the PT schedule you've created?
Not late at all. The party has just begun!
That's part of the details that are being worked out. Stay tuned.
I'm looking forward to seeing the official notice!
I'm in please tag me too!
I'm in as well! West Coast time FWIW
I chose Sunday evenings in hopes of accommodating everyone of all time zones (in the continental US at least)
I'm in too - I am taking the December LSAT.
Is this starting this weekend?? MDW would be perfect.
I'm not familiar with the acronym of MDW, but yeah Sunday night I would like to have a brief get together to discuss the group.
haha, no worries Memorial Day Weekend @Mellow_Z
MDW is perfect- Please tag me!
Tag me too for MDW if you are going to go over the goals, etc please!
Looking forward to meeting this Sunday night!
Okay official notice. We are going to do a get together this Sunday at 7PM eastern to discuss expectations and study schedule. Please try to make it; I don't plan on it lasting much more than 30-60 mins depending on how much feedback I get, but this meeting will kind of dictate the pace of the group, so if you plan on being a regular and to be included in the future, please please please try to make it. Shoot me a message if you can't due to other plans.
@"Adam Hawks"
@"becky ried"
@"J. Tharp"
@"Jay Bird"
@"Lauren L"
@"Michelle Juma"
@"Warren Chu"
editing others names in for easy reference in the future.
Great! I'll be there. Are you planning to do this via GoToMeeting or other apps (like Skype)?
Yes, also is there a link that we can click on on Sunday?
Sounds good! Thanks @Mellow_Z for organising this!
Will be there. Thanks for setting this up.
I would like to be added too please!
Can't wait - thank you, @Mellow_Z for initiating this!
Interested!! Please tag me in the future.
Great, can't wait!
Will be there. Thanks.
will be there!
thank you for organizing this!
@Mellow_Z I'd love to join if there is still room!
Sure thing. I included your name in the tag, just stop by if you can make it!
@Mellow_Z I would like to join too!! please tag me:)
Let's do this guys!!! I am excited... I am patiently waiting to burn the practice tests for our study group lol. So I just keep going over the core curriculum everyday. I have test 40 ready to go... hahahaha
@Mellow_Z Hey I know I'm really late to the party but I'm definitely interested! I do work on Sunday night though. Could I PM you if I can't work something out at work and see what the plan is?
Yeah sure thing. We won't be discussing anything top secret by any means. I'll keep you in the posts so you can hopefully make the next one.
I just wanted a formal gathering to hopefully get this "routine" of getting everyone together started. I'd like to get a feel for what kind of students that will be attending and what the group as a whole wants. If I come up with any questions I'll be sure to send them your way to get your feedback as well.
Also - we have a timing conflict due to Sami's review session from 6pm-7:30pm eastern. I plan on just starting our group after hers ends. If any of you need some extra RC review (who doesn't?!) I highly recommend checking it out!
Sorry for the adjustment in schedule, and hopefully 7:30 works for everyone!
@Mellow_Z Awesome! Thanks!
Great I really want to improve my RC. How is the meeting being done?
Here is our GoToMeeting link. We will be using the same link as Sami, so if you join a few minutes early, don't be confused by the discussion! We will transition after her group wraps up.
September Study Group Kickoff!
Sun, May 28, 2017 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM EDT ??? (estimate on ending time)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3112
Access Code: 765-397-405
First GoToMeeting? Try a test session: https://care.citrixonline.com/g2m/getready
How is Sami's being done? Or our kickoff?
You can view the RC discussion here - https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/11189/free-rc-tutoring-economics-passage-sunday-may-28-6-p-m-edt
In terms of how our group will be done, we will all join up on GoToMeeting, and just talk through some discussion points I have made up. I'll go over a tentative schedule, I'll discuss my ideas for the group, my expectations for you guys, expectations for myself, and we will try to hammer out a rough overview of what we want to accomplish over the next few months.
Im in!! Anyone in the DFW area?!:)
Thank you for the details, I look forward to working hard and achieving greatness with everybody!
Please tag me in. I'm interested in joining this group.
@Mellow_Z I'm interested but I'm wondering if Sundays at 7:30 is a set time? If so it conflicts with a previous commitment of mine, but if they are going to be at different times I might be able to make some.
I'm in, plz include me in any group you end up making!
I think Sunday evenings are going to be the set time unfortunately. I chose it because it seemed like it worked for a lot of the people who were posting in here (at the time). If it doesn't work for you I highly recommend looking for another time that works for you, and others, and making an additional study group! It sucks, but there will always be a few people with scheduling conflicts.
ill be there plz send meeting link
Please scroll up in the comments to see the meeting link.
Interested !! Tag me as well
@Mellow_Z thanks I'll be there! Can you include @"Kristen B"
Im interested tag me as well!!
Hey guys, is it too late for me?I am registered for December and I am on the east coast. I am trying to finish CC before I tackle the PT's. I am still trying to get through really understanding LR, but I think I could really gain a lot from being a part of it. I will know the least, but hopefully I can learn a lot. Can you guys fit me in?
I have the PTs spaced out fairly generously, especially the later and more recent tests. I have my backup plan as December and I wanted to make sure I had enough material to continue studying on up until the , so I made sure to space them out for this reason. I think it still could be beneficial for you if you worked on the earlier tests with us.
Also, it's not too late. I don't have my doors closed (yet)
Awesome!! If you don't mind, I would love to join.
I haven't done this before, so you may need to just tell me what I do, or when to show up online.
Thanks again.
Hey @Mellow_Z would you mind sharing the PT schedule you've created?