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Is score still visible if I cancel

batniki1batniki1 Alum Member
in General 226 karma

Hi everyone, could someone please verify that I will be able to still see my score and answers on the real LSAT if I decide to cancel the scoring within the 6 days?


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    You won't be able to see your score if you cancel.

    "You will not receive a score or a copy of your answer sheet."

  • batniki1batniki1 Alum Member
    226 karma

    @akistotle But it doesn't say that I won't receive my Item Response sheet?

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    @therealnas said:
    @akistotle But it doesn't say that I won't receive my Item Response sheet?

    I think you won't be able to know how you would have done.

    This is from Powerscore:

    "if you took a disclosed test (i.e., all standard administrations of the June, September/October and December test), then you will get a copy of test questions. However, you will not receive a copy of your answer sheet."

  • dantlee14dantlee14 Free Trial Member
    617 karma

    You won't be able to see your score or receive your answer sheet. I also wouldn't worry about score cancellation unless you know that you absolutely bombed a section and didn't have time to answer a bunch of questions.

    Also, if you're seriously thinking about score cancellation for June already (I'm guessing that's why you're asking), I'd recommend just delaying the test until September. It's a really tough decision and sucks to throw away $200, but it's just not worth it to take the test if you're not ready. Schools will see the fact that you canceled the score, and that's never a bonus on your application (and in some instances can hurt a lot).

    I did that last September (withdrew from the test at 11PM the night before), and although I didn't quite hit my target score in December - which is why I'm retaking it in 10 days - I did WAY better than I would have if I'd bit the bullet and taken in September. Some schools do still average your LSAT scores, so a bad first take can really tank your chances at getting accepted to a top school.

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