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Saturday. Yay or nay?

nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
in General 1723 karma

So currently i work from 9-1 and study from 1-3:30 and then work from 3:30 until 8:30 and then study from 8:30 till 11 pm i have a pretty packed schedule and i was wondering what you guys think of taking a break on saturday from studying. Seeing as i keep the sabbath, i wouldnt be able to start studying until 9:30 pm and on. So it would be a late night anyways. Any thoughts?


  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma

    Wow, impressive schedule. I say nay for studying on Saturday. If your mind is up for it, you can certainly do some light review/drills to keep your mind fresh.

  • melissa091melissa091 Alum Member
    150 karma

    I second the nay on Saturdays. Remember: there are 120 hours in the m-f week! If you're working 40 hours, studying about 27.5 hours, AND getting the recommended 40 hours of sleep, that only leaves a little over 10 hours a week to eat, exercise, and simply stay sane!! Avoid the burnout and as Sprinkles suggested, take it easy!
    Just an outsiders perspective :)
    Best of luck with your studies!

  • Brazil020511Brazil020511 Alum Member
    429 karma

    Not only do I think taking a break on Saturday is good for you, I think its imperative for a higher score. Your mind needs time to process and relax. It's like exercising your muscles. You have to "go hard" with training your body by challenging it with drills and various workouts. Then you must rest to allow your body to adjust. I believe this works with the LSAT as well. You have a rigorous schedule (which I admire) so, Saturday is great time to relax and let your brain adjust and absorb the material. Plus, you should not interfere with your religious beliefs as well.

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Thanks a mill for the advice, yeah the schedule is alot i also powerlift at 5 am so im pretty bombed come saturday

  • jzzravenjzzraven Alum Member
    140 karma

    Dang that is very impressive! I say take the whole day off. Most important is that on your rest days you are able to relax and not feel guilty about not studying. If you find that you aren't enjoying your Shabbat because you are worrying about not studying, then I say it may be beneficial to throw in a couple hours after. But if that's not a problem for you then TOTALLY take the day off and have some motzash fun :)

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    I keep the Sabbath too and I did some Saturday night studies but I got too burnt out. It also made me not enjoy the Sabbath because the whole time I was thinking about what to study once the sun set lol! Enjoy the day off you'll thank yourself later :)

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